What's the best way to be executed ?


Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I hear Saddam preferred a firing squad, more honorable ? Honor matters to us Klingons. the body is merely a shell.

If you do it yourself, hanging is cowardly, so I see his point, you hang a horse thief from earlier days, it's the least honorable way to go, and has symbolism behind it to prove it !


New member
Nov 4, 2005
klingons, wtf?

Any death that is instantaneous is a good one. Dying while some chick is riding you isn't a bad way to go either.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
hanging is dishonarable, it's like a statement ... you not only die... you die badly ! That's why Saddam would prefer firing squad. There is no honor in a hanging, you rob that last bit from the guy by hanging. Criminals are hanged/ hung, not that Saddam didn't merit it, but I'd give the guy options since I'm so kind... at least a few like injection, squad, hang, chair, or anything else within reason, that was cost effective.

Sep 20, 2004
Mr J said:
klingons, wtf?

Any death that is instantaneous is a good one. Dying while some chick is riding you isn't a bad way to go either.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Mr J said:
klingons, wtf?

Any death that is instantaneous is a good one. Dying while some chick is riding you isn't a bad way to go either.

I'm 1/8th Klingon on my father's side of the family, I need to make a visit to the homeland, haven't been there in a while.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Mr J said:
klingons, wtf?

Any death that is instantaneous is a good one. Dying while some chick is riding you isn't a bad way to go either.

most Klingons can simply blend in on Earth, by passing as bikers. Many are in Las Vegas, New Mexico


Jun 24, 2005
I think Saddam was just using reverse psychology by saying he wanted to die by a firing squad. Have you seen any footage of a firing squad taking a prisoner and binding his hands behind a pole blind-folded? They then shoot them way past dead, then use a side arm and shoot them in the head at least once to make sure, some are still alive through the first riddling. I think he feared goin' out like that.


New member
Nov 4, 2005
Angle, death may take awhile when hanging. A number of the germans convicted of war crimes during ww2 took 15-20 minutes to die.

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
Here's what I think. Everyone should be executed by using carbon monoxide; the easy, painless killer.....I'm not sure why we use anything else. Have some canisters of pure CO and have them breathe that for a few minutes. They go to sleep and there is no way any person in the history of man could live breathing pure CO. Some survive shocks and some are insensitive to pain relievers that help assist poison drips and they die in agony and such....CO and goodnight all.

I don't care what any say, I support death in many cases (many cases we don't use it we should) BUT we will do it with compassion and care and we should use CO. I was saddened by the Saddam hanging in that there were multiple people making noise....

No matter what a person has done, I do not believe in killing to cause pain. Even had they captured Hitler alive, I believe in a simple and formal execution....not some shouting and chaotic environment. I'm glad Saddam hanged. I actually am saddened that his execution environment was so unorganized and frankly ridiculous. One way that a person can separate themselves from the evil people is how they do things like this. We should be better than that and I'm ashamed that the Iraqi authority is such a fucking mess that they can't hold an orderly execution without chants and hidden video and things like that. What a pile of shit that country is going to be and there is no way we can make it different if the people there...the citizens are not willing to make change. The execution looked exactly as an execution would have looked had Saddam's power continued and his men were carrying it out on some schmoe that went against the dictator.

Anyway, I've seen many posters have opinions that I really disagree with regarding Saddam's death. I was disappointed in the nature of it being carried out.

The only difference between the good person and the bad person is what they do when in control of a situation.....


Mar 6, 2005
He got off way too easy. If I was in charge of his execution, I would have gouged his eyes out and made him eat them. Then I would have cut off one of his arms and beat him with his own arm, shove the arm up his ass, have a pit bull gnaw off his nads, take a hammer to his teeth, then douse him with honey and release the fireants...let them munch on him for a day or two until he finally dies, cut off his head, shove his dick in his mouth, then find the highest monument in Iraq and stick his f*****g head on it so every can come by and get a look. And even that would be way too kind of a sendoff for that piece of shit.

Let's not forget his followers like to blow up our young men and women, burn their bodies, drag their corpses through streets behind cars and then hang whats left off them off of bridges. His henchmen used electric drills on human beings, raped young girls, killed people in front of their own families and then made the families pay for the ammunition used, so I really have no sympathy at all for him or the way he was executed. They were very, very, very, very, very nice to Saddam all things considered.

New member
Apr 4, 2006
bilbal said:
He got off way too easy. If I was in charge of his execution, I would have gouged his eyes out and made him eat them. Then I would have cut off one of his arms and beat him with his own arm, shove the arm up his ass, have a pit bull gnaw off his nads, take a hammer to his teeth, then douse him with honey and release the fireants...let them munch on him for a day or two until he finally dies, cut off his head, shove his dick in his mouth, then find the highest monument in Iraq and stick his f*****g head on it so every can come by and get a look. And even that would be way too kind of a sendoff for that piece of shit.

Let's not forget his followers like to blow up our young men and women, burn their bodies, drag their corpses through streets behind cars and then hang whats left off them off of bridges. His henchmen used electric drills on human beings, raped young girls, killed people in front of their own families and then made the families pay for the ammunition used, so I really have no sympathy at all for him or the way he was executed. They were very, very, very, very, very nice to Saddam all things considered.

damn, i wish they would have hired u to be the executioner. I would seriously would have paid $100 on PPV to see that...


New member
Dec 10, 2006
Worst way to die, crucification!!! In my opinion, the most painful both physically and mentally method of death.

Best way to die, you just can't beat dying while some hot chick is riding you while two others are licking your balls :103631605 .

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