Truely Handicapping - any plays for today?


Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003

shoot the moon baby
Feb 20, 2001
truly has signed up for classes at the bashing academy. its a six week course to learn proper bashing skills so he can bash w/ the big dogs here.

he knows he's been a little weak in that dept and wants to hone his skills.

retired pro basher master don marco runs the school and featured guest bashers speakers include:

ny sports
joeybagadonuts (they r still checking his birth cert to see if he can teach a class) must be over 16

also a special treat will be guest mod bashers the general and bucsfan.

also if u can make it thru those guys u can learn a special tech called two facing bashing. those classes r taught by idenity and panther, they teach u to be friends w/ the bashee then on a dime u turn and become the basher, then without warning u r friends again etc...etc....some crazy stuff.

if u pass those courses the final exam is u get to go against co-captain, public enemy number 1. if u can go round to round w/ the man ,u will pass the final exam and become a master basher.


[This message was edited by unochamps on July 03, 2004 at 09:10 AM.]

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
Pretty elite company of bashers there. Just thought he might have a lean on the Sox\Cubs series.
Sep 20, 2004

what do you know about me?

besides the fact i'm up over 400 units on this terriable site for handicapping information.

actually the site is great, the posters need to get a clue.

after the past 6 months i have learned something.

if there is anyone here that needs to charge for plays it's me.

consider yourself lucky for now to view my plays for free. it won't last long with crap like this.

in six months i would of made you $40,000.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by truelyhandicapping:

what do you know about me?

besides the fact i'm up over 400 units on this terriable site for handicapping information.

actually the site is great, the posters need to get a clue.

after the past 6 months i have learned something.

_if there is anyone here that needs to charge for plays it's me._

consider yourself lucky for now to view my plays for free. it won't last long with crap like this.

in six months i would of made you $40,000.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Truly, unochamps is simply stating what he sees based on your actions...Just like I was doing....Your right he or me or anyone doesnt know anyone here yet we all try to pass our own assumptions on to everyone like it is the total truth...What a bunch of crap...If you believe what another person says about about another person, who he doesnt know personally, then you are an Idiot...

This site is getting terrible because I agree that many here only post plays, just like how all the consensus services lising do....Whats the use of this place, if all we are going to do is post plays that is like how the services list the plays....I see more value when others share what is it that they like about a play...Post some reasons for a play you like, not hard to do, especially if you capped out the game and didnt just flip a coin....

I dont know what you mean, by the posters need to get a clue...The only clues that I see anyone needing to get is the clues in all the information and insights that we all share on plays...If it has to do with something which we personally cannot deal with concerning another person, then that is our problem and not anyone elses, and has no place here.....No one controls anyone, but yourself...So if we all did alittle more worrying about ourselve and less about what another does or says, then nothing should bother you, or make you waste your energies by getting upset...Just a useless waste that wont benefit you in any way...

Hey, if your going to charge for your picks....Then do it...You have said that you have plans to go TOUT one day....But remember, do it based on your own merits and achievement, cause its not going to work by getting into a war or slandering other cappers...Successful people and those people on top are the ones that are being talked about....Not the ones doing all the talking and complaining...If people see you as having value and are successful, then you will know, cause it will as well show in your actions and attitudes....

Again, I dont know who feels lucky to have the ability to view your plays for free....because I think most people come here for the information and the plays and not just the plays by themselves...Many other people here who have successful records provide others the total package of plays and info, and insights backing them...Most poster here to me, and in my opinion, is not any different then the many services who simply post their plays with no reasoning, just like on the concensus list....But if you feel we are lucky then so be it...But just to set the record straight, you are the one dishing out the crap to others...No one, including myself, attacks you unfairly...But you like to attack me every chance you get...Just look at your first post back after your suspension for causing shit and problems in my thread....Just had to go right back to causing problems for me, didnt you learn your lesson or the fact that you cant ter me down....Hmmmm, serioulsy you need to stop acting like an innocent child here...because your not...I think that if you just sticked to posting plays and minded your own business concerning another, especially me, you should be fine and you wont get crap...Try it, I bet no one will bash you back that you didnt bash first....

Hey congrats on your success so far in the bases...I dont follow your plays, so this doesnt affect me at all....No offense, but I couldnt follow someone who plays 40+ plays on one day and who doesnt put out some legit reasons to why they like a play....But I also need info, behind a play before I recognize it as valid...But that is just me....You never know whose plays this really is or if it was simply a result of flipping a coin...At least with a brief writeup, one can see that some legit work went into the play...

BTW, you should go TOUT, like you said you would....It is better that you do it when your on a winning streak....and most times, wannabe Touts who come in here as hidden regular posters dont usually want to put in the work to prove themselves for a long period of time, as that is not their real reason for coming to the forum in the first place.....and they usually have plans to start charging after they have hit a lucky streak....Is this why you tried so hard to get the Respect from others, like me who have been here for awhile, in the first month you been here...You have also only been here for less than 6 months, but again, you still are claiming to be the best capper in here....and you claim to be not another good capper, but the BEST here...WOW.

