I understand depression.
This guy loved all the love he got in Texas U. when he couldn't do no wrong. Now that he gets to the pros and is struggling...depression?
Whatever...can't stand the heat get the fuck out of the kitchen.
How do you know how he felt at Texas? Maybe he was babied there and information wasn't released. The guy is clearly struggling from something serious. After seeing what my mother went through I'd never wish and form of depression on anyone. Some people hide it but then there's a point when things go so wrong that it surfaces.
Yeah he can't handle the booing but for all you know it just brought out some serious inner issues with Young. He is not depressed because he was booed. I don't care how big of a baby you are, that wouldn't lead you to be suicidal. It's a scary situation and I pray he gets through it.
PS. I also think that Terrel Owens was depressed and think he may still be. This is off topic but I remember people saying things when he was possibly suicidal and possibly tried to go through with it.
Dumbest and most uneducated comment I've ever heard from a publicist is when TO's publicist said he had millions of reasons not to be depressed. How uneducated can that bitch be?
I hope Young fights through this, and I think he should stay away from football for a while and seek help IMO. I know many will disagree but although football isn't the only cause of his sickness, it isn't helping him either. He should stay away from it and come back when he's healthy.
I think a mental illness is a lot more damaging to a person than a physical one. You can recover from nearly all physical injuries in life but there are many mental ones that you will never recover fully from
Also while other comments may be ignorant I think they were complete jokes. I don't think you are showing the slightest bit of sympathy for him. If you experienced something this serious in your life you'd think differently. Have a good weekend and good luck with your plays. I hope there are no hard feelings. Have a good night man.