6:30 pm
about 50% full
The Manchurian Candidate - doesn't look as good as I thought it would
King Arthur - are wars required to be in every trailer now? Someone behind me said it looks just like Troy
The Notebook - looks like a Hallmark movie
Constantine - looks like some cable tv movie
Catwoman - eh
Ocean's 12 - nothing to say, just a clever teaser
The movie itself is good, but quite flawed. I didn't think the music was that big of a problem, but the wailing and the torches did make me feel like I was watching one of Survivor's tribal councils. Acting is ok, though nothing really spectacular. Eric Bana is a bit better than everyone else, but nothing extraordinary. Peter O'Toole has a few good scenes as well. It was put together well, and while it is nearly 3 hours long, it didn't drag all that much. Still, with almost 3 hours I just didn't really care about the characters or what happened to them. Decent effort though, overall I give it a B