What happened here


New member
Jun 11, 2007
Like him or not ultimate selector brought excitement to this forum. And now because of an idiot and a two faced peace of shit this forum is dead. He did nothing wrong so why run him out. Doesnt make sence to me. I stop by the forum he is at now every now and then just to see how he is doing, and rightside has followed there and is harrassing him there. What kind of a psycho is this rightside character. Im sorry guys we are all adults here (i think) and that is some crazy shit, that someone would follow someone around on the internet like a stalker. Weird to say the least.:WTF:

Sep 21, 2004
its a grave yard that is for sure. but hey at least the 1-2 new people per month that come into this forum can see there are few plays on the weekdays and not come back anymore therefore not lose some money gambling..so we can sleep well about that...

New member
Jun 11, 2007
just dont understand how 2 guys can ruin a forum as fast as they did. i dont care what anyone says this forum was way more active when US was here. And people have left because of the way it was handled.

Pump n Dump
Sep 21, 2002
I don't think any of the regulars in the Horse Forum have left, maybe some new posters, but I don't see that any of the consistent posters here have left.

The Horse Forum was relatively quiet before U.S and is back to the way it was since he started posting elsewhere. He seems like a better fit at an exclusive Horse posting site, where he's at now than here.

Sep 21, 2004
just dont understand how 2 guys can ruin a forum as fast as they did. i dont care what anyone says this forum was way more active when US was here. And people have left because of the way it was handled.

the forum is not ruined just not an active place. if you like a low volume place with some good weekend picks and a few other picks and great horse matchups form LAbeeb its still a great place...but for more activity yes its a grave yard at times.

New member
Apr 4, 2007
It never seemed real active before, if you took U.S's posts aside. HE was very active, and everyone else just modestly went along at about the same clip as you see today, imho as a newbie here.

I would rather see one good pick every 20 days, than 20 a day that get beat at odds on.

New member
May 6, 2006
just dont understand how 2 guys can ruin a forum as fast as they did. i dont care what anyone says this forum was way more active when US was here. And people have left because of the way it was handled.

Don't beat around the bush, if you got names list `em. This forum was here long before him and will be here long after him. Far as people leaving, everyone has the option of staying or going - unless told to leave - the gate opens from the front as well as the back.

New member
Feb 14, 2006
why is there all this interest in a consistent LOSING PLAYER ???? i dont know about most people , but i check in to WIN !! ,, not to see a bunch of hype by a guy who came up with a " catchy " name , that claimed to play at a pro-level,,,,, this is the same player that said he had a system that bet ONLY favorites that was solid gold ..... all this interest in a guy that probably couldnt tell a racing form, from a comic book... i feel the mods did all the suckers a favor , or they would have bought into that rubbish , and they would have gone broke REAL FAST.. OH WAIT there is still that system that says bet the chalk EVERY race.. what an easy game this is !!!
Jan 17, 2007
Just my 2 cents

As you know I have just started coming here in the Horse Forum....So I really don't know this guy you are talking about....BUT.....

I did back track this Post....http://www.therxforum.com/showthread.php?t=490366

And If THAT is what you are Missing.......You need to stop Betting on Horses !

That Guy has No CLUE what he is doing ! He Should, Will be Broke and.... Will take You down with him !:nohead:

Sep 21, 2004
There's only one way to bet Horses, with your wallet. I think the guy everyone is referring to was posting plays as if he was in a contest and if he played with real money I'm sure his pile of money got smaller. Maybe he was fortunate to be able to post an play as often as he did? W/O a Income. As another said " The Forum was here b-4 him and will be here after". I post my users that I'm playing for one reason or another and look for anyone who may post some info that you won't find or hear anyplace else but here. For example there was a poster named Dougconnection who said his horse Mohawk Boogie was ready, he ended up losing on a 5/8ths track but then went to the Meadowlands Mile track with him and won and paid like $18, nice. I didn't get a bet on either but this is, IMO reality. Following One Track takes time, If your betting Day/Night your chasing money with more money and the strenght of the plays becomes questionable or are suspect or quoting again, "You need to stop Betting on Horses" b-4 you lose everyything. Trust me a $2 or $3 wager will keep you around longer. This was my Tuesday sermon, Have fun
Jan 17, 2007
I 100% agree.....It all adds up in the long run and nobody is betting 7-10 tracks a day and Winning !

Well I mostly Bet ONE track..The Meadowlands ! sometimes I might try Canada Tracks a little, Freehold as well, Etc. I am Harness Guy and ONLY a Harness guy.

I also Own Horses and have been in the Business for 36 Years. I know a lot of people in the Business and Only use the Best trainers and Drivers.

I get some Info at times, which I will pass along from time to time. But as you know....Nothing is a Sure thing ! Even a Fixed race.

But I enjoy the horses, as it has been my life for a long time.

Good Luck with the Ponies and see you tomorrow night ! Post Time 7:30pm EST:thumbsup:

New member
Sep 9, 2005
Like him or not ultimate selector brought excitement to this forum. And now because of an idiot and a two faced peace of shit this forum is dead. He did nothing wrong so why run him out. Doesnt make sence to me. I stop by the forum he is at now every now and then just to see how he is doing, and rightside has followed there and is harrassing him there. What kind of a psycho is this rightside character. Im sorry guys we are all adults here (i think) and that is some crazy shit, that someone would follow someone around on the internet like a stalker. Weird to say the least.:WTF:

Am I the idiot or 2 face POS. He did alot of things wrong. For the record Wire I did not follow him anywhere. Hell I even posted in the Rubber Room that somebody was using my name at another forum. I thought it was funny. I only posted there as TheRXRightSide to clear up the situation. I like that site it seems like alot of smart people. LOL Stalker my ass. I find it wierd that a guy will post 12 hrs a day everyday. He has his record to stand by.

