Wayne Root on "Savage Nation" (1/30/2009)


Jan 19, 2005
How To Solve The Health Care Crisis Tomorrow- The Libertarian Way!
Thursday, August 13, 2009, 09:12 AM
Get The Lawyers OUT!
Get the Government OUT!
Get the Employers OUT!
Get Americans in Shape- with Tax Deductions!

By Wayne Allyn Root, Author
The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts

In my just released book, “The Conscience of a Libertarian” I suggest a simple program to reform healthcare and dramatically reduce costs. Here it is in simplified form:

First, get the lawyers out of the way. Obama wants to spend an extra $1 trillion (or much more) to “save” healthcare. Instead let's try saving almost $1 trillion in healthcare cost by getting the lawyers out of the way. Almost one trillion dollars is the estimated annual cost of frivolous lawsuits, unjustified jury awards, and doctors practicing defensive medicine. We must enact tort reform, limit damage awards, prevent frivolous lawsuits, and institute a “loser pays rule” to introduce accountability and personal responsibility into our American legal system.

In virtually every democracy in the world, except the United States, the loser of a lawsuit must pay the winner's legal fees. The fact that we are the lone holdout indicates why the United States has the highest rates and costs of litigation in the world. Reform the lawyers…and you reform healthcare.

But the reason why tort reform is never mentioned by President Obama is because he's a lawyer; his wife Michelle is a lawyer; his advisors are lawyers; his friends are lawyers; his top contributors are lawyers. Can anyone spell CONFLICT OF INTEREST? No one wants to eliminate lawyers, or lawsuits. In a free society, consumers have a right to sue, and lawyers have a right to represent them. We should zealously protect that right. But we don't have a right to abuse the system. Our goals should be focused on reigning in abusive lawyers, limiting abusive jury awards, and eliminating frivolous lawsuits. That's how you start the process of healthcare reform Mr. Obama.

Second, get the government out of the way. Repeal all government laws, rules and mandates that prevent American consumers from buying any health insurance policy they want, anywhere in the country. It is government rules, regulations, laws and mandates that make healthcare expensive in the first place. Now Obama wants to solve the problem that government created by adding more government? By adding more government rules, regulations and mandates? Obama suggests that government cure the problems and high costs of government-run healthcare (Medicare, Medicaid) by forcing government to take over all healthcare? He wants to spend an additional trillion dollars to save money? The answer is to allow the American consumer to buy any policy, in any state, that best fits their family's needs, without government mandating what should be included in that policy.

Third, get the employer out of the way. Allow Americans to choose and own their own health insurance- without the employer involved. Allow all individuals to deduct healthcare costs (starting with the first dollar) directly off their income taxes. This allows anyone to change jobs or employers, without worrying about losing their health insurance.

Fourth, encourage personal responsibility with Health Savings Accounts. Consumers don't ask government or private insurance to pay for tire changes, oil changes, or minor car repairs. We are responsible for those. So why should government or insurance be asked to pay for every minor medical need, or routine doctor visit? All consumers should be encouraged to save money in a tax deductible Health Savings or Personal Wellness Account designed to pay for minor medical bills and routine doctor visits. A high deductible insurance plan will pay for everything else (the major bills), so consumers are not bankrupted by accident, illness or disease.

Finally, instead of asking Big Brother to punish Americans for bad choices, let's instead encourage and motivate good behavior with tax reductions. Motivating Americans to exercise and get in shape would save billions of dollars in health costs by reducing the need for doctors and prescription drugs, and preventing disease. How do you do that? Make healthy choices tax deductible. The federal government should make gym memberships, and the purchase of home gym equipment tax deductible. Also, vitamins and health supplements should be tax deductible (from the first dollar). It would save this country (and its taxpayers) billions of dollars to encourage that consumers make healthy choices, thereby reducing the need for expensive doctor visits, medical procedures, or prescription drugs. Shouldn't we be encouraging people to not get sick in the first place?

On the state level, we should eliminate sales tax for vitamins and nutritional supplements. Americans should be encouraged to make healthy choices that prevent illness and disease, and lower the national costs of healthcare.

If President Obama and our politicians are serious about reducing the national bill for healthcare, then they should encourage Americans to get healthy by reducing taxes for healthy choices. Instead of punishing, mandating or limiting choices- as liberal politicians and Nanny State bureaucrats often do- Libertarians like me want to increase competition in the private sector to lower costs; increase competition on the state level to expand consumer choice; decrease government involvement; and encourage, motivate, and incentivize consumers to make healthy choices by reducing their taxes. That's the Libertarian way.

Oh and one other thing- put someone in charge of this country who has actually paid for the health insurance of others. Obama and I were college classmates. In the 26 years since we graduated Columbia University, he has never created a business, funded a business, managed a business, created real jobs, or paid anyone's health insurance. On the other hand, I've spent 26 years creating small businesses and jobs, and paying for payrolls and health insurance so that others could live the American Dream. Wouldn't it be a refreshing change to have someone running the American economy who actually knows what it's like to run a business, and to pay for the health insurance of others?

Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate. A detailed explanation of his plan for reducing healthcare costs and solving the healthcare crisis is found in his new book, “The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts.” The book is available at Amazon.com or at bookstores across the USA. For more of Wayne's views, commentaries, or to watch his many media interviews, please visit his web site at: www.ROOTforAmerica.com

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
Brucefan will you posting Waynes "chairman" games also ?

Jan 19, 2005
Ben Bernanke Plays Role of “Enabler-in-Chief” to Obama’s “Socialist-in-Chief”
Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 08:40 AM
Bernanke is the Perfect Stoodge for Obama’s Socialist Plans- The Fed Prints Money Out of Thin Air, So That Obama Can Lavish Spending on His Democratic Contributors and Voters

Madoff Turns Out to Be a Small Time Crook

By Wayne Allyn Root, Author
The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts

Of course President Obama offered another 4 year term to the great “Enabler-in-Chief” Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. No surprise there. Why would you change course, when the man you have in the CEO seat is willing to play stoodge and do everything you need to keep your fraud going? Obama wants big government Socialism, and Bernanke is just the man to enable his plan. Fed Chief Bernanke has been willing to print all the money Obama needs to give away trillions of taxpayer dollars in entitlements; welfare; bailouts; stimulus; union payoffs (legal ones of course); tax cuts to people that never paid taxes in the first place; and most importantly pay raises (in the middle of a depression) to local, state and federal government employees.

These are all the very things Obama needs to keep the entitlement and handout junkies…addicted. These are the very things he needs to keep the masses distracted and anesthetized. These are the very things Obama needs to keep his hold on power. Bernanke is more like a Pharmaceutical CEO than Federal Reserve Chief- when Obama needs Xanax, Ritlin, or anti-depressants to calm or distract the American people, he simply turns to Bernanke and the Fed. Voila- another trillion dollars is printed!

Bernanke is enabling Obama to continue unsustainable government spending. The Fed is printing money that doesn’t exist, made up out of thin air, to prop up our bankrupt economy, and make sure that the voters who benefit from all these government handouts don’t notice the fraud being perpetrated on them, and (most importantly) continue to vote Democratic for Obama and his Socialist cabal (Reid, Pelosi, Dodd, Frank, etc). The Fed enables and ensures that Obama always has a steady supply of cash to bribe the corporations and unions that contributed to him (with bailouts and stimulus), and the masses that voted for him (with welfare, entitlements, and government jobs).

Meanwhile the taxpayers and small business owners who pay for all this can look forward to 3 things: First, we will have our life savings and assets devalued by a coming tidal wave of inflation (which always follows the reckless addition of trillions of dollars into the monetary system).

Secondly, guess who will be forced to pay for this obscene, irresponsible and irrational spending spree? Once again, it will be the taxpayers, high-income earners and small business owners. The people who fuel the entire U.S. economy will be punished for their success- for the fact that they create virtually all the jobs, and pay virtually all the taxes. Obama’s voters don’t pay the taxes in the first place, so of course they gain the benefit of government spending and handouts, without any of the responsibility.

Third, future generations of our children and grandchildren will be enslaved to a lifetime of big government, heavy taxes, sky-high inflation, and a worthless dollar- most of the disaster occurring after Obama is long gone from his job.

Think I’m exaggerating about who pays all the taxes…and who will be forced to pay for the current government-spending spree? Here are the facts:

*The top 1% of American taxpayers pay 40% of the income taxes.
*The top 5% of taxpayers pay over 60% of the taxes.
*The top 10% of taxpayers pay over 70% of the taxes.
*The top 25% of taxpayers pay over 90% of the taxes.
*Even more mindboggling, the top 1% of taxpayers pay more taxes than the bottom 95% combined.
* In New York City, America’s financial capital, 40,000 taxpayers pay virtually 100% of the income taxes for a city of 8 million people.

Please keep in mind that most of these high-income earners, that pay all these taxes, are small business owners. And that 75% of all new jobs in this country (and a majority of all jobs) are created by small business owners. And that over 80% of all jobs in this country belong to businesses with under 200 employees. As my wise father the butcher used to say, “It’s easy to hate the rich, but the funny thing is, in my lifetime, no poor person has ever given me a job.”

The facts above are only referring to income taxes. Yet it is important to note that this same group of high-income taxpayers pays the freight for most of America’s other taxes too. Think about it. They own the biggest homes, and most of the commercial property- so they pay virtually all the property taxes that fund our schools and local government. They own the businesses- so they pay half of the FICA taxes for America’s employees- that is then used to fund Social Security. They do the most consumer spending- so they are responsible for a large portion of the sales taxes that funds police, fire and government services. And of course as business owners, they pay 100% of the business income tax too. So when Obama and Bernanke’s bill comes due (for printing all this money out of thin air), guess who gets stuck with the bill?

