Torpedo (and any other numbskulls)


Nov 1, 2004
""""""":icon_conf You know I want to say you're off to one heck of a start with that 7-2-1 mark after the 1st day and I congratulate you but I would also like to know how the hell you came up with a pick of an 'under 8' in the Atlanta/Dodger game tonight. I mean the 2 teams have scored 10 fucking runs through only 3 innings of play and you post the under 8 for others on the forum to view and possably follow? I have to ask you how you capped this game to come up with the under 8 play. I mean the 2 pitchers who took to the mound tonight must have provided you, if you capped the game thoroughly, with something that would have directed you to, if not the over, then at least a 'no-play' on this game. I can't for the life of me figure out how, if cappers are indeed doing their research to the fullest, how they can be so far off on their selections. Maybe I'm missing something regarding the capping Tomorrow's Newspaper, but I would really appreciate it if you could fill me in on exactly how how capped this one game to arrive at your posted selection of under 8 runs, a game when both teams accounted for 5 runs apiece through the first 3 innings of play. Actually it's now 6-5 Atlanta in the top of the 4th and they have the bases loaded woth nobody out! (Could this possibly have been a typographical error on your part, meaning you meant to post the over 8 runs?) :icon_conf"""""""""""

Since this is the rubber room, I can say anything I want. You fucking piece of shit. What in the hell is your problem? First of all, all of your lame ass ignorant posts reek of a thing called entitlement. You think that you are entitled to receiving winning picks for FREE from any fucking capper you decide to follow. Do you realize how stupid you are? This is a free posting forum, people post picks here for the benefit of others. But, never the less you have the gall and the audacity to jump into someone elses thread (who has the balls to post picks), and bash their selections AFTER the game has lost.

Fuck you. I repeat, go fuck yourself.

Sports gambling isn't easy, do you realize that? This isn't some sort of get-rich-quick scheme. It's a hobby, it's not the replacement of the income. You need to figure out, real fucking fast, what you are in this for. My guess is you think you can make a shitload of money doing this by following people that other people recommended. You dumbass, that doesn't mean anyone is going to hit 100%, or even 75%, do you get that??? Therx does not want you or any poster like you if that is really what you expect. Get the fuck out of here, or at the very least QUIT posting in other people's threads. I have seen you do this shit numerous times and I am so sick of your fucking bull shit. It's people like you that really make quality handicappers stop posting their plays. DON"T be that guy, quit wagering more money than you can afford to lose and


What ya got dickhead? You got a retort? Then fucking post it, let's see it.

head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005

based on my professional opinion i feel you should try and open up more, tell us how you really feel about turdpedo! post an honest an true statement of what he does that pisses you off. if you do this i think you will feel much better sir.

Nov 1, 2004

hahahhahahhaha good one. It feels good to type shit out like this. THe funny thing is, I had a winning day today!

I love the RR

head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
I agree, however you must understand turdpedo has had his allowance reduced for being a bad boy at school, given his prediciment he is unable to sustain one loss and still "bet the board" He will be back tomorrow to lurk in on some threads and jump in on the one or two losing plays from someones card. i doubt he has the intellect or the nuts to respond in this thread, but lets give him a day or so before calling it a win.

New member
Sep 16, 2005
This is not an isolated incident for Torpedo, he makes these kinds of posts constantly. He's a real piece of shit and the fact that he hasn't been banned yet is a disgrace to the moderators here. Un-fucking-real.

New member
Jan 31, 2006
Torpedo is not new to this bullshit. he is a vulture and complains if he lost a bet that anyone posted.

here is what he posted (clearly after following me on a 0-2 day, after a long winning streak)

