What is areef's link to scamming and is he a bonus whore? Scum of the industry, if you will.


There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
Confiscating Bonuses - Rules are unfair to the Players - Areef crying about bonus confiscation from bonus whores.

Areef crying about Dave from CBS catching him for scamming

The evidence is growing every day. Books - watch this guy

New member
Sep 20, 2004
The first two RX rules.

When is a poster a scammer? When he questions the RX.

When is a scammer not a scammer? Shrink

Pretty fvcking weak Lander. Of course i can say this because i'm not a moderator, a paid poster or a ghost.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
I'm not a moderator, paid poster or a ghost either GIL, but when a guy starts the same bash Marty thread every 23.4 hours it get me wondering ...

then when you look back into his history it's completely about scamming CBS and bonus whoring ..

it makes you understand what really happened ... he most likely tried a bonus whore drive-by on Marty's place too and was asked to take a hike.

You call it pretty fvcking weak. I call it the big picture. Maybe my point would be stronger if I posted it every day. Not too sure.

Remember GIL, every fuk like Sick Gambler and allegedly this guy that scam the industry are further jeopardizing our wallets.

Apples and oranges.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I don't see alot of proof he's a bonus whore or at least not in the same class as a sick gambler. I take bonuses too, am i a bonus whore? If they offer it i take it. If i remember correctly Areef's case with Bet CBS prompted Shrink to put them on his shit list, so to speak. Marty Jensen is a known crook. Just because he's paying SOME players back now does not make it okay. It's the same old tired story around here. If you have a opinion that does not correspond to the position the RX takes you are first attacked by either mods, ghost or paid employees in an effort to discredit you. If that doesn't work you are banned in order to silence you.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
I'm surprise you actually believe your own conspiracy theory

1. That was about the 15th IDENTICAL post he has made. ANY, yes ANY, thread that is reposted that many times is moved.

2. It was a personal attack. I made one, and it was moved to the RR and you still got upset. So much for an organized smear campaign, huh? My post was relegated to the RR (and properly so).

3. I'm not sure you're aware of the history. Did you know that Denmark national TV had a special on how to bonus whore? In fact MOST online casinos do NOT allow Denmark (among other countries).

4. Aside from Nets2K briefly being banned and later reinstated I've NEVER seen anyone banned "to silence (them)". Can you honestly say you have? I've seen people banned for stalking, trashing the forums, overkill agendas, and racism, but never in the manner you speak of.

5. Search Areef's posts - you'll see a lengthy history of constant bonus posts. His most recent was a thumbs up on Canbet's quick payout - did you know that they had a 10% XMas season reload? I don't it's a coincidence.

I take a bonus on occasion, but I've probably declined more than I've taken (not that it matters). Point is I'm sure our occasional bonuses are a whole different ballgame than these guys that do nothing but whore bonuses.

Maybe I'm wrong about the guy, but more often than not when I see 2+2 it ends up being 4.

Honestly man, I'm surprised that you actually feel this way. It's too bad - you're a cool member

New member
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lander:
I'm surprise you actually believe your own conspiracy theory

1. That was about the 15th IDENTICAL post he has made. ANY, yes ANY, thread that is reposted that many times is moved.

So what, he's not lying.

2. It was a personal attack. I made one, and it was moved to the RR and you still got upset. So much for an organized smear campaign, huh? My post was relegated to the RR (and properly so).

It was a unwarrented attack and that is my problem.

3. I'm not sure you're aware of the history. Did you know that Denmark national TV had a special on how to bonus whore? In fact MOST online casinos do NOT allow Denmark (among other countries).

If Jensen is not a crook, why is he paying anyone back???

4. Aside from Nets2K briefly being banned and later reinstated I've NEVER seen anyone banned "to silence (them)". Can you honestly say you have? I've seen people banned for stalking, trashing the forums, overkill agendas, and racism, but never in the manner you speak of.

IMO, the biggest problem with this site was the mass bannings over the last six months. I didn't always agree with the people who got banned. But i do respect there right to post what they believe.

5. Search Areef's posts - you'll see a lengthy history of constant bonus posts. His most recent was a thumbs up on Canbet's quick payout - did you know that they had a 10% XMas season reload? I don't it's a coincidence.

Just because he takes a few bonuses, that does not mean he's a bonus whore. If that were the case then 95% of the posters here are bonus whores. And in Areef's case i see no proof that suggest he's a bonus whore.

I take a bonus on occasion, but I've probably declined more than I've taken (not that it matters). Point is I'm sure our occasional bonuses are a whole different ballgame than these guys that do nothing but whore bonuses.

Agreed, but again i see no proof that Areef is nothing more than a bonus whore. Just a poster with a strong opinion.

Maybe I'm wrong about the guy, but more often than not when I see 2+2 it ends up being 4.

No proof, just an assumption.

Honestly man, I'm surprised that you actually feel this way. It's too bad - you're a cool member

Thanks, but i say what i feel is right. These are my opinions.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
Indeed, you're entitled to your opinions, but let me point a few inconsistancies in your argument just for thought ..

"1. That was about the 15th IDENTICAL post he has made. ANY, yes ANY, thread that is reposted that many times is moved.

'So what, he's not lying.' "

Your retort has nothing to do with the argument.
My point was showing that the manner is which his repetative posts are handled is protocol, not conspiracy as some of the posters believe.

"2. It was a personal attack. I made one, and it was moved to the RR and you still got upset. So much for an organized smear campaign, huh? My post was relegated to the RR (and properly so)."

'It was a unwarrented attack and that is my problem.'

Why was it unwarranted? He chose not to defend himself which would add further speculation that my theories are correct.

