VegasZebra, thanks for sharing some of your insights in this one. Trust me though you are not going to bore anyone here if your writeup are long. Hell I had some where it was several pages to complete, but hey that is just me, as I like to address every issue especially those that are not hit yet by anyone. As far as the points, you probably know that in this game it usually has no bearing on the outcome as the team who won also covered at approx 33-3-1 clip, with something like only two games landing on 7pts.
Anyway, dont you think that the NE quick pass attack and short dump off passes by Brady and Belichicks effecient type of Off will keep the blitzes and pass rush of Carolina in check. Plus, the fact that Brady utilizes an abundance of different receivers, he will surely find a mismatch somewhere. Also as far as running the ball by Carolina, they are going against the #4 ranked Def against the run and #1 total overall Defense in the Pats, so that bal control is something that wont be as easy, in my opinion, as people may think it might be. In fact, in two of Carolina's losses this year, they have faced two teams who had solid Defenses in Tenn #1 against the run and Dallas #3 vs the run. Also, in two of Carolina's three losses, they were against teams that play the 3-4 style Def. NE plays this type of Def, which Belichick is a master at disguising. Were any of these things overlooked in your analysis or did you address these, and still found or felt that Carolina would still win this one outright. Just wondering, if you guys did, as it is strong reasons for me a my backing of NE. Thanks for sharing, Aloha. And again, dont worry about boring anyone with all your analysis and info., we here are to help eachother, and anyone willing to do that is any asset to all of us.