5 Dimes has put up Detroit +315 and Anaheim -380. Inuitively, that seems to be about right.
If you assume that the line stays at -180 for Games 4 and 6 in Anaheim and is about -300 for Games 5 and 7 in Detroit, betting Detroit game by game and rolling your profits back into the bet after each game would return about +330 if they win four in a row.
Conceptually, is this something that's really more than a three to one shot? This has happened only twice- the 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs and the 1975 New York Islanders- in the 135 times that a team has gone up 3-0 in the NHL. And it has never happened in the 25 times that it has occurred in MLB and the 67 times that it has occurred in the NBA.
[This message was edited by JeffH on 04-16-03 at 04:34 PM.]