I didnt fall in love with it, but I only played the story line mode.
This is a fairly popular game
It is fun to make noise, draw someone out and then shoot them
I dont know if you can plant C4 like in golden eye. When you start playing there are a variety of weapons packages to choose from, so I dont remember. I always picked the one that had a sniper rifle and a handgun.
socom 2 online is up to 8 players vs 8 players...many different maps....one team is terrorists and the other team is the Seals....you can hunt down as many guys as you can find....you can snipe and do lots of things.
Goldeneye for Nintendo 64 was one of the best games ever made. I did the facility under 2 minutes on 00 Agent.
The only reason most of the other James Bond games sucked is because the company that made Goldeneye had nothing to do with the rest of them.
That's the problem in today world. Big companies make the big titles like Madden .... but it's the independant groups of guys who make the best games out there.
It's all about money and rights which are also very expensive.