3. I'm not sure you're aware of the history. Did you know that Denmark national TV had a special on how to bonus whore? In fact MOST online casinos do NOT allow Denmark (among other countries).

'If Jensen is not a crook, why is he paying anyone back???'

This is flawed logic. It's often cheaper to pay than fight to prove your innocence against claims. Corporations settle ALL the time for this very reason. Now, I'm not saying it shows an innocence or guilt as neither of us know - rather I am showing that your reasoning is merely a flawed deduction. An opinion, if you will.

#4 - I happen to agree, but remember this stuff isn't a science. Valuable posters, like yourself, should vocalize your opinions more - that's the best way to give the site what the posters want. I know the mods do their very best, but they're not perfect & they're not psychic.

"5. Search Areef's posts - you'll see a lengthy history of constant bonus posts. His most recent was a thumbs up on Canbet's quick payout - did you know that they had a 10% XMas season reload? I don't it's a coincidence."

'Just because he takes a few bonuses, that does not mean he's a bonus whore. If that were the case then 95% of the posters here are bonus whores. And in Areef's case i see no proof that suggest he's a bonus whore.'

"I take a bonus on occasion, but I've probably declined more than I've taken (not that it matters). Point is I'm sure our occasional bonuses are a whole different ballgame than these guys that do nothing but whore bonuses."

'Agreed, but again i see no proof that Areef is nothing more than a bonus whore. Just a poster with a strong opinion.'

You're right in that my theory is merely that - a theory, an opinion, BUT there certainly is circumstantial evidence and a high correlation of posts-to-bonuses in the history. I see it akin to that of Sick Gambler and Oldfriend - that is my reasoning, albeit weak at this point.

Either way man - the poster in question isn't important to me - the post was more a mockery than anything else. It obviously didn't reflect the views of the RX since it was quickly moved. I hope that puts it more in perspective.

GL man & OH rulz

New member
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lander:

_3. I'm not sure you're aware of the history. Did you know that Denmark national TV had a special on how to bonus whore? In fact MOST online casinos do NOT allow Denmark (among other countries).

_'If Jensen is not a crook, why is he paying anyone back???' __
This is flawed logic. It's often cheaper to pay than fight to prove your innocence against claims. Corporations settle ALL the time for this very reason. Now, I'm not saying it shows an innocence or guilt as neither of us know - rather I am showing that your reasoning is merely a flawed deduction. An opinion, if you will.


I'd like to touch on this issue for now. If i were Marty Jensen and i felt like what i had done was the right and just thing, i would never and i mean never pay one cent back. There has been an admission of guilt at the RX at least to a certain degree. Just the mere fact that he has paid one person back is more of admission of guilt than anything you have on Areef. That is not even touching on the whole Shrink/Bluegrass fiasco. There is a pattern of wrongdoing by the people running the RX and it will only hurt the players in the end. Which i don't like because i'm one of them.

One other thing i don't like is the quality of the RX has dropped dramatically in just the last four to six months because of the way this place was run. This is one of the reasons i slowed my posting to a snails pace. From here i'll agree to disagree on these issues.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
>>>>One other thing i don't like is the quality of the RX has dropped dramatically in just the last four to six months because of the way this place was run. This is one of the reasons i slowed my posting to a snails pace. From here i'll agree to disagree on these issues.<<<<

GIL - the last 4 to 6 months I was here and since I was in charge screwed it up the most. Maybe if you give these guys another chance you will change your mind and stick around more. I have no ego on this sort of stuff, if I don't do well then that's just the way it is. I was flying blind for the most part and though I always did what I thought was right I had no experience in this sort of forum stuff. I am sure I made plenty of mistakes and have no problems admitting it.

Anyway I hope you or anyone else won't hold the RX to blame for stuff I was largely responsible for. I don't agree with everything that is done here either but plenty of good people are here, they will try and make this place an enjoyable one for all of us. Happy new year.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Patrick, I will always read the RX. I only post when something interest me. And to tell the truth there hasn't been alot of interesting topics in a while. And that is caused by the real personalities leaving or being banned. I am a gambler and i like seeing what everyone thinks so until i lose interest in gambling (will never happen) i'll always at least be a lurker.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
I just wanted to comment on some of the things I've read in this thread. First off I agree with almost all of what is posted by GIL. There has been a change in the quality of the posts at the RX in the past 4 to 6 months.

Secondly posters have been banned for posting negative information about Rio. Since Shrink has come clean and admitted to being a close friend to Roy I have laid off of Rio but I was banned after posting my thoughts on BHB and Rio.

I feel that the RX will rebound but at this time many of the quality posters that I use to read have left. I haven't read a post from Jazz in a while. The guys that posted valuable gambling info are at TFZ at Peep's. Dicky, Dime, Keith, J2, Jwdog, Sea, Bozer, Revere, 6th Sense, Nysports, KGB, Rooster, Homedog, Intruder, Drunkguy, Hansen, Butch, Black and Gold, ls037, Dogball and others all post in one thread.

We have very little problems and are able to moderate ourselves in serious threads. The RX overmoderated and forced a lot of these guys to leave.

I liked Irish much better as a poster than a moderator. Hopefully he'll get back to his old self. Lander does a great job at the RX. He's far ahead of where I was at gambling wise at similar ages.

Enough rambling for now. Lots of bowl games, NFL playoffs and hoops to study. GLTA

New member
Sep 20, 1999
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by raiders72001:
I just wanted to comment on some of the things I've read in this thread. First off I agree with almost all of what is posted by GIL. There has been a change in the quality of the posts at the RX in the past 4 to 6 months.


man that is some hypocracy.....and you back AR earlier today.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Newport- You challenged AR to a contest and he taught you a lesson. Now take it like a man and quit bashing him.

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