I will say this.....if Embiid had been in the line-up last night, I would have been at the Charlotte Spectrum to watch. Sixers are killing it right now, even with the big man stepping on his own dick, lol.
yep.....town is buzzing...with the Flyers back to their sedentary ways we need it...
hahaha...if it's any consolation. I think at least 3 of those will probably win....not that you care im sure
You're on them, yeah, I'll root for ya. But I'm not on any of them, either side. For example, what do you think the Squid (Thank you Willie, that's freakin Beautiful) has been telling his boys since last weekend about how the Vols raped, plundered and pillaged their beloved??? Lot more of that on the board tonight, although I doubt anyone could give that speech as well as the Squid, LOLOL.