Trump hands down; inherits lovely rising economy (does OK for two years; max three); fucks up economy with C-19 not acting early enough; fucks it up even after he initially fucked it up with C-19 (kinda just like inheriting money from Daddy and going bankrupt multiple times, stiffing anyone he can); documented lies daily (average since in WH 13 daily); golfs more than any president in history (and cheats at it along on taxes). Slobbers when she speaks; cant get laid without paying 130,000 - a complete and utter moron and mind of a 7th grader at best; wont take advice from people all around him that tell him to just STFU and let us do your "work" for you. And, no, I am in no way supporting Biden as he is a tool as well. US of fucked up A is fucked for next 4+years no matter what. So to disagree with all the losers that suck Hannity da Calamity's balls, Tucker da Tuggers lips, and Laura Ingman's cock.