Let see proof beyond anecdotal evidence? Beyond a single research paper many years ago.
Prove to me that it's not the increase of Computers in homes that is causing the rise in Autism rates?
Next thing you're going to tell me is you can pop corn with 4 cellphones.
You call Lorens post bullshit?
Your worried for the parents who might say no to these poison vaccines?
Tell that to the same parents whose chidren have more children. Maybe your grand kids. who knows.
Anyway dont be suprised if someone you know has a kid with Autism.
What will the odds be in 10 years if its gone up as much as it has in the last 10 years.
Autism is a result of genetic abnormalities caused by the mecury targeting a part of the cognitive process turning it off when it should be on.
The odds are like 160-1 now. 10 more years itll be 99-1.
Before they started giving vaccines people didnt have autistic children at such a high rate. It was basically unheard of.
Give me a good reason why the high rate exists now and why mercury (a known poison)(used as a preservative- can you say I Love Money?) (fuck the people who take it as long as they make their Big Pharma fortune) in the vaccines poses no risk.
Convince me like you are absolutley sure about your assurance that theres nothing wrong with flouride after studies proved it would have deleterious effects on the fetus in the womb.
Then you can tell Loren he's wrong to alarm parents about the dangers of vaccines. But we both know you cant- because you dont know anything about these substances- just a bunch of people who still believe in the basic goodness of man. Read Locke/Rousseau for perspective.
Where money is concerned there is no goodness. Why do you think its called the root of all evil?
These monsters worship money over your sorry asses. Trust me on that.@)
Bill...I been reading a few of your posts...and it appears that you got little bit of common sense...you a skeptic and thats understandable...but you need to realize some of us been at this for years....you got to put in work to understand what is happening here.....don't be lazy....lazy people end up in my ignore box.....get to work....
This corageous woman beat Cancer, without the help of the Medical Establishment - Loren78
Vaccines Don't Work At All
Dr Lorraine Day
<EMBED src=http://www.youtube.com/v/9_CdX-ZtdIw&hl=en&fs=1 width=425 height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>
I'm sure most people here who know me from my posts know that I don't believe in the 9/11 conspiracy theories, that I believe men did land on the moon, etc...
I do however have my doubts about the medical community and what's told to us by them. I personally believe that entire industry is about money.
I mentioned earlier how my youngest son was born with elevated levels of mercury in his system. He's 5 now, but I would say that sometime after his 1st birthday we started noticing some skin problems. He was eventually diagnosed with severe eczema, along with being allergic to just about every food known to man.
His eczema got so bad that he would have to sleep with the wife and I because he would scratch so much he would make himself bleed. He is also allergic to wheat, corn, and just about everything else.
At first, we used the steroidial creams given to us by the doctor but we didn't like it because of the long term effects. This is what amazes me. We ended up taking him to a homeopathic doctor who has been amazing in helping him. This doctor went to medical school and practiced medicine but he eventually went into homeopathics.
My son, during the 1st year, would get a shot consisting of nothing more than amino acids twice a month. It was amazing how he cleared up after a shot. He now only has to get a shot maybe once every month or two. He still has many food allergies but we're hoping he can outgrow them.
I know this was a long post but I was amazed at how much treating him with homeopathic medicine has cured him.
Trust me I want to know the true cause as much as anyone. I have two kids, my ex-wife is a special needs teacher who works exclusively with Autistic Children.
I think we can all agree that Mercury isn't good for anybody but living on the planet earth we are all exposed to it everyday. We breath it in, we ingest it in our food it's in our water. We can't avoid it.
The problem I have with the anti-vaccine lobby is they have been taken over by Class Action lawyers looking for billions. The unfortunate part is they are using the parents desperation for answers and help to cash in.
While doing so they are so focused on one cause they are failing to explore other possible causes distracting people from a real search for the a solution.
I spoke about anecdotal evidence before and I'll be a hypocrite here. My ex-wife works in downtown Vancouver and the rates of Autistic Children being born in Yaletown (Yaletown is filled with new condos all going up in the past 25 years) far outpaces the rest of the lower mainland. The ground it was build on was contaminated over the years by the industrial use over the previous 8 decades. I'm convinced it has to do with chemicals such as PCBs in the enviorment rather than trace amounts of mercury in a vaccine.
Again instead of focusing on a singular cause and looking to cash in, the anti-vaccine lobby should look at all possibilites rather than putting all their eggs in one basket. Then hopefully we can find a way to prevent or cure those with ASD.
I suggest you look into who finances the Anti-Vaccine Lobby.....you may be surprised at what you find!!!! Remember, if you want to control the outcome of any conflict, control both sides....