
Sep 20, 2004
Aloha Gang....Dont about anyone else, but had trouble logging in today....Anyways heres the plays....


Philly -160

-Gl and I will be back to post the LATE SET GAME....Aloha CC.

"American Idol Capping Expert"
Jul 20, 2001
5DD - leave the guy alone. because we know if philly hits, you will be NOWHERE to be found...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
lol @id
hope he does win so i wont have the loser also.
and oh yes i will still be here

Sep 20, 2004
LOL...fivedoors...I dont think it will matter one bit if this games loses for you, as your other three selections dont look to good at this point either....Keep being negative and your only going to get what you asked for...

BTW, now you see why I dont post all my plays anymore here.....At least those that I Emailed got my SWEEP with the Indians and the Over in the Morning Set....Aloha CC.

Sep 20, 2004
Yeah, couldnt get it in here, the place was down AGAIN!.....But it doesnt matter any way....

Thanks MC, I see you back at Cover talkin to yourself again, just like the last two times you tried posting there....How is it going for you this time?....Anyone giving you the time of day over there, hmmmm?....LOL....

People know who you are and what a two faced ass you are.....Carry On....Hope I see you there again tomorrow....Takes more than just one day posting winners to be respected there.....People there look for infomation and insights....I look forward to you showing us your writeups again....I hope you dont disappoint them at Covers, like you did at your Ghost Town Forum.....LOL....Aloha CC.

Aug 20, 2002
You are -80 units on the year, yet you keep talking like people actually FOLLOW your plays.

Good night.

Sep 20, 2004
Well like I tried to explain to another ignorant poster here....Does having a down year, down month, down week, down day, correlate to someone continually being down forever or not winning or being successful?...The answer to this which your equally ignorant about is, NO!

On the other hand, just because a person who is up on the year, the month, the week, or day, does it guarantee that he will continue