Well jimfeistsucks put the icing on the cake


New member
Dec 14, 2005
tonight, this guy is a complete scam artist and fraud. There is no doc,or any brother named larry. Its all jimfeistsucks.
This guy needs the crap beaten out of him bigtime.
Jim sends out an email saying that he called doc up tonight and wanted to know whats up with him going 0-3 tonight because guys were getting mad.
He said doc was just gonna concentrate on college baskets this weekend, to prove how good he is, lmfaooooooooo. Now picture this, doc just dropped a 165k on these 3 plays tonight according to jims email, but he was more concerned with making 20 people on the internet who are buying his plays happy. lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooo
Also jim has steadily said how good he is in college baskets, which he has completely sucked, dropping a 100k bomb tonight, but has a big play with inside info on every other sport. Games arent even over yet and jims sending out emails saying how doc just got a call about another game, please send 25 bucks, blah blah. The cia should hire this doc to find bin ladden, cause hes got more inside info then they even got.
This scam has gone on long enough and its time this guys name was exposed on every single messageboard on the net.
The handwriting was on the wall with this guy, when he was unable to pay Choptalk a lousy 500 bucks. Anybody sending this guy money, dont have to look no further then that to see what a true scumbag the guy is.
Choptalk, if i were you i would hunt down this jim guy and beat the living crap out of him, just for principal.
Spread the word every site you visit people, so this jim guy and others like him cant rob any more money from people.
And to jimfeistsucks, if i were you, i would watch my back, cause one of these days, somebody is gonna show up at your door.

New member
Dec 14, 2005
Almost forgot, that roxygirl is just as guilty as jimfeistsucks, because she gave this scumbag con artist a place to peddle his fraud, even sticking up for him everyday.

Shame on you roxy, may you never win another bet as long as you live. How do you look at yourself in the mirror everyday, knowing full well you helped a con artist? My guess is you have no mirrors in your house

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
max292 said:
Almost forgot, that roxygirl is just as guilty as jimfeistsucks, because she gave this scumbag con artist a place to peddle his fraud, even sticking up for him everyday.

Shame on you roxy, may you never win another bet as long as you live. How do you look at yourself in the mirror everyday, knowing full well you helped a con artist? My guess is you have no mirrors in your house
i take great offense to that.do you have any close friends? is there 1 friend you have great loyalty for cuz that friend has your back in times of trouble? somone youll go out of your way to help or just be there for them cuz its the right thing to do? i went thru an insane experience in june and thru it all i was supported by the great men who run the forum im a part of and its moderating team. beyond them the only one i could count on was jfs. he was head moderator at another forum and went to war for me everyday.he stepped down as head mod in defending me.to me jfs is a great friend. and i wanted to help jfs anyway i could. so when he came to mvpsports101 i had his back. hell yes i defended him. however the issues were deeper than the friendship and even i had to agree he needed to clear things up with choptalk and straighten out his life.i repaid my debt of friendship to him and now i wish him well. i hope he pays chop the money but the damage is done. the genie cant be put back in the bottle. by the way bringing jfs to mvp was not my idea but i totally agreed to have him there. it happened now weve all moved on.remember that when he was there the money owed chop wasnt a topic here or mvp.but when chop blew him up here i told the guys at mvp this was going to end badly.and it did,and we parted ways.again i wish jfs well and hope everyone gets what they want in the end.