There is no way out of this depression without small business leading the way. Yet Obama is burying business owners under a blizzard of heavy taxes, government regulation and unsustainable debt- all of which will become virtually 100% their responsibility and burden for years to come.

Here is the reality: Obama’s policies are wiping out small business, forcing the taxpayers who create virtually all the jobs to close their businesses; postpone expansion; cut jobs; retire early (rather than pay his future obscene tax increases); or go underground. The result is that Obama will turn a nasty recession into The Great Depression II.

Because of Obama’s Big Brother tax and spend policies, small business will stagnate and there will be no major improvement in the jobs outlook for years to come. But worst of all, there will not be enough tax revenue to pay for Obama’s massive government expansion and reckless spending spree. Which means that his deficit and national debt projections are overly-naïve and optimistic. Did anyone notice that Obama just announced that the cumulative deficit over the next decade just increased from $7 trillion to a startling $9 trillion (based on his budget)? Of course you didn’t notice- Obama’s government quietly announced it late in the afternoon on a Friday in the dog days of August (when the media is on vacation). I predict that even the new $9 trillion deficit number will look embarrassingly low when we look back years from now.

We are in serious trouble. Years from now, we’ll all look back and realize that Bernard Madoff was a small time crook. The big time crooks and frauds are running the U.S. government. Unfortunately, their Ponzi scheme will bankrupt our entire country, shake the very foundation of capitalism, and leave future generations with a financial Armageddon to contend with. Obama may be the root cause of this economic disaster as our “Socialist-in-Chief”, but Ben Bernanke is his enabler.

Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate. His new book is entitled, “The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts.” For more of Wayne’s views, commentaries, or to watch his many national media appearances, please visit his web site at: www.ROOTforAmerica.com

Jan 19, 2005
Friday, October 2, 2009, 10:39 AM


Obama Desperately Needed Olympics to Distract the Masses from Deepening Economic Disaster.

By Wayne Allyn Root, Author
The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts

Experts love to say that certain big companies and banks are “too big to fail.” The reality is our federal government is too big to succeed. It's all going down in flames for Obama- “the anointed one.” He has proven once again that government spending has failed miserably. The economy continues to crumble. Unemployment continues to rise (another 200,000+ announced today). The full (ie truthful) unemployment picture is now at a unimaginable 17%. Sales of cars- without the “Cash for Clunkers” giveaway- continue to collapse. Banking experts know that a new wave of residential housing foreclosures is on the way. Worse, a complete collapse of commercial real estate is starting, as landlords of office buildings, strip malls, and shopping centers hand the keys to banks. How do I know? It's happening now in Las Vegas- and we all know “what happens in Vegas, doesn't stay in Vegas.” Consumer spending is getting worse- small business owner friends of mine report sales are dropping off a cliff- the worst they've seen yet in this 2 year depression.

As the economic disaster deepens, the White House and Fed lie to us all and tell us that the recession is over. It's either ignorance, delusion, irrational exuberance, or outright fabrication. You decide.

I believe the bad news above is a sign that not only is the recession not over, but the pain is deepening. We are not at the end, but rather only at the beginning. Before this is over, it will be called “The Great Depression II” in the history books. All of Obama's big government intervention has failed. Worse, his irresponsible and incomprehensible spending has made it far worse. Government screws up everything it touches- only this time it is our economic future on the line.

And President Obama's reaction to the dark storm clouds approaching? He chooses to fly off to Denmark to lobby for the Olympics. Huh? Is this man kidding? Think of all the wasted airplane fuel that will contribute to global warming- all for a one day trip to discuss…sports? What, no furor from liberal environmentalists? What a surprise.

My educated guess is that Obama and his cynical political advisors desperately needed this victory. They realized that Obama's sinking polls needed an instant boost to stop the bleeding. Worse, they desperately NEEDED to be awarded a Chicago Olympics as a distraction for the masses because of what is coming down the road- economic Armageddon. But Obama's latest weapon of mass distraction is now scuttled.

What would the Olympics have meant for Obama? More “Weapons of Mass Distraction.” More government spending of money we don't have. More rip-off of American taxpayers and future generations of our children. More bribes and payoffs for Obama's corrupt friends in Chicago. More overpaid jobs for Obama's union cronies. And one giant distraction for those Americans too ignorant to understand that Rome is burning, while they are distracted by the pageantry of a meaningless Olympic event.

Well it didn't happen. We got lucky. The world saved us from another event that would plunge us even further into insolvency and bankruptcy. Even Obama's global fans are getting sick of “the Anointed One.” This Olympic rejection was an embarassing global slap in the face. The world just handed Obama the worst defeat of his Presidency. He must be in shock. My advice: Get used to it Mr. President- I have a gut instinct that far worse news is coming down the road.

Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate. His new book is entitled, “The Conscience of a Libertarian

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