What If?


Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
What if........

Thinking Back.....

When you were in high school, they had one day out of the year in which everyone had to had to attend nude. Would you have gone, or tried everything possible to skip out?


Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
I know it's a VERY strange question JABOW......

But it results from a dream I had when I was much younger about this.....


You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
Not being too far removed from high school and having no shame whatsoever (I know I'm grossly underweight and just look sickly as opposed to "in shape" and don't need anyone to tell it to me), I'd go just to see the chicks bare all as well.

Hey Hache Man, did you go to school in the Orlando area as well? Just left Orlando a few hours ago for Tallahassee.

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
AFLGuru said:
Not being too far removed from high school and having no shame whatsoever (I know I'm grossly underweight and just look sickly as opposed to "in shape" and don't need anyone to tell it to me), I'd go just to see the chicks bare all as well.

Hey Hache Man, did you go to school in the Orlando area as well? Just left Orlando a few hours ago for Tallahassee.

AFLGuru, no, I went to High School a little bit further South at smaller school than Orlando.

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
I'm actually northeast of Orlando in Seminole Co. Sure you know where that is. Thanks for the reply.


Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Yeah AFl, know where you're talking about,but never been around your area, except through it. Been there all of your life?

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
About 12 years now... Of course, for the last 2 and change I've spent the majority of my life up here in Tallahassee, but yeah, I've lived out in Seminole Co. for quite some time. Takes us about 30 minutes to get to the place formerly known as the O-Rena (still refuse to call it the Waterhouse... or worse... Hummer Field at TD Waterhouse Centre) and about 20 to get to UCF. My sister is headed to Seminole Community College in the Fall. I'll let you know next time I'm in town (should be the beginning of August).

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Cool, definitely let me know............

Yeah, back when it was the Oreana, things seemed much better for the Magic.....

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
Never been to a Magic game in my life... Probably been to 200 Predators games, but no Tragic games... Though I must say, Brian Hill returning to town makes me want to support this team a bit more... he should be able to clean out the thugs since he was run out by a thug last time around... and you see what happened to Nickel... err.... Penny....

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
AFLGuru said:
Never been to a Magic game in my life... Probably been to 200 Predators games, but no Tragic games... Though I must say, Brian Hill returning to town makes me want to support this team a bit more... he should be able to clean out the thugs since he was run out by a thug last time around... and you see what happened to Nickel... err.... Penny....

I used to split season tickets with a friend back when Shaq, Penny, Nick Anderson, Dennis Scott, and Horace Grant was pretty much unbeatable at home. After Shaq left, we let them go........

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
Yeah good call... Weisbrod set this team back for several years, and I vowed to never support the Tragic again until he was gone and the team had a true committment to winning. Perhaps this season I'll watch more than 1 game on TV... and perhaps I'll root for them to win and not for someone to go Tim Hardaway chucking the TV at John Weisbrod during the game.

Really hope the Magic don't blow this draft pick too... we've had a lot of success in the draft and a good face in there who is a good citizen much like Dwight Howard has been (Hakim Warrick???) could provide a real boost to Orlando as a whole in supporting their only truly professional team. It's really sad that the Preds draw better than the Tragic do.

I've noted your avatar and can't help but wonder if the Lightning are ever coming back into existance... I'm not a "die hard" Lightning fan, but I've been following and rooting when they're on TV since the beginning, and was happy to see us take the most recent Cup. Aside from that though, watching sports in Florida has been awfully depressing. I've turned on all of the football teams in Florida and become a Houston Texans fan... I was just watching their first game against the Cowboys without a real team affiliation and hooked myself on. And I was a Braves fan from the day I moved into Florida, as there were no Marlins or Devil Rays around, and most baseball fans were Braves fans in the state.

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Well, recent years haven't been "that" bad in Florida Guru......

Tampa Bay won the Super Bowl of course, followed not long after with the Lightning winning the Stanley Cup...... As you know, the Tampa Bay Strom and Orlando Predators have always been a foce in Arena League. Miami Dolphins had some solid years up until recently, even though they never could get over the hump. And now, it looks as if the Jags have become very competitive......
As for baseball, we know what the Marlins have done the past few years, but the Rays, well, there's no hope there until new management comes in....

As for the Bucs, I expect their offense to be better this year, but I sure the heck wish Rich McKay was still around as GM........:sad3:

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
So many pathetic stories though...

Ricky Williams
Tragic Magic
Jags ditching Brunell and the city not even selling out games
Marlins threatening to move
Devil Rays....... no need to say more...
Orlando Rays becoming the Birmingham Biscuits (maybe it was Montgomery... somewhere in Alabama)
Orlando Predators treating the team like crap
Tampa Bay Storm buying players fake championship rings

So yeah, the Bucs won the Super Bowl (and then slipped into mediocrity very quickly thereafter partially due to McKay's departure), the Lightning won the Cup (and now there's no NHL), and the Jags are on the rebound (after being a 12-4 team not that long ago... and still can't sell out the stadium)... but there just seems to be more gloom and doom surrounding Florida sports, especially CENTRAL Florida sports than its worth. Always wanted baseball in Orlando, but the Cubs left for Daytona and the O-Rays left for Alabama.

