Kermit 35-17-4 (+16.3 units)
Bucsfan 31-22-3 (+6.8 units)
Winbet 30-23-3 (+4.7 units)
World Number One 30-24-2 (+3.6 units)
Sal The Ital 30-24-1 (+3.6 units)
Above top 5 are currently in the money!
dmmd 29-24-2 (+2.6 units)
Staubach 29-24-3 (+2.6 units)
SportSavant 28-24-4 (+1.6 units)
Panther 29-25-2 (+1.5 units)
Criscol 29-25-2 (+1.5 units)
Newport 27-25-4
RED EYE 27-25-4
Eltonio 27-27-2
PuckHandler 28-28
Zapster 26-27-3
DaWoofDaddy 27-28-1
Darryl Parsons 26-28-2
Steeser 26-28-2
Fishhead 26-28-2
Kojak 26-28-2
Journeyman 25-28-3
TTinCo 25-28-3
Labeeb 26-30
SCNit 23-29-3
Cee 20-33-3
TANG 17-39