What The Republican Party Needs to Do Moving Forward...

Sep 21, 2004

Posted: 7:51 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 8, 2012

[h=1]Republican Party ... Let Me Help You Out [/h]
By Neal Boortz
For any freedom-loving conservative who wants to see a viable Republican Party thrive on the national stage once again, my rant from yesterday must be required listening. Go ahead. Click it. Take a listen. For you Republicans, it will make you mad. You need to be mad. You screwed up. You screwed up just as I said – have been saying for years -- you would screw up. You need to listen. Click on the link. When you listen you will know that I’m right.
It boils down to this …
The Republican Party needs an exorcism. It needs to rid itself of these abortocentrist nutcases who are chasing away voters, particularly women. This is about as clearly as I can say it: Abortion is NEVER going to be illegal. Get over it! The sooner you come to terms with this, the sooner you will be able to regain credibility with the voters. Your boys Todd Aiken, Richard Mourdock and John Koster chased away millions of female voters with their idiotic remarks about abortion … and they cost us two seats in the Senate. How bad was it? Romney carried Mourdock’s home county in Indiana! His opponent, Joe Donnelly, was the first Democrat to win a statewide race in Indiana in more than a decade! Are you listening, Republicans? Mourdock was a shoo-in! Then he opened his yap about abortion, and women went screaming for the exits. What did he say? Well – simply put – the message to women was that if you’ve been raped, don’t worry your pretty little selves over whether or not you might be pregnant, because if you are it is, after all, a gift from God!
Now here’s the problem, dear GOP leaders. Read this quote from Wayne Parke. He’s the Chairman of the Vanderburgh County Republican Party. That’s Murdock’s home country --- the one he lost:
"I was quite surprised and disappointed that Mourdock didn't carry his own county. But it's an indication that everything you say is so important and that debate comment he made just turned out to be disastrous."
Duhhhhhhh! Really? You’ve learned that lesson now, have you, Mr. Parke? Could you please send some memos to the Republican National Headquarters? Who knows --- if you and the GOP leaders had figured this out months ago, and if the word had gone out that GOP candidates needed to shut the hell up about abortion --- maybe things would look quite a bit different today.
The same goes for gay marriage. If you can make the case that a married gay couple living down the street from you, or across town for that matter, is going to have any negative impact on your own life, then I would say that we need to have a debate on the subject. Nobody has shown me that yet, so how about getting your GOP noses out of other people’s bedrooms? I’ve been on the air for years and never in my 42 years of talk radio has anyone been able to tell me how Joe and Steve living down the block in wedded bliss will have any impact on their life. Come into the 21[SUP]st[/SUP] century with me on this one and just leave the issue the hell alone. If you’re so determined to defend the institution of marriage – the concept of committed couples living together in a dedicated relationship – then why don’t you turn your attention to Hollywood. Forget about demonizing a gay couple that is every bit as much in love and committed as you are to your spouse. Aim your derision on the Hollywood crowd that looks at marriage as not much more than a new car – something to be traded in on a new model in two years.
And when it comes to immigration, rounding up all the Mexicans in this country and sending them back to Mexico is never, ever going to happen. Do you hear that? It ISN’T going to happen! Does it occur to you that these people come here because they WANT to work? Do you really have such a huge problem with aspirational people? So come up with a reasonable policy on immigration reform, and lock down the borders. No problem with that. But give up this asinine idea that those already here – those who have been here for years – are going to be loaded into railroad cars and sent back to Mexico. Do you really want that? Do you really want to depend on those Americans who would rather spend their days hanging around convenience store scratching goo off lottery tickets instead of putting in an honest days work? Do you really want to pay $16 for a BLT? Yeah .. that’s right. Scare the folks with the actual work ethic away while pampering the moochers and leaches. Yeah .. that works. What do you think a Hispanic American citizen thinks when he sees a political party dedicate itself to the cause of taking a young female college student – a young lady who has lived here since her parents brought her here illegally when she was three – and deporting her to a country she has never known? Do you think it’s likely that Hispanic citizen is going to vote for your candidate? Tell me how that works.
Stop crying in your beer and listen up. America is going to suffer another four years under Obama because of YOU. The Republican party blew this one --- big time. Abortion – gay marriage – immigration reform. The perfect electoral storm, and you couldn’t have played it any worse. Leave these issues alone! Drop them! If the GOP cannot turn loose of this mindless social conservatism, then you will be relegated to second class status (politically speaking) for the remaining days of this Republic, which may not be all that many. The Republican Party as it currently stands needs to die. Like a phoenix, it needs to burst into flames and from its ashes rebuild into a party focused on …

  • Limited government
  • Tax reform
  • A strong military
  • The rule of law
  • Reducing regulations
  • Promoting capitalism – especially small businesses
  • Restoring self-reliance
  • Honoring the Constitution
Did you see abortion or gay marriage on that list? Didn’t think so. The Republicans need to become more Libertarian and less religiously authoritarian or the Party is dead. It’s amazing that these social conservatives have managed to screw this country they claim to love so much by handing Democrats victories this week thanks to these social issues.
Sep 21, 2004

I detest gay marriage and abortion, BUT - I would put up with it, in order to get the scumbag Democrats out of office.

New member
Mar 18, 2011
You're going to have to. The times, they are ah changing my friend. Get used to open borders, too.

Nov 21, 2008
Republicanss need to run an hispanic and a black and hope the Dems run cracker ass crackers.
Oct 30, 2006
You're going to have to. The times, they are ah changing my friend. Get used to open borders, too.