"Go figure! Some of the totals (ie: LAL over or CLev under) selected for tonight went up in smoke faster than a haystack alongside an oil refinery explosion. Cleveland, thanks to OT, cleared the total as though it never existed and adding another 40 points to the initial posted total of 195 still wouldn't have been enough. As for the Laker total the posted number, which was set at 203 or thereabouts, is looking more and more like 503 for those who elected to wager on the over. These total plays tonight and some of the others have a way of making some look bad, but then again the Phoenix Suns did one hell of a job in perfecting that 'look' last night upon those who played the 'side' type of wager as well. I suppose one could say that the books have certainly done well with that particular 'side' play last night and more so with these two specific 'total' plays tonight, which in most bettors eyes were officially complete after 3 quarters. Games like these have to make those, especially the ones who were seriously burnt on a bigger scale because of these results over the past couple of nights, wonder what on tap for tonight and more so whether or not it might be time to take a breather as a result. Bol guys!"

he also got pissed at me for rooting for my other 2 picks to win (after i had lost the first one)...saying that "i shouldn't root for my picks after someone plays the only loser i had picked"

here is another very STUPID post by this dingleberry:

"This game appears to have the makings of one that will have 'down to the wire' written all over it when the final buzzer sounds. It seemed that many, upon seeing the first signs of the Phoenix -5 point spread yesterday, thought this was one to be taken and taken with ease, meaning the Suns would run their way to a relatively easy double-digit victory. However as time winds down in the 4th quarter, it is indeed the Suns who are running alright, but running to try and catch up to the Utah Jazz who are leading by 9 with a little less than 4 minutes and change remaining. I've been around this business a long time, as many of you have yourselves, and if there is one thing I've learned and nobody can change my mind on it, it's simply that pointspreads are set and irrelevent of the final outcome, they are set with a purpose in mind and this purpose should not be taken lightly. Remember, what you see upon first glance is actually what it is supposed to be and that's the bottom line."

^^^ WOW! great insight torpedo!!!! now if you can start telling us ANYTHING useful (especially BEFORE a game) then do so...i doubt you can though.

now go jerk off to a bottle of maple syrup, or whatever you do in Canada that entertains you...but stay out of people's posts if you have NOTHING good to say.
Oct 21, 2004
Tman: Good one!!

based on my professional opinion i feel you should try and open up more, tell us how you really feel about turdpedo! post an honest an true statement of what he does that pisses you off. if you do this i think you will feel much better sir.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
now go jerk off to a bottle of maple syrup, or whatever you do in Canada that entertains you...but stay out of people's posts if you have NOTHING good to say

Hey!!!!!Don`t you be fucking around with our maple syrup eh.

Torpedo,go suck a fat one.:madasshol

New member
Sep 16, 2005
Seriously, can any mod answer why he has not been banned under the "no bashing" rule that has been pinned at the top of every forum?

New member
Jan 31, 2006
here's the most recent post from this idiot:

"The Cincinnati Reds are ahead of the woeful Pittsburgh Pirates 5-0 through 3 innings of play and I have to honestly wonder why so many so-called 'star-studded' cappers jumped on the Pirate bandwagon for this one. Something tells me looking at the standings quickly that one of the factors leading to this play was based on the 'due' factor, meaning Pittsburgh, at 0-4 coming into this game, was overdue to put one in the win column. These cappers, who for whatever reason are considered by many as the stepping stone to a gold mine, appear to be leading many through 'quicksand' to this so-called gold mine with such ridiculous picks. Solid and qualified cappers, it should be noted, are few and far between and it should also be noted that a 6-1, 7-0 or whatever one's decent start to a season is, does not automatically apply such a label to a person or capper. For that matter, don't over estimate one's solid record the previous year as, in most cases, their record will usually drop dramatically the following season. A solid and qualified capper, in whatever sport they claim to be good at in terms of capping, is usually identified by his success the following season and/or the season thereafter as oppposed to the initial one in play. Lastly and probably most importantly, solid and qualified cappers rarely post more than 3 plays (4 tops) in a day and finally, they definitely refraim from posting post plays (ie: Pirates) for the purpose of believing teams are overdue. Remember, there are many people out there who claim to be and appear to be professional and solid cappers, but the bottom line is they're merely seeking recognition and attention and hoping they do well to avoid public failure. These people are a dime a dozen and very easy to identify whereas it's the professional ones that are difficult to locate but when you do, both you and your wallet will certainly know it! :103631605"
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