New member
Dec 14, 2005
Wow if you call guys like jim a good friend, then i feel very sorry for you then. You really should consider getting some pets, if all your other firends are scam con artists like jim.
But am sorry i dont buy the friend thing, you have been around this forum long enough to see the scam jim has been trying to work for years with his imaginary made up friends. Problem was, he was never really fully able to run his scam for money until you gave him a forum to sell his fraud from. Any person with even a quarter of a brain could put all jims posts and his emails (or should i say from his imainary brother larry who just happened to pop up when things got rough} together and could figure out the whole thing was a scam. Like this doc guy would really be concerned about 20 people buying his plays and losing some money after he dropped a 165k of his own money tonight. Yeah right.
Problem with you roxy is when people were calling this scumbag out on your site for the fraud he is, you were prortecting him every way you could, even creating his own forum where nobody could question the great jim feist sucs. His record totally sucks and if he should ever be on the plus side, its only because of increasing the bets with make believe money, which anybody can do. Hell my record could be 10-50 and still be up money if my 10 winners are for a 100k a pop and the losers only 10k.
All kidding a side, if you can honestly say that jim isnt running a scam on people, then all i can say is shame on you and you truly must have no morals.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
again im not calling the shots there. if you want answers log in under the name you use there and stop trashing me under a different name here.thats real manly of you.i do what im asked by lakersfan and chad. what we did we decided as a team. i wasnt totaly responsible for anything.take this over to mvp why burden the rx with your issues regarding another forum? my morals are fully intact.i didnt buy docs picks i cap my own games.dont blame me cuz your clueless.or cuz you willingly gave a percieved scammer your money.if you are who i think you are im not going to take much joy in ridding mvpsports101 of you. cuz if your who i think you are i had your back more than once and now heres the pay back for that.cuz you know i have everyones back over there. once i confirm an IP address it wont matter any longer.my advice to you is DONT BUY PICKS FROM TOUTS OR YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE.i didnt get a penny from jfs/doc and i sure as hell didnt lose a penny.everyones moved forward it might be something you want to do to.see ya:howdy:

New member
Dec 14, 2005
Sorry to dissapoint you roxy, but am not who you think iam, so go ahead and delete me from your sorry ass messageboard. By the way you have never had my back over there, you got the wrong person.
Heres a newsflash for you, i have never bought a game from jim and would never by a game from any tout.
A person who i have been friends with thru messageboards bought jims games and he sends me this scammers emails everyday. And everyday they become more comical, but this person is kind of new to the betting world and doesnt know any better. But after tonight i couldnt keep quiet any longer and wanted to post this, so other newbie bettors wouldnt fall victim to the same kind of stupid scam, that scumbags like jim and his imaginary crew are running on people.
I would think that people who run messageboards, who are supposedly there to help bettors, would look out for bettors, especially newbies and would be able to see thru scam artists like jim feist sux and warn people. Instead at your site you and your mods welcomed the scam artist with open arms.
So either your not the sharpiest crayon in the box or you just looked the other way, i tend to side with you all looking the other way, especially when people were trying to question jim, but couldnt because of you and your mods stepping in to defend him.
So roxy if it makes you sleep better at night, saying you didnt do anything wrong, then so be it. But we both know, you let the scumbag operate there, hustling people with his fraud bullshitttttttt.
Merry Christmas sweety
p.s. jim wasnt really a tout remember, he was just a guy getting games from his godfather, or was he tout. you crack me up honey

New member
Dec 14, 2005
a word to the wise honey, i wouldnt go around threatening people thru posts on your messageboard, that you know nothing about. My post was about a scumbag fraud. Trust me when i say this i dont like to get into the childish games you are threatening me with over at your site, but heres a warning to you back off or it will get very nasty. Post all you want about me, but threatening ip addresses is a serious matter, one i wont take lightly and i will use every resource i have to see you pay. Neither will your hosting service, my hosting service and the law.
My advice remove your post and stop threatening people, cause your on the verge of breaking the law.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
max292 said:
a word to the wise honey, i wouldnt go around threatening people thru posts on your messageboard, that you know nothing about. My post was about a scumbag fraud. Trust me when i say this i dont like to get into the childish games you are threatening me with over at your site, but heres a warning to you back off or it will get very nasty. Post all you want about me, but threatening ip addresses is a serious matter, one i wont take lightly and i will use every resource i have to see you pay. Neither will your hosting service, my hosting service and the law.
My advice remove your post and stop threatening people, cause your on the verge of breaking the law.
ohhh pleeeese dont be such a tool. my privacy was violated a 100 different ways at this forum over the summer and there wasnt a thing i could do about it. UNLESS my home address,phone number,where i worked and other personal facts were posted publicly and i had stalkers as a result i could do nothing cuz believe me i checked. HONEY.your spewing your crap here and i have every right to spew my crap at mvpsports101. thanks for coming tho it was really nice of you.the post stands till i get what im looking for and no laws been violated genius cuz i havent posted an IP address and if your NOT a member there then theres no privacy issue to go screaming to anyone about. but your damn concerned about something otherwise you wouldnt be coming off like the lawyer in the box like this,so im done with you. i hope others heed your warning cuz you had good things to say. if you had NEVER brought my name up this wouldnt have gone where it did. YOU started this HONEY but im ending it.i wont be back down here theres far better forums up top. be well.:howdy:

