dog walking or dog sitting for those who travel or are very busy.
only requirements are being dependable/trustworthy and liking animals.
Storage facilities are very expensive. How do you go about getting financing for one if you do not already have an established llc or corporation?
The easiest way to make money is to get a job at someone else's business. Then if you don't fuck that up, start to learn how he runs it inside and out, make him your mentor. Then once you've saved enough money try to do it yourself. No offense, but right now it sounds like you're a dude with no money, no business skills, and no ideas.
carwashes are a fortune. Wanted to start a full service myself but it was 1.7 mill plus location.Car washes or mini storage units. Low overhead and they just rake in cash. Sold a mini storage about 5 years ago. Big mistake on my part, but my business was drilled by the real estate collapse.
Got a good friend who owns a few subway restaurants. Sandwiches are mediocre at very best, but the guy is killing it right now.
red boxes? Those things are popping up everywhere. Not sure what the cost is now but I remember when they first came out, think they were around 15k to get started
carwashes are a fortune. Wanted to start a full service myself but it was 1.7 mill plus location.
settled for a photobooth business instead.