Translating Butch's message at lifesa*** welcoming posters who were barred at other forums


New member
Sep 21, 2004
"Just so you know, you're welcome here at Lifesabet, so long as you mind your manners like everybody else. We even have a folder here ("Who's Watching the Watchdogs?") that you can use to rant and rave about the places that did you wrong."

If you got yourself banned at another forum for being a jerk off, come over to our forum. Jerk offs are welcome here, and in fact we've even got a jerk off moderating this forum. He's bi-polar, so he'll post a message saying that we don't encourage personal attacks on other sites, and then post another message saying that you can flame other sites all you want. If you have a personal agenda against another forum or those who run it, and you want to post unfounded allegations of criminal or immoral activity, post your slander and garbage here. We're desperate for all the posters we can get.

"You'll find that our site is a bit more laid back than the others. For one, you won't have to worry about people with agendas flaming and stalking you."

No, you just have to worry about Psycho Butch looking over your shoulder. And we don't want flamers and stalkers with agendas, unless your agenda is against another forum.

"For another, people here are actually friendly."

In fact, a few of our posters are real people and not Schizo Butch's ghosts.

"For a third, people here actually get along with each other."

And they're pretty stupid too.

"The jerks are shown the door in a hurry."

Kiss Butch's ass and you can stay as long as you want.

"Most importantly, unlike the other forums, we aren't running this forum to make money."

We're communists.

"In other words, we're not interested in driving traffic up at the cost of berating people, just so we can try to fool potential sponsors into advertising."

But we ARE so desperate for posters that we'll welcome the dregs who got themselves banned from other forums for being assholes.

"We make our money from other legitimate sources, and the forum is here as a service, not as a means to line our pockets with loot like other places treat their forums."

The forum is just a hobby, because we make enough money selling drugs.

"So come on in and make yourself at home. You'll be glad you did, and we'll be glad to have you here. Enjoy."

Until our psycho moderator turns on you. If you managed to get banned somewhere else, you'll have NO problem getting banned from here too.
LOL to your "relationship" with Butch.

See he invited you over to post, then edited your post.


I love that big bi-polar teddy bear.....
And I can't even visit the nut anymore, he closed the forum to all non-members.

I could register I guess, but Butch already registered me once himself then deleted all the posts he made for me.

Too complex.

I'll take the next bus.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Yeah that's funny... Butch closed the forum because he didn't want me reading it. Not that there's ever anything WORTH reading there. Just PsychoButch ranting and foaming at the mouth about theRx and Major, a few losers with their sports picks, and a few contest whores who are desperate for an extra $10 to play the horses with. Yesterday he had 4 players in his horse contest... how pathetic can you get? I wonder how much post-up money e-horse is getting from a bunch who would degrade themselves like this for chance at a mere ten bucks?

Butch doesn't need a shrink or medication... he needs a full frontal lobotomy!

And Peep, you should consider making "lifesabet" a censorable word like po-stal.
The guy that owns that site must be scratching his head about now. Hiring that looney bin and paying him money to destroy his posting forum for all time.

Closing the forum so people can't read it. Yeah, that makes a LOT OF SENSE TO A BI-POLAR.

I would have hired Ivan ahead of him.

So it goes....

New member
Sep 21, 2004
He reopened the forums so lurkers could read them. But there's nothing to read. There haven't been any new posts all day except for the four entries in the ehorse contest. It's so pathetic I almost feel sorry for them... NOT!

And a couple of days ago Butch posted that his new pal "nova" was feeding him dirt on you. I'll bet my entire Olympic account that "nova" is your old pal Shamer. This should be a hoot! At least Butch will have company in the padded cell.
Yeah, it is Shammer for sure.

Funny combo to say the least.

VERY "Pinky and the brain" combo. Butch of the intellect, Shammer has to be verging on idiot status, couldn't spell "brain" if you spotted him the "B".

Both nuttier than hoot owls though, at least they have that in common. Don't think it will be enough to make this marriage last, but "you never know"....

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