At The Root we don’t care what consenting adults do with their time. We don’t think that it’s news. Now, if consenting adults’ business spreads from their sheets to the streets, well, we are going to report it because messy and, well, messy.
So it is my pleasure to inform you that Jerry Falwell Jr., the Christian-right president of the ultra-conservative Liberty University in Virginia, is a cuck. And I don’t mean that in the right-wing way in which those bigots love to call the left “snowflakes;” I mean Falwell is a cuckold or put simply, a man who enjoys watching another man have sex with his wife.
The whole thing is too hot for TV-level messy. It’s Jerry Springer’s cameraman chasing the pool boy backstage messy. But Jerry Falwell is an asshole. Remember when he tweeted the photo of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam in blackface standing next to a man in a KKK uniform to taunt Northam’s mask policy during the coronavirus? Yeah, fuck this guy.
Anyway, the story goes like this: Falwell claimed that his wife had an affair with the pool boy—how cliche and suburban—who Falwell also claimed tried to extort them. The pool boy claims that’s bullshit and it wasn’t an affair as Falwell liked to watch the two have sex.
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The whole messy ass mess led to reports that Falwell, 58, would be leaving his post as the president of Liberty University, but he was all, fuck no, I’m not. Even now, no one knows exactly where Falwell and the university stand.
Falwell claims that his wife had an entanglement (of course, he doesn’t mention him being in the room and watching it all go down because Christian) with the pool boy starting in 2012, the New York Post reports.
The religious leader first confessed his wife’s “indiscretion”—which he described as brief and starting in 2012—in a stunning statement to the Washington Examiner on Sunday night.
“Falwell—the son of late televangelist and modern religious-right co-founder Jerry Falwell Sr.—made a point to say he was ‘not involved’ in his spouse’s ‘inappropriate personal relationship’ with Giancarlo Granda, now 29,” the Post reports.
Falwell tried to claim that his wife’s “affair” became “a fatal attraction-type situation’’—claiming that Granda had been intimidating them and threatening to expose the relationship.
But Granda was like, y’all aren’t going to be running my name and all of the other pool boys who have come before me (seriously, is there a more overused porn theme than a pool boy-turned-lover?) through the Christian mud. So Granda went to Reuters where he dropped all the tea (Flex bomb drop). Granda claimed his affair with Becki, 53, went on from March 2012 to 2018, and that Falwell liked to watch.
“Becki and I developed an intimate relationship, and Jerry enjoyed watching from the corner of the room,” Granda said of Falwell, the head of Liberty, where students are asked to sign an “honor code,” which prohibits sex outside of marriage, but the honor code doesn’t say anything about watching.
Granda claims that the couple is full of shit and they took advantage of him.
“Whether it was immaturity, naïveté, instability or a combination thereof, it was this ‘mindset’ that the Falwells likely detected in deciding that I was the ideal target for their sexual escapades,’’ he said.
Falwell had already been on leave from the school after a weird-ass photo of him with his jeans’ unzipped and his shirt up and his arm around a young woman whose pants were also unzipped.
“The image appears to be from a party on a yacht themed to the cult-comedy TV show ‘Trailer Park Boys,’ with Falwell dressed as the hard-drinking character Julian,” HuffPost reports.
Granda even produced screenshots of the last FaceTime call between him and Becki as they discussed their relationship. Becki allegedly appeared naked while they talked — as Falwell peeked from behind the door.
So it is my pleasure to inform you that Jerry Falwell Jr., the Christian-right president of the ultra-conservative Liberty University in Virginia, is a cuck. And I don’t mean that in the right-wing way in which those bigots love to call the left “snowflakes;” I mean Falwell is a cuckold or put simply, a man who enjoys watching another man have sex with his wife.
The whole thing is too hot for TV-level messy. It’s Jerry Springer’s cameraman chasing the pool boy backstage messy. But Jerry Falwell is an asshole. Remember when he tweeted the photo of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam in blackface standing next to a man in a KKK uniform to taunt Northam’s mask policy during the coronavirus? Yeah, fuck this guy.
Anyway, the story goes like this: Falwell claimed that his wife had an affair with the pool boy—how cliche and suburban—who Falwell also claimed tried to extort them. The pool boy claims that’s bullshit and it wasn’t an affair as Falwell liked to watch the two have sex.
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background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); box-sizing: border-box !important; left: 0px !important;"><cnx class="cnx-top-title-highlight-text-outer-container" style="box-sizing: content-box; display: block; line-height: 1; font-weight: inherit; font-family: inherit; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); width: 70.9688px; height: auto; position: relative; left: 0px; opacity: 1 !important;"><cnx class="cnx-top-title-highlight-text-inner-container" style="box-sizing: content-box; display: block; line-height: 1.2em; font-weight: inherit; font-family: inherit; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; position: relative; width: 70.9688px;">Top Articles</cnx></cnx></cnx></cnx></cnx></cnx></cnx></cnx><cnx class="cnx-ui-ps-btns" style="box-sizing: content-box; 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The whole messy ass mess led to reports that Falwell, 58, would be leaving his post as the president of Liberty University, but he was all, fuck no, I’m not. Even now, no one knows exactly where Falwell and the university stand.
Falwell claims that his wife had an entanglement (of course, he doesn’t mention him being in the room and watching it all go down because Christian) with the pool boy starting in 2012, the New York Post reports.
The religious leader first confessed his wife’s “indiscretion”—which he described as brief and starting in 2012—in a stunning statement to the Washington Examiner on Sunday night.
“Falwell—the son of late televangelist and modern religious-right co-founder Jerry Falwell Sr.—made a point to say he was ‘not involved’ in his spouse’s ‘inappropriate personal relationship’ with Giancarlo Granda, now 29,” the Post reports.
Falwell tried to claim that his wife’s “affair” became “a fatal attraction-type situation’’—claiming that Granda had been intimidating them and threatening to expose the relationship.
But Granda was like, y’all aren’t going to be running my name and all of the other pool boys who have come before me (seriously, is there a more overused porn theme than a pool boy-turned-lover?) through the Christian mud. So Granda went to Reuters where he dropped all the tea (Flex bomb drop). Granda claimed his affair with Becki, 53, went on from March 2012 to 2018, and that Falwell liked to watch.
“Becki and I developed an intimate relationship, and Jerry enjoyed watching from the corner of the room,” Granda said of Falwell, the head of Liberty, where students are asked to sign an “honor code,” which prohibits sex outside of marriage, but the honor code doesn’t say anything about watching.
Granda claims that the couple is full of shit and they took advantage of him.
“Whether it was immaturity, naïveté, instability or a combination thereof, it was this ‘mindset’ that the Falwells likely detected in deciding that I was the ideal target for their sexual escapades,’’ he said.
Falwell had already been on leave from the school after a weird-ass photo of him with his jeans’ unzipped and his shirt up and his arm around a young woman whose pants were also unzipped.
“The image appears to be from a party on a yacht themed to the cult-comedy TV show ‘Trailer Park Boys,’ with Falwell dressed as the hard-drinking character Julian,” HuffPost reports.
Granda even produced screenshots of the last FaceTime call between him and Becki as they discussed their relationship. Becki allegedly appeared naked while they talked — as Falwell peeked from behind the door.