ISIS will keep killing until we stop them.
Execution pictures by a river were posted. On a concrete jetty awash with blood, victims were brought one by one to the waters edge, forced to kneel and then shot in the head before their bodies were pushed into the flow.
Like the SS the picture on this book.
On this cover a group of 8 or 9 young men no more than 17 or 18 form the background, standing on a low bank. In front of them a man in a jacket and white shirt, holding an overcoat, kneels looking just right of the camera. To the side and slightly behind him, legs braced, is a uniformed man with spectacles, his right arm outstretched, holding a pistol about 2 feet from the kneeling man's head.
These Germans shooting defenceless people in their thousands , and thinking that mass murder was not just necessary but good.
ISIS are very much like the SS in occupied Eastern Europe. There is the same idea of a mystical destiny that doesn't just permit killing but demands it.
Like the Caliphate for the jihadis, the east, symbolised a mythical space for the SS , a Germandom to shape, a place rich with possibilities. In service of that vision the pits had to be filled with bodies.
Just like the SS , ISIS men will kill more and more, will be more unconstrained in their savegery, stopping only when they are utterly defeated and every
executioner- is dead or tried.
Any politicians talk that does not envisage this defeat is wasted breath.