The only reason we had a surplus with Clinton was due to the enourmous capital gains average investors were making on high flying Tech stocks. I knew a kid that was in high school that turned 5,000 dollars of "grandma money" into 150,000 dollars. You do realize that 17 year old kid had to pay taxes like he made 150k that year.... think of what that does to government revenues.
Look at what is going to happen now. Markets antipate Obama ( and higher taxes for investors and the wealthy) and they are already running for the exits. Obama will only raise their taxes and this could get ugly...
Obama will respond by raising their taxes more... creating more government... and driving this country into the ground. 2nd great depression.
What you should do to increase your impact is take the same posts which you're now typing two and three times within the same thread and just copy them like a dozen times into several different threads.
Then we'll realize how serious you take all this.
Thanks for the English lesson barman..except you are flawed for two reasons.
1. Antichrist is not a proper name. Just like the word god is not to be capitalized, unless you are speaking about the one and only God.
Let me spell it out for you. If you are Catholic....and you say, "Lets pray to God..", you must be referring to your god.
If you are Catholic, and you say, "People should not worship false gods..", you are talking about other gods that are ficticious, such as pagan gods.
2. If you are going to capitalize Anti and Christ in the same should put a space or use a hypen (-) between Anti and Christ. The word AntiChrist is altogether wrong, so my friend...
Wait a second...if you keep this up, you will dethrone CGOLD for TheGuyWhoThinksThisIsASeriousForum award.
All I can tell you is that in my house we talk about the AntiChrist for hours on end 24/7 and that's how we've always spelled it.
How do you feel about Jermiah Wright? Do you want to go to his church and be the only Jewish guy in the crowd? Listen to how Whites and Jews are ruining America and how " chickens are coming home to roost?"
So im confused...
Did he go to Jeremiah Wrights church - Trinity United Church of Christ?
Or is he a Muslim?
Which one?
or the Antichrist...
and they call us Loony????
As STEAK noted earlier in this Thread, there's a whole truckload of shit you don't know.
Here's one: I'm not Jewish
I'm only 22.5% Jewish on accounta I married a Jewess.
And she's one of the Canarsie Tribe with flaming red hair....the real fucking deal when it comes to seducing and corrupting good southern Christian boys like me.
As for Rev Wright, one of my regrets is that dude retired earlier this year so unfortunately I don't think I'll ever get the chance to go check out his scene in person.
From what I've seen on video clips, when he ran a Sunday service, it was a pretty rockin' affair.
Isnt it suppose to be like this PWNED.. Now go back to your World of Warcraft - 5th grader.
So am I going to be quizzed on your personal facts later? I'd love for you to go to downtown chicago and go meet Wright and his cronies... tell em you are one of the "chosen ones".
Figures you would know Pnewd or whatever the hell it is....
Sweeeeetttt LOOOUUUUUUU...............
In da house!
You are a mans man Lou...
Not sure what World of Warcraft is, but have you tried doing long multiplication?
Much harder than I remember..good thing my son can explain it to me..
The only thing I have to know are things like the Renin-Anigotensin-Aldosterone-System...easy stuff.
It is also much easier to know the effects of capacitative coupling and pulsed electromagnetic fields on the osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity in cortical and cancellous bone. Sometimes I think upregulating DNA and Bone Morphogenic Proteins would be easier to do if you could apply the current directly.
Somebody is copying and pasting again... :nohead: :nohead:
Doesnt change the fact that you are an i.. well... Ill let your actions and words speak for themselves..