TOUTs also uses a lot of Alias to cover their tracks, probably during losing streaks or for other reasons, which some here have stated but I am not sure....BTW, what happened to your other poster name?....Ah, No need to answer that...Also, I have to give you credit also, you got the big catch phrase going, I remember when you Guranteed us all that you can hit 65% Guranteed, and that we should all follow only you as there was no one better...You also know how to constantly change your values on your plays when you need to recover from a losing streak....So, I guess, you got it going on for yourself just like the other TOUTS, huh.....and with the crap that you say you are getting here, and the success that you have found so far in just 6 months here, I dont see why you shouldnt just start charging for your plays...Go for it Truly...

Well, I dont know what you will chose to do, but if TOUT is what you want to do, then so be it...Its your life and you owe no one here anything or any explanations for your choices and how you want to live your life....GL..CC.

ps: But try not to be so angry, spiteful, jealous of anyone here though...If you made $40,000 for yourself in 6 months like you claim, there really isnt any reason or explanation for you to NOT be simply enjoying your life, Right.

[This message was edited by Co-Captain on July 05, 2004 at 05:11 AM.]
Sep 20, 2004
practice what you preach.

go get a life.

leaving on a sour note, but i have gotten on you because you are dishonest.

i could care less about your record, but to post only some plays here, then posting diff plays at other sites. you are helping no one by doing that.

to post plays after the game starts, very dishonest and misleading. which is bs for those

who do follow, they have no chance to play your bet. what is that.

and don't give me that crap about you sent them an email because they are on your list. if that is the case then stop posting here and just send out your emails.

and a good record for the college world series, to bad you never posted your last plays, but took credit for wins.

and i like how you talked a great game about the catcher from fullerton. to bad you never mentioned him until he had a big hit in a game that you bet against him.

one word cocaptain


Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
My first thread that ended up in the RR. Thanks guys.

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
Miss a little, miss a lot around here. I need a beer, too much reading.

shoot the moon baby
Feb 20, 2001
ur right truly, i don't know u and i don't follow ur plays and if ur up 400 units congrats.

thing is most guys here that r good cappers don't get into the bashing business, they act like pros, post their plays, go back and forth a little.

ur trying to bash takes away from ur capping and to me i will remember ur bashing and not ur good capping.

its tough to do both, stick to what ur good at.the bashers here r really good at what they do, i find all the stuff that goes on in caps threads very entertaining.

its like the good summer novel that never ends, btw does anybody take this stuff seriously????

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Braves Over 9 +100
Dodgers Over 8 -120
Yankees Over 10 –110
Orioles Over 9 +100
Twins O 7 ½ -115
Sep 20, 2004
thats to bad that all you remember is the bashing.

so how can you even comment if you don't even follow my plays.

looks like you are looking for the entertainment and not trying to win money. which is cool. i'm sure a lot of guys here are like that.

good luck on the entertainment

shoot the moon baby
Feb 20, 2001
truly u just don't get it.

carry on whatever u do, ur the guy i think has the agenda and a bigger ego than co-cap.

only time will tell, wait till football, but guys u heard it here first.

ur the guy that cried when no one was paying attention to ur winning plays and started w/co-cap to get attention. first u were mad then u made up now ur back to being mad again...jezz make up ur mind man, ur like a girl.

how could i follow ur plays, i can't understand what ur trying to say!!!!

speakin of of attention whores, aren't u the one that was trying to run the board one night to get ur name in lights???? wtf

big time ego here guys u watch.....
Sep 20, 2004

wait for football for what hero

never cried about no one watching my plays, i thought all you guys were idiots, but that is niether here or there.

gee if you followed cc which tons of people did you would of broke even, if you followed myself you would of won tons of money. to hard of a question for you unochumps.

you can't follow my plays? my first question is can you read. my next question is do the difference between + and -. if the answer is yes then following someones plays shouldn't be that hard.


i could care less if you follow my plays, your more concerned with cc and myself going back and fourth then you are about someone kicking ass in plays. are you stupid or just an idiot.

if you want the answer for the cc shit then read my first post you ...

football season is my time. i hadn't bet on basketball in 10 years and look how i did. baseball the same in season.

do yo know the difference between being stupid and being an idiot?

stupid is not knowing the answer to a question.
being an idiot is knowing the answer and still getting it wrong.

i've done nothing but give you answers and you still don't follow, gee which one are you.

[This message was edited by truelyhandicapping on July 07, 2004 at 07:59 AM.]

[This message was edited by truelyhandicapping on July 07, 2004 at 08:01 AM.]

shoot the moon baby
Feb 20, 2001
hey trulyhandicapped,

nice name calling, u must be in 7th grade. does ur momma know u talk that way.... i can't believe u pulled me down to the gutter w/ you.

i cap my own games but will also look at other peoples plays to try to get as much info as possible. don't be affended i pass by ur posts.

i can read people pretty good and i know by the end of football season u will be gone tout or try to if u have a good one.

if not u will prob change ur name again to someone else...btw if u were gracie lou r u a guy or girl????

remember guys u heard it here first on 7-7-04. this guy or girl has a bigger ego than the cap and will prove it.

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
Uno - Gracie is his daughter's name. I think he named her after Mark Grace.

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by truelyhandicapping:
was that grace doing rynos' wife, or was that Raffy P.

go brewers<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sep 20, 2004
probably should of kept raffy and the wife around.

would of had free entertainment and a hall of famer still playing.

traded grace, spent that money on maddoxx, could of been different results

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