When posters aren't liked.


Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
I think the ones who keep pointing out they do not like certain posters are the ones who are more annoying than the posters they are pointing out.

Say David is posting and he is not well liked, then if those who do not like him would just ignore and not keep bumping his threads with their own crying, then he would quite likely go away sooner.

The ones who always point out others faults seem to be more of a headache than the poster they do not like.

Neither is better than the other as a poster when thet act like this.

Those who complain about others appear to bring down the board faster than those who just made the post of concern.


Rx. Senior
Sep 21, 2004

You pre-empted me in so much as I was going to post a similar thread. While agreeing with your synopsis of the situation, I feel you have only given remedies, not cures to the problem.

My reasons for joining this Forum, was to share the many hours I put into formulating NFL games from a betting standpoint, and maybe, be of help to people, from my 35 years of gambling (16 as a bookie) of the finer points of betting and the pitfalls. In return, I could draw on the many well informed posters on this site(yourself included) which would help me with my betting.

However, after 1 pre-season week, or should I call it silly season, I have found the boards being overrun with pointless threads.

To Quote,

NO-1.5 this looks good.

Patriots-2.5 the first of many plays

1-0 so far pre-season Gaints+21/2

Green Bay+1 this will win bet it or dont.

NY+120 NY+2.5

One person posted 13 half time plays, which took him approx 15 mins to post, not alone bet them and expect time for his followers to bet also.

The point I am making is, these posts are worthless and only run the better posts off the boards. Sooner or later, the better posters will ask themselves, why am I bothering and leave.

I feel The Moderators have a duty to prevent posters clogging up the boards with threads that are meaningless. Why can they not be put under a new heading? it is obviously not a new problem, what has the moderators thoughts been in the past?.

PS: I do not include people who post a thread with their bets that has some sort of reasoning behind them, EG, Panther, ATX,Tahoerebel etc.
Sep 20, 2004
This can all be solved by following a simple piece of advice.

If you don't like someones post or style of posting then don't read threads started by them.

The last thing that only the mods can do is have posts put where they belong ala Rail's baseball picks belong in the baseball forum, not the offshore forum.

Rx. Senior
Sep 21, 2004

The problem is not, reading these threads. The problem is logging on to a myraid of worthless posts that knock off posts that people might find informative. What, in your opinion, has anyone to gain from the posts I quoted.
Sep 20, 2004
There is no clear cut answer to your question eventhough I see the points you bring up.

Each person likes or wants different things from posters. Some want the picks to do what they choose & some want these picks with lengthy writeups.

Since each person has different wants, there to me is no way to bring a clear cut answer to the table.

All I could suggest is just look for the posters you like. If anything what should be cut out totally is the multiple threads for picks.

I don't see what is so hard with putting all your picks in one thread for the day & update with anything you want. I get annoyed when person A has a lock in the afternoon & has their GOTY lock at night & feels the need to start a new post.
Sep 20, 2004
Am I mistaken in assuming this forum has the notification features to notify subscribers if select people post?


New member
Sep 21, 2004

by week 4 or 5 of the NFL regular season appx 50% of the posters with the posts that you described will be done posting. They simply run out of money. Sure they re-up on occasion, but they tend to clutter less after they find the taste of foot-in-mouth unappealing. I have felt the same way that you do, but I just remember that a lot of the people with no advantage and no money management system are gone in just a few short weeks. It's really not worth it to even try to talk sense to the majority of those people, I just dont like people to mislead others, especially with ridiculous claims and juiced records, and if I see something like that going on it's not in my character to just let it slide.

I know what you mean regarding write-ups. There's no possible way for me to do many write-ups. If I tried to do just a couple a day, the line moves in the meantime would make it expensive. On the vast majority of my wagers they are based on the line being 10 cents or less off perceived value. It's very difficult and even more time consuming to put that into words in the form of a write-up that discredits all the meaningless trends that so many people base their plays on. I've tried before and I usually get negative feedback. People just dont understand that when one team wins 7 games in a row or beats another 7 times in a row, more often than not the value is on the other team. What I try to do when I have time (and decide not to sleep for 3 days) is explain the logic behind what I'm doing--it's actually very systematic. How do I benefit? I get feedback. And from both people who are considered sharp, and from those who definitely are not. The opinions from both are valuable, one for one reason, and the other to gain an understanding of why the public wagers the way that they do.

I have seen a lot of good posters leave because of this:

they post their plays
they include write-ups
they are confident in their wagers
they get rebuttals, and tempers flare a little
invariably even good posters are going to go thru losing streaks even to the point of a losing record at some point

I think the posters that have an advantage in the games that they choose should wager on more games, this will define their advantage more profitably. I see a lot of people that can beat the oddsmakers settle on 2 or 3 games. They should be wagering on ANY event in which they have even a SLIGHT +EV. There seems to be a consensus that believes that it is suicide to wager on more than just a few games. Truth is, playing on any game in which you have a .01 advantage is profitable long term. What did the computer group do?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
holy sh** that was a long post.

I didnt realize I typed that fast.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by EveryGamblersDream:
Am I mistaken in assuming this forum has the notification features to notify subscribers if select people post?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You are correct on the notification features. Good idea on the other post by the way. I'm a mod and I exclude reading threads from some people, LOL.
Sep 21, 2004
General, the "attacking whiners" usually are the worse of the two....they are often the stalker types, but I could be classified as that when I decided to come over here & prevent people from believing JJ's bullshit.

If anyone doesn't believe me, do a search. It's all a game to him, but it has real effects on real people & real businesses.

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