I SEE THREADS HERE AND IN NBA, COLLEGE AND PRO FOOTBALL, THE SO CALLED CAPPERS ARE PICKING 5 and 6 GAMES!! That isnt helping any body!! Listen iam a bases guy but if you feel you can pick them then pick them !!!! Give 1 or 2 plays that win! i know who i like I/WE want to know your best play and that doesent mean you pick 5 lose 3 and then say it wAS A GOOD NIGHT!!!DO US ALL A FAVOR PICK ONLY 1 OR 2 OF YOUR BEST PICKS!!!when i go into a thread and i see 8 picks thats crap and i leave!! Lets try to change the way we do it around here!!! It might just help everybody! THANK YOU /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif