If Con Inc tells you everything the government says is a lie (it is) and everything the government does is corrupt and/or turns to shit (it does), then you have to apply that standard consistently across the board.
You can't cherry pick and pretend parts of govt are "good" and parts are "bad", especially when it comes to rogue government agencies

The Deep State.
Demand FULL transparency and FULL accountability in ALL cases.
If Con Inc told you Robert Mueller, Director of the FBI, was a "Patriot" after 9/11, but then magically morphed into a villain during "Russian Collusion", that is not consistent or logical.
You're being PLAYED - just as retarded and brainwashed as the "libtards" you pretend to mock.
Is Robert Mueller a Patriot or a villain? Is he lying NOW, or was he lying THEN?
"Umm, yeah...about those Security Cams at the Pentagon...they umm, took all the footage which they can't show you....ya know, national security! But don't worry, here's a USA Today article "debunking" all the conspiracy crap! Now let's talk how shitty Obamacare is!"
"Oh, and uhhh...we know the govt sucks and lies about practically everything, but just this ONCE, listen to everything their "experts" tell you on Covid! We still love Liberty...but sometimes you gotta sacrifice for the common good! So take off your shoes boarding a plane and wear this flimsy mask! Mmkay?"
That's the Clown World of Con Inc.

No excuses!
Spoiler Alert: The truth is so horrifying that you'll probably throw up!