Always about Vitterd.....never about the other guy. Amazing. Even you know my bet is the most fair bet possible but still say nothing because it's more acceptable to
be opposite of me.
Im done with boss.....he ran from a bet he wanted.....yet he keeps trolling and talking about me. Yet.....same guys blame me for it.
I dont why i expect anything different.
You are just never going to figure it out. Do you really believe more than a couple of people studied the details of any of the proposed wagers in here? No, I most certainly did not.
No, my point is what you say you intend to repel is what you always attract.
How can I do anything but blame you?
You go into Russ' thread and attack him. The guy is harmless.
You have to remind Superbeets he's a Superbore in 1/4 of his threads. The guy is a defibrillator for this place!
Your sig is an unproven attack on another poster.
Your hero is a guy who pissed in another poster's jello while he was in the hospital.
You brag about your financial windfalls, and how great your life is.
Nothing bad about the line above, but when someone says you're FOS you spend every waking hour trying to prove them wrong.
Call them trolls, whine they follow you around all day. Call them dumb, worthless.
Brag about knocking them out and scattering their teeth.
Draw them like a magnet, a new one almost every week, and wonder aloud why they won't leave you alone.
These dumb trolls won't accept that you are a great success in life, and dammit if you don't spend 12 hours a day trying to convince them!
Does this make any sense?
Challenge them to bets, only furthering your entanglements.
Is this how someone who "never been happier" behaves?
Wake up tomorrow. And repeat the entire process again.
And then claim the daily grind of trying to beat down these enemies you've created by your own posts isn't work.
Heck, it's your job!
And do you really think you get to choose when you are "done with Boss?"
The guy entered here laughing at you posting constantly in the politics section of a gambling board.
Now he's your Siamese twin!