I like the horse forum as it is right now. We all are better off without that lunatic searching for profits as he put it. The newbies get to keep some of thier money. So what about all the pals that US got in here to act like they didn't know him yet defended hi the whole way.

US has been to 3 other forums now and he gets the same thing from all of them. Hmmm I wonder why. No need to reply Wire I am done with you as well with him. Now run along and chase some chalk.

New member
Jun 11, 2007
first off pac man it took me 1 week at this forum to prove what a two faced piece of shit u are. if u want me to explain further i will. rightside i cant even put into words what kind of person u are just glad i dont live in your neighborhood i would be afraid for my kids. u are probaly a pediphile and on the sex offender registry it wouldnt surprise me and i am not joking. lastly i wasnt defending the way US capped horses. i was defending the fact of why should u give a shit. i play one track maybe two when i handicap if he wants to play 10 tracks who cares. neither one of u guys could give a shit less about the newbies so dont give me that shit. what bothered u was he was getting people to follow his entertainment. and your threads are dead . u two guys are 2 internet losers who lives online. u both need to get a life AMEN

New member
Sep 9, 2005
Well I didn't think I would reply but after that post here we go. Not even sure on how to reply to this. Not that you even addressed anything that I said in my post. You are a loser along with your buddy. For you to defend this idiot is beyound me. You have no right to think you know me.

Another internet coward that would never say that shit to me in person.

Our problme with US was how he always tried to trick people into thinking he was a winner. To prove my point he didn't even mention 6-10 on the web radio show. Did you notice that fact or do you just hear what you want to. He was on the radio and never explained anything about "his" system. He failed to mention how he is a documented loser at 3 different forums.

Thats why we all thought he was a joke. And now we know it.

New member
May 6, 2006
Wire To Wire,

Nice try newbie. Correct me if I'm wrong here, I was the last person here that "supported" his way of wagering - even while he was losing his a**. The day after he dropped 10, 11 or 12k, whatever the h*ll it was, and then came back the next day acting as if nothing happened is when the light went on for me to see what he really was and is. Somewhere in that time frame, a mod ran a ID/IPS/IS (?) check to see if he was ghosting, which he was and that was the last straw. I wish him well, but he hasn't got a clue on how to `cap a race to save his life - all he does is follow the money. He doesn't know $hit about the trainer, jock, track, race conditions etc. Yea, he fooled an old man for a while, but I even realized he was a hindrance at some point. Done with a pile of horse dung like you, go back to where you came from cause you certainly aren't making a good impression with anyone here.

New member
Jun 11, 2007
my point is who fucking cares if he lost 20ks . it doesnt matter. it will not affect my life or yours one bit. i didnt know him before i came here, but when i did it was entertaining to watch him. also dont understand why u 2 losers are doing all the whining and screaming about him, but yet the pedophile rightside uses phrases like we and us. well we and us arent here cause they could give a fuck if the guy loses his ass or not just like me. and pacman if u think u have the authority to get me banned then do otherwise shut the fuck up. the finale point here is if US lost 20k or won 20k it doesnt make him a bad person like u to dumb fucks portrait him to be. i dont know the guy , and idont agree with his way of handicapping, but that dont make hime a bad person or give anybody the right to badger him. u guys both need to get a life . and rightside let me know where u live so i can check the sex offender registry and see what a loser like u really looks like good day and dont worry u 2 pukes arent going to make me leave get used to it.

New member
Jun 11, 2007
lmao pacman is losing sleep cause someone is ghosting on the rx forum what a pathetic and simple life u have i feel real sorry for u. if all i had to worry about was if someone was ghosting a sports forum life would be so easy lmao


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
the finale point here is if US lost 20k or won 20k it doesnt make him a bad person like u to dumb fucks portrait him to be. i dont know the guy , and idont agree with his way of handicapping, but that dont make hime a bad person or give anybody the right to badger him.

you dumass the part that makes him a bad person was the lying about how he was 'winning'. There are enough people here who have played the horses to know everything he was saying was bullshit, plus he hyped his supposed 'winning picks' but then got excited and crowed when they came in 2nd 3rd or even more pathetic 4th. He was not a handicapper, and the fact that he posted all this bullshit on a public forum, gives everyone else who reads it a 'right' to badger him or ask questions. And the fact that there are guys who actually play the horses and know what they are doing makes a sensible peson want to call out a moron who goes around lying about how to win at the races

BTW, I wasted 10 minutes of my life listening to his so-called 'interview' on the internet, he is clearly an attention whore who desperately wants people to ask him about his 'system' of blindly picking 50% horses who run in the money or 20% winners that he claims, when any idiots could blindly bet every favorite and hit 33% or better.

I for one am glad there are retards like the US pumping their money into pools I might be betting. I don't mind taking his money one bit.

New member
Jun 11, 2007
t3a i wont argue your point with u cause i dont know your capping capabilities. however these other 2 dumb fucks dont know the first thing about horseracing or what it takes to pick winners just check out pacmans thread. neither one of the 2 idiots i am calling out on this have no bussiness in my opinion taking someone else down when there handicapping ability is sub par THANK YOU VERY MUCH

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
I wish you lived in my neighborhood so I could fuck the shit out of your kids and then kill them.

Looks like US is the only one who gets to enjoy those finer pleasures now. Gay.

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