LOL, I have grown very tired of this, I said several times that jefferson emailed me that he made a lot of enemies when he went on his own. Of course his IP address is going to be the same. Of course he is a fraud, Of course the records i keep are fake. Of course no one could win at all sports like that. geez, wake up.
He e-mailed one of his clients that put the e-mail out on the web back in november. It said that soon as he went out on his own he would get bashed big time. So be ready. Wow was he right.
So, i took it a notch further and started documenting his plays in gamercharities thread (thanks for the work gamercharity) since i heard people calling my record keeping of them bogus. Then they only hit 61% through 70 plays documented in gamercharities thread.
Isnt it ironic that the bashing starts when they are smoking? Hmm, im sure there arent touts on this forum wanting to dice out competition.
It is very simple, i made a buttload of money with them and have posted every day for almost a year. The drug dealer doesnt deal crack for a year for free LOL, anyways.
Printman? you have 21 posts and u are calling me out for posting only jefferson? That is all i have done for a year dude. If you made a buttload of money with someone would you care about posting anyone else.
Also, if i am betting a dime a game, why the hell would i care about getting someone to pay a shitty monthly rate? You can do the math on the money i have made.
Anyways, i just wanted to post and keep things simple. Thanks SDF for being the one that always kept things simple. Some of these dudes with 40 or less posts come on here bitchin and it annoys me.
They have hit 11 of 13 nba
13 of last 17 overall ------------------what a fraud, guess yall can stick with all these other "honest services"