The idiot Drumpf has admitted he has committed sexual assault. He was sued by his ex wife Ivanna for "rape", but she was paid off in a settlement, and of course changed her story. There is currently an open case against him for raping a 13 year old., who are you to decide that "They Didnt", and what proof, physical evidence is there that it happened?
Things like a police statement, a recording of the assault, some DNA....
The idiot Drumpf has admitted he has committed sexual assault. He was sued by his ex wife Ivanna for "rape", but she was paid off in a settlement, and of course changed her story. There is currently an open case against him for raping a 13 year old.
You do realize thats a civil suit, him being sued for $$ right, and not a criminal case?
Hell, I could open a civil suit against you, saying you touched my pee-pee, and take it to a court. Anyone can file a civil suit for anything and have it heard.
Again, where did trump admit he committed sexual assault? Whole quote or transcript please.
And of course you'll dismiss it because it's on Stern, and I get that. But you asked. That's only one instance, but it's self admitted. There are others, but 1 is all I need.
Stern: Donald, do you ever discuss sex with your daughter?
Trump: No.
Stern. You do not.
Trump: No.
Ivanka: And I have a feeling we’re not going to here.
Stern: Maybe we need to bring this up. Donald, seriously. You know about sexual predators and things like that. I mean...
Robin Quivers: You are one! [laughter in room]
Trump [nodding his head in the affirmative]: It’s true.
You actually don't understand this was a joke.
You actually are pretending this is some serious revelation. I can't believe how silly you are. You're beyond parody.
it's who they are, you know that, everyone else is experiencing this phenom for the first time
it's so fucking weird
The Clinton Political "Machine" has done this, historically, used strategy of besmirching an opponent's reputation or at the least getting that called into question by Voters via the placing of lies about a candidate onto the table, inserting mistruth about an opponent of theirs into the discussion.
If concrete exhibition can get made to the public that Camp Hillary in alliance with certain Media outlets used this same strategy to battle The Donald maybe she takes a big enough hit to sway this thing.
I still maintain though 100% that this election comes down to one thing and only one thing:
Whose pocket is Diebold most deeply within? Or whatever manufacturer of the Voting Machinery is applicable, has always been Diebold to my knowledge. Diebold has the absolute ability to make results appear to be whatever Diebold desires those results read.
Which party is Diebold most allegiant to? Answer that and you'll know which Party prevails here. IMO anyways.
Main Point I desire to make with this post though is that The Clintons have been doing this for years, gaining advantage in elections by benefiting from untrue dirt about their opponent getting into the minds of voters. Check out what Mike Huckabee has to say about it, he's been exposed to this for years him being from Arkansas.
Unfortunately not a great deal of people care too much what Huckabee's opinion is plus his daughter is a HighUp within The Trump camp so some people even think of Huckabee as a Trump Shill. Unfortunate cuz Huckabee knows best of anyone, how Clinton's use Bad Press Lies about opponents to gain advantage and have always done this, exactly what we're seeing here.
of course, we don't know if any of this is untrue. Quite a list of ladies speaking out about disturbing experiences with Mr Trump...up to 9 now?
what we know that is TRUE is that tape. Betting lines and poll numbers went nutty once that was released. Why? you tell me. I guess a % of Americans were grossed about it? That a married man was admitting he was trying to fuck a married woman. Quite a few Republicans in govt (senators, governors ..) jumped ship. Educated women vote sailed that day, for damn sure.
One interesting question; why didn't that tape release in March? Is it cause the blue chaps in high power were okay with Trump as the Republican nominee?
startin' to believe the red boyz were played...........dagone..........
Well, Yeah..."The Tape" but what folks don't grasp is that The Donald plays a Role, always. The Man is OnStage 100% of the time during his waking hours. Maybe he actually grabs the pussy, maybe he does not and this is just The Persona that he chose to portray.
At That specific time.
And that is the most KEY thing of all....
"At That Time"
The only reason The Tape is as big of a deal as it is?
Media + Liberals.
Media insisting its a big deal + Social Justice Warrior Girls whining about shit that was, at the time Trump made those comments...
....not as big of a deal as it is being made to be now.
US getting punished by a BroomHillary regime is way too large a price to pay for Trump's whatever....Act or...actual pussy grabbing.
Way way way too high a price. Hillary is gonna screw this country up bigtime, given the chance. And possibly even the world.
I'm not saying The Donald is any where near a "Good Answer" just that Hillary is a decidedly disastrous option.