I can see why an emasculated male like you would believe fighting a "rigged" system is whining. If only everyone meekly bent over like Raiderhater taking it up the ass we'd have Utopia On Earth!
How about instead of "whining", Trump inspires his millions of freedom-loving Patriots to start shooting the morning after? Would that satisfy you, fat blubber-bellied moose cock-sucking POS??
Ahhh, but that's where you are wrong(again), you brain dead scumbag: A decade long study of voting results came up with 31 cases of voter fraud-thirty-one-out of nearly a BILLION results-that would not've swung 10 "Floridas" for Gore in 2000, which was decided by appx 500 votes-speaking of which, how is it rigged when you get slaughtered, Jagoff? Finally, Rump forgot to bring a very important component of a fraud charge: PROOF, muthafucka, do you or Rump have it? No, so STFU, Sheriff Jagoff, and assume the position that you know only too well...Loser!@#0:flies:Slapping-silly90)):bunnies::bigfingerazzkick(&^Slapping-silly90)):madasshol:trx-smly0:kissingbb:fckmad::Countdown