Oct 31, 2004
You are correct Max. Friendship only goes so far. Roxy you must cut off all ties to this loser or you will risk being thrown in the boat with him. I know he took up for you and all that shit, but standing up for a con artist is standing up for a con artist pure and simple.

And yes, unlike the thread you started at the other site. JFS is indeed a con artist. So until you separate yourself people will countinue to say things like MaX is saying. Not saying this to be mean. Im just telling you the way it is.

New member
Feb 9, 2005
max, I agree 100%. JimFeistSux is a TOUT and a SCAM ARTIST. Although, I use the word ARTIST reservedly since Jim is not a very sophisticated scammer.

I also agree that mvp gave JFS too long of a leash but I think you should get off roxy's back. I honestly believe she was doing what she thought was right when dealing with all the drama concerning JFS. It was chad that brought JFS to mvp in order for Jim to make good on, yet another, unpaid debt. I don't agree with the way some things were handled but, hey, it's not my reputation that will suffer.

JFS represents the worst kind of TOUT there is. No record keeping, over-inflated wagering (165K in one night, LOL!), make believe cappers and one the foulest attitudes I have ever encountered. JFS is the lowest form of degenerate gambler - using other people's money to support his addiction. Like you say, max, why would a guy who loses 165K in one night care about 20 followers paying a measly $25 each? The fact that he can't afford to pay off a lousy $500 debt to choptalk tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about this guy.


Oct 31, 2004
max292 said:
Sorry to dissapoint you roxy, but am not who you think iam, so go ahead and delete me from your sorry ass messageboard. By the way you have never had my back over there, you got the wrong person.
Heres a newsflash for you, i have never bought a game from jim and would never by a game from any tout.
A person who i have been friends with thru messageboards bought jims games and he sends me this scammers emails everyday. And everyday they become more comical, but this person is kind of new to the betting world and doesnt know any better. But after tonight i couldnt keep quiet any longer and wanted to post this, so other newbie bettors wouldnt fall victim to the same kind of stupid scam, that scumbags like jim and his imaginary crew are running on people.
I would think that people who run messageboards, who are supposedly there to help bettors, would look out for bettors, especially newbies and would be able to see thru scam artists like jim feist sux and warn people. Instead at your site you and your mods welcomed the scam artist with open arms.
So either your not the sharpiest crayon in the box or you just looked the other way, i tend to side with you all looking the other way, especially when people were trying to question jim, but couldnt because of you and your mods stepping in to defend him.
So roxy if it makes you sleep better at night, saying you didnt do anything wrong, then so be it. But we both know, you let the scumbag operate there, hustling people with his fraud bullshitttttttt.
Merry Christmas sweety
p.s. jim wasnt really a tout remember, he was just a guy getting games from his godfather, or was he tout. you crack me up honey

Hi Max, you speak the truth buddy. I made a post at Roxys site that said pretty much the same damm thing your above post said almost word for word. Dont bother trying to read it they deleted the post.

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
Choptalk, I asked you to re-post what you posted. I said we wanted the truth, but the bashing in the thread got out of hand. Once again, feel free to go post the truth of what happened over at MVP. I will put locks and chains on that post so it doesn't get deleted. It was deleted in the first place because the WHOLE JFS section is what was deleted and your post just happened to be in there!