Well thats just lovely....I'll just waltz right up to Canada & move right in & get me a pay under the table job so I dont have to pay any taxes & my wife will have 5 anchor babies so I can get more welfare & no property taxes to educate my kids & ship my money I made in your Country back to the States & squeeze whatever else I can get out of your sorry ass excuse of a Country til its flat broke & borrowing money to cover me for just being a pig while protesting in your streets while waving my American flag.....Oh Canada!......THANKS!

Oct 31, 2004
Watch out for a religious 3rd party that has a very legit shot at gaining some serious traction. I'm telling you now. I live in Louisiana. I am surround by some of the most far right wackos you will ever meet. I know how they think. They will not settle for a more moderate Republican Party. Look for them to start a 3 rd party that will get serious traction. Nominating someone such as Sarah Palin. There are just enough of these people in the country to be very competitive when the vote gets split 3 ways. I could easily see how someone like Palin could get a third of the vote in a 3 way race

New member
Oct 20, 2005

Have been saying this for years and years and on this forum, better late then never i guess

New member
Feb 17, 2009
Agree 100%

If they don't distance themselves from those extreme religious nut jobs they will never win the presidency again. I don't like some of the policies either...but the religious right is no longer and never will be the majority in the US again.

Sep 21, 2004
Watch out for a religious 3rd party that has a very legit shot at gaining some serious traction. I'm telling you now. I live in Louisiana. I am surround by some of the most far right wackos you will ever meet. I know how they think. They will not settle for a more moderate Republican Party. Look for them to start a 3 rd party that will get serious traction. Nominating someone such as Sarah Palin. There are just enough of these people in the country to be very competitive when the vote gets split 3 ways. I could easily see how someone like Palin could get a third of the vote in a 3 way race

Hope it happens. Takes the nutcases out of the Republican Party, and helps it on it's road to legitimacy again.

Jul 14, 2007
Watch out for a religious 3rd party that has a very legit shot at gaining some serious traction. I'm telling you now. I live in Louisiana. I am surround by some of the most far right wackos you will ever meet. I know how they think. They will not settle for a more moderate Republican Party. Look for them to start a 3 rd party that will get serious traction. Nominating someone such as Sarah Palin. There are just enough of these people in the country to be very competitive when the vote gets split 3 ways. I could easily see how someone like Palin could get a third of the vote in a 3 way race

This would be great if the republican's could just trim the far right lunatics from their party and go back to being the party of business and self-suffiency. It won't happen for awhile though, they will just continue to infest the republican party and scare the shit out of people.

New member
Jun 3, 2009

I detest gay marriage and abortion, BUT - I would put up with it, in order to get the scumbag Democrats out of office.

So you would give up your moral beliefs for politics?

Here's a dumb person's take on it. In the next election Republicans will have a better chance to win than Democrats. Take Obama out of the equation and you won't get as many black people or minorities going out to vote. The next time it will be two white guys running for presidency. Obama is an anomaly and there is not proof that Republicans are out of touch with the country.

Oct 31, 2004

Fantastic video. Love the last statement by the writer.
"the people who put the cement shoes on Romney are the same people blaming him for sinking"

that is such an awesome way to put it and 100 percent true

Oct 31, 2004
You need to watch that video fz

Sep 21, 2004
Fantastic video. Love the last statement by the writer.
"the people who put the cement shoes on Romney are the same people blaming him for sinking"Th

that is such an awesome way to put it and 100 percent true

This is BRILLIANT. Doubt if it gets through to the Idiots Running the Republican Party, or the amen chorus crowd that can see no wrong in anything the Right does. Here's more on it. Doubt if Frum will be appearing on Fox News anymore. He called them on what they are.



New member
Sep 21, 2004
So you would give up your moral beliefs for politics?

Here's a dumb person's take on it. In the next election Republicans will have a better chance to win than Democrats. Take Obama out of the equation and you won't get as many black people or minorities going out to vote. The next time it will be two white guys running for presidency. Obama is an anomaly and there is not proof that Republicans are out of touch with the country.

Grudgingly I would! Falwell's Moral Majority is no longer a majority, we just need a little tweaking here & there.

I agree however that generally speaking the Republicans are not really out of touch & that Obama is an anomaly !
Every president we ever had before Obama came from Northern European Ancestry & the country was alot better off before Obama than after Obama!

Oct 31, 2004
This is BRILLIANT. Doubt if it gets through to the Idiots Running the Republican Party, or the amen chorus crowd that can see no wrong in anything the Right does. Here's more on it. Doubt if Frum will be appearing on Fox News anymore. He called them on what they are.



great stuff. Just downloaded his book.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
David Frum was part of the problem with W, he worked for him. I think Frum, an establishment whore lecturing the Republican party is hilarious. That is of course if hasnt come clean with his conscious and changed his tune. If he has, then props. With that being said, Frum is a type the changes with the wind. He's not dumb, he sees a upheaval coming and he wants to be on the side with the wind at his back not the side that is getting dirt in the face.

Sep 22, 2007
Grudgingly I would! Falwell's Moral Majority is no longer a majority, we just need a little tweaking here & there.

I agree however that generally speaking the Republicans are not really out of touch & that Obama is an anomaly !
Every president we ever had before Obama came from Northern European Ancestry & the country was alot better off before Obama than after Obama!

Racist, brainless buffoon...

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