Then you can go into college football... Spurrier leaves and UF goes downhill REAL fast. Zook gets fired. UCF has become a laughing stock after Culpepper put them on the map. FSU's quarterback thinks he's God. Miami has clearly declined since Butch Davis went to the NFL. USF is looking up at least...

College basketball... FSU is still embarassing... Miami had a stellar year and still wound up in the NIT. Florida has underachieved since their trip to the finals against Michigan State under Billy Ball... players are leaving that team left and right to go elsewhere. UCF keeps going to the tournament, but Kirk Speraw doesn't get the recognition he deserves.

Yeah, the UF story in the CWS is real nice, but once again, they're gonna come up short in all likelihood as well after last night.

Not to be a downer on everything going on in this state, but the way that the sports writers and anchors portray it, everything is going downhill fast in this state.

Guess this thread went from being naked in high school to Florida Sports... eh, it's the rubber room...

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
AFLGuru said:
Guess this thread went from being naked in high school to Florida Sports... eh, it's the rubber room...

LOL........yeah, you're right............

I suppose if you put it the way you did everything above, then you have a point! lol

As for college sports in Florida, I don't think I need to tell you that if we could convince these kids toSTOP leaving the State, that we would dominate all three of the major sports in basketball, football, and baseball.........

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
Yeah... everywhere except my alma mater high school...

Spent four years in the marching band travelling with this stupid football team of our's... we went 0-10, 2-8, 4-6, 1-9 in those 4 years... the year we went 2-8 we broke a district record 17 game losing streak by beating our arch rivals... and yes, we tore the goalposts down... I still have a piece of that goalpost somewhere in my collection of crap at home. The band used to field a team of 25 or so to take on the varsity football team at flag football after the final game of the season and to date (28 years of this game going on... I don't know what happened this year...) the football team is only 16-11... that's pretty freakin' pathetic. What's worse is my junior year I played safety and intercepted our quarterback twice in the game... And I'm about as slow and white as a DB comes. In my 4 years the band went 3-1 against the football team... that's how bad we were...

But yeah, our high schools have produced some incredible athletes and if they stayed home we WOULD dominate at all of the major collegiate sports as well.

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
AFLGuru said:
Yeah... everywhere except my alma mater high school...

Spent four years in the marching band travelling with this stupid football team of our's... we went 0-10, 2-8, 4-6, 1-9 in those 4 years... the year we went 2-8 we broke a district record 17 game losing streak by beating our arch rivals... and yes, we tore the goalposts down... I still have a piece of that goalpost somewhere in my collection of crap at home. The band used to field a team of 25 or so to take on the varsity football team at flag football after the final game of the season and to date (28 years of this game going on... I don't know what happened this year...) the football team is only 16-11... that's pretty freakin' pathetic. What's worse is my junior year I played safety and intercepted our quarterback twice in the game... And I'm about as slow and white as a DB comes. In my 4 years the band went 3-1 against the football team... that's how bad we were...

But yeah, our high schools have produced some incredible athletes and if they stayed home we WOULD dominate at all of the major collegiate sports as well.

lol........That bad hugh?!?

I have been fortuante enough grow up around successful teams all around my area. Have you heard of Ft. Meade? They won state title intheir district in football this year. I grew up in a place called Wauchula, Hardee, which has a longtime history of winning in football, and they were/are our rivals.Other strong schools in our area are Avon Park (where Tom Gordon played) , Sebring, Lakeland. I forgot, is Eustis up there? I rememember having to play against them once in high school football playoffs many years ago.....

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
My father works in a little town near Eustis. Lakeland is out towards Tampa a bit more (Eustis being closer to Ocala than anywhere else).

My high school produced only a few people that ever made it big time...

Marquette Smith (track star and football player that was the coach of the Kissimmee Indoor Football League before getting fired a few months ago)

Eddie Taubansee (long time Cincinnatti Reds catcher)

Kavika Pittman (I believe he's a Chiefs D-End now)

Trevor Pryce (obviously, Broncos D-End)

And for anyone that knows anything about South Florida basketball, Reggie Kohn broke a ton of records for points, etc. for USF... and he now coaches my high school basketball team. He broke a ton of records for us while playing as well.

Speaking of getting killed... My high school basketball team was a state finalist I believe it was 4 years ago... Amare Stoudemire's senior year at West Orange (or was it Cypress Creek... whichever one he transferred to for a year). Anyway, we played a non-district game against Stoudemire's high school... keep in mind we were something like 27-4 that year... and we got beat by 41... Stoudemire dropped an even 80 on us. 80 points in a high school basketball game... unreal... And we were pretty good that year (one year we were good at anything).... So it's no surprise to me to see that kid make it big time.

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