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
max292 said:
tonight, this guy is a complete scam artist and fraud. There is no doc,or any brother named larry. Its all jimfeistsucks.
This guy needs the crap beaten out of him bigtime.
Jim sends out an email saying that he called doc up tonight and wanted to know whats up with him going 0-3 tonight because guys were getting mad.
He said doc was just gonna concentrate on college baskets this weekend, to prove how good he is, lmfaooooooooo. Now picture this, doc just dropped a 165k on these 3 plays tonight according to jims email, but he was more concerned with making 20 people on the internet who are buying his plays happy. lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooo
Also jim has steadily said how good he is in college baskets, which he has completely sucked, dropping a 100k bomb tonight, but has a big play with inside info on every other sport. Games arent even over yet and jims sending out emails saying how doc just got a call about another game, please send 25 bucks, blah blah. The cia should hire this doc to find bin ladden, cause hes got more inside info then they even got.
This scam has gone on long enough and its time this guys name was exposed on every single messageboard on the net.
The handwriting was on the wall with this guy, when he was unable to pay Choptalk a lousy 500 bucks. Anybody sending this guy money, dont have to look no further then that to see what a true scumbag the guy is.
Choptalk, if i were you i would hunt down this jim guy and beat the living crap out of him, just for principal.
Spread the word every site you visit people, so this jim guy and others like him cant rob any more money from people.
And to jimfeistsucks, if i were you, i would watch my back, cause one of these days, somebody is gonna show up at your door.

The sad thing is that people are actually paying $$ for these plays

New member
Dec 14, 2005
Choptalk and Markie Mark,
Thanks for the support guys. The internet is getting full of jim feist sux scumbags and everyday some newbie is falling victim to these guys scams and i consider guys like us to be the ones to try and stop guys like jim, by exposing him every chance we get. The internet is supposed to be about all of us helping each other to win, not trying to steal each others money.
Reason i attacked roxy is because i dont think her and her forum are innocent at all. If nobody over there knew about jim, then i could understand them getting duped, but they all knew about this guy and instead of saying we dont want this stuff at our forum, they give him his own spot to sell his trash to people who didnt know any better. They werent blind, they have been around this board long enough to see that jim has been setting up this scam for awhile and no way could they say they didnt know about jim stiffing Choptalk for a lousy 500 bucks. That should have set the alarm off right away. But they wanted the hits to their forum that jim heist brought from the rookie bettors looking for that ever elusive inside info that jim was selling. They also had many chances to let people even expose jim further, but they choose to stop those people.
Its a travesty that guys like jim can hide on the internet and ruin peoples lifes with his fraud. Iam sure he ruined alot of bettors Christmas this year.
Just think if roxy didnt give this guy a forum to sell his stuff from, he would have actually had to spend his own money advertising his plays and we all know if he couldnt pay 500 bucks, he certainly wouldnt have had the money to advertise. Jim and his imaginary friend would be gone. Who the hell makes over 100k in bets everyday and places all those bets a day before? Nobody. lines change, injuries happen, etc etc. For a guy with such inside info, he certainly nevered waited very long to get all the info he could get, lollllllllllllll.
p.s. roxy, my dear you are 100 percent wrong about ip addresses and identity theft, just because you didnt know how to go about getting action doesnt mean it cant be done. If one tiny bit of my personal information gets posted on the net, you will wish you were never born, that my dear is a promise i can and will thru on. You can defend yourself about jim and post anything you want about me, just leave personal info out of it.

New member
Dec 14, 2005
tell your little pet mrc show who posted at your site to get a clue.
For one the jackass thinks a messageboard is an illegal site, lmfaooooooo.
Hes wrong on that point and secondly i could care less if you get my ip address, not concerned about that. Its what personal info about me that you try to get and use from my ip address, that is illegal. So tell your little pet to wake up and smell the real world.

Oct 31, 2004
welcome to therx Max. You are my new favorite poster.

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