Week Nine - Results


hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
My apologies for the lateness of this. Returned from business, took a few days to catch up.

I didn't get to watch the results show, but from everything I could find online, there was no official bottom three this week. Again. If I'm wrong, could someone please straighten me out? I've gone ahead and graded all bottom three selections as pushes, and only awarded points for the see ya selection.

Player      	BT1	BT2	BT3	SLS	Total	Last Wk	YTD
whormoan	0	0	0	100	100 	1030	1130 
mrs. Cheater	0	0	0	100	100 	610	710 
kbhirsch	0	0	0	100	100 	485	585 
theticket22	0	0	0	100	100 	470	570 
xpanda	        0	0	0	100	100 	410	510 
the_devil_mann	0	0	0	100	100 	340	440 
billhill	0	0	0	-100	-100 	290	190 
chess master	-110	-110	-110	-100	-430 	150	150 
patlives	0	0	0	-100	-100 	220	120 
wrigley	        0	0	0	-100	-100 	170	70 
mr. smith	0	0	0	-100	-100 	120	20 
blue rhino	0	0	0	-100	-100 	-75	-175 
wvu	        0	0	0	-100	-100 	-145	-245 
paterno	        -110	-110	-110	-100	-430 	-20	-450 
akillies	0	0	0	-100	-100 	-365	-465 
trytrytry	-110	-110	-110	-100	-430 	-410 	-840 
droc	        -110	-110	-110	-100	-430 	-480	-910 
royboy_3831	-110	-110	-110	-100	-430 	-620	-1050 
grand master b	-110	-110	-110	-100	-430 	-712	-1142

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
Please remember that missing picks will result in those selections graded as losses. As we move into the final weeks, choosing only 'see ya' selections, missing those picks will result in losses awarded as well. Please bear this in mind as you plan final strategy.

In the final week (NOT this week), all contestants may email their selections rather than post them here. Since I am in this contest, please email your selections before 8pm EST to sportsavant@therx.com and ttinco@therx.com. You MUST email both moderators (and NOT me) in order for you picks to count. Both mods will be instructed not to post these selections until after the show starts (in EST.)

Any questions, please fire away.


Snitch hater
Sep 20, 2001
Please remember that missing picks will result in those selections graded as losses. As we move into the final weeks, choosing only 'see ya' selections, missing those picks will result in losses awarded as well. Please bear this in mind as you plan final strategy.

In the final week (NOT this week), all contestants may email their selections rather than post them here. Since I am in this contest, please email your selections before 8pm EST to sportsavant@therx.com and ttinco@therx.com. You MUST email both moderators (and NOT me) in order for you picks to count. Both mods will be instructed not to post these selections until after the show starts (in EST.)

Any questions, please fire away.


Panda, appreciate your work in running this. On Wed, they didn't technically announce "a bottom 3". What they did is tell Jordin right off the bat she was safe. Then, they proceeded from there to move Melinda to safety and let Blake and Lakisha sweat out the elimination. I have no problem whatsoever with how you graded it. Just thought you might want to know.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
Thanks, Whormoan. That was how I read it at the American Idol site, too. So I assumed that since there was no official announcement of the bottom three, it would be presumptuous of me to assume it.

Most of us would have had another 300 pts this week if they'd presented them as the bottom three. Sucks, really.

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