“We gave you strict orders not to teach in his name, yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man’s blood.” Acts 5:28
...American Christianity would be wise to consider what is the real animus driving the opposition to this movie. In reading between the lines of their arguments, it is revealed that what the New Sanhedrin fears more than anything else is a reversal of fortune for their agenda. In truth, the reason for the current apoplexy over the release of The Passion is rooted in the fact that such a work threatens to undermine much of the success they have achieved in the last few decades in de-moralizing and de-Christianizing American society.
...An honest examination of the philosophical roots of Marxist Zionism reveals an unbroken chain of connecting sentiments hovering around the idolatry of race-worship and derision of outsiders. As much as detractors from this argument may try to deny the existence of such sentiments, nevertheless they are as easily verifiable as the phrase “We hold these truths” is visible in the American Declaration of Independence. In reading the Talmud, (considered to be the “holy of holies” in modern Rabbinic Judaism) one finds within its pages the blueprints for radical societal reorganization so as to benefit and elevate the practitioners of Judaic extremism, and in particular those enjoying the positions of leadership. This reorganization is achieved through the process of undermining by any means available the moral fiber and stability of all existing societies for the purpose of supplanting them with an oligarchy rooted in Jewish supremacy. As such, in assaulting Christian morals over the course of the last 3 decades, Israel and her infrastructure of propaganda have succeeded in reconfiguring and rearranging Western morality so as to put it in alignment with her policies in the Middle East that would otherwise result in moral condemnation. As a result of such a process, the objective laws of right and wrong as recognized by the adherents of Christianity have had an asterisk placed next to them, noting that certain exceptions to these laws exist when they apply to the machinations of the Zionist agenda. Therefore, murdering Palestinians and reducing their existence to that of concentration camp victims is no longer murder and genocide, but rather an exception to the rule. Imperialistic ambitions, revealed in the long dreamed of Zionist plan of creating a Greater Israel which would encompass the lands of Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia are given a pass as well. Modern day Christianity, (and in particular in America) has, through the Zionist agenda of obliterating the personage of Christ and his religion, suffered the obliteration of her moral compass as well. As a result, her morality remains in a state of flux, constantly changing to suit the needs of those who dictate what is considered to be of benefit or of liability to Israel’s agenda in the Middle East. And it is for these reasons that American Christianity, having had its moral foundations made unstable through concerted attacks on its dogmas and sentiments can be seen embracing contradictory principles in today’s age, and most notably in its support for the murderous and duplicitous state of Israel.
Christians around the world, but particularly those in America, would do well to take note of the current controversy surrounding The Passion and to consider it well. The fact that the Zionist organizations have revealed themselves for the hypocrites that they are in their arguments should induce what remains of Christianity to ponder what the real reason for such opposition is. The reality of the situation is that what is fueling this vitriolic opposition is nothing more than the same ugly, bigoted, religious extremism encompassed within the Pharisaical mindset which Christ himself condemned. The modern day remnants of Pharisaical Judaism, the New Sanhedrin, whose great great grandfathers waged a war of oppression against Christ and his band of freedom fighters have never forgiven them for having won their independence and as such are now in the process of undermining all that the war for liberation has produced. In the same manner that they plotted and schemed, bribed and threatened to erase from society the pesky and ambitious carpenter from Nazareth and his message of liberation, so too do they attempt today through the use of similar tactics.
As such, those who consider themselves Christians today and who are supporters of the Marxist state of Israel would to well for themselves by arriving at the inescapable conclusion that through their support they are helping to raise up a Beast which will at the most propitious moment devour them and their sentiments. Christianity today must, (if indeed it is not too late) wake itself from the delusion known as Christian Zionism, an unholy marriage which has been consummated in the wedding ceremony of two contradictory ideologies through an unnatural intellectual process. As such, let what remains of Christianity and its legacy of liberation from Pharisaical Judaism realize that despite all the flowery talk which the paid mouthpieces of Marxist Zionism preach with regards to the strength of the Judeo-Christian alliance, that no such alliance exists in reality. In truth it is nothing but a ploy, a Trojan Horse designed to penetrate Christianity and subvert it from within, using it as a mechanism for empowering the terrorist state of Israel while at the same time planting the seeds for Christianity’s destruction, an event which will be realized when it is no longer of any use to the agenda of Zionist Marxism.
Americans who consider themselves Christian and who stand with Israel and the Mafia families which control her must at some time recognize that they cannot serve two masters. The Zionist infrastructure of propaganda in America, personified by groups such as the ADL, JDL, World Jewish Congress et al are, (if even only unofficially) arms of the same octopus of Zionist Marxism which Americans support with their tax dollars and now with the blood of their young men and women in the military. It is the same octopus which has been working diligently over the course of the last 3 decades to obliterate America’s moral foundations, and is the fountain from which all the poison which presently infects her society has flowed. And finally, it must be recognized that this Beast which today enjoys the adulation of Christian Zionists is the same which is now attempting to prevent the release of what portends to be a spectacular film celebrating the dignity and divinity of the only King which America has had in her 200 year history, Jesus Christ. And let not American Christians be so naive as to try to separate the sentiments of the various Zionist groups in America from the Zionist agenda in the Middle East, for in reality they are both limbs of the same tree.
As such, let what remains of not only Christianity, but indeed the world at large, view with honest consideration what has been laid out before them and their future. Humanity is being marched into the gulag camps of apocalyptic suffering and despair, a feat accomplished only through what is willful ignorance and evasion of the truth. For Christianity, this present circumstance holds particular relevance, as it is but the continuance of events which began in her War for Independence against the tyranny of Pharisaical Judaism 2,000 years ago. As such, let a slumbering world come to the inescapable conclusion that there is no beauty in the beast known as Marxist Zionism, and that if it is not slain it will succeed in devouring all of known creation. Let the revolution not begin, but rather continue as was intended by the Author of liberty who lit that fire 2,000 years ago in the town of Jerusalem. And in the process of awakening from the delusion, let what remains of humanity nod their heads reverently towards the precepts of justice and righteousness, and begin again the struggle to live as free men, taking the first step in this revolution by asking out loud that most important and desperate question as concerns today’s members of the New Sanhedrin:
“What are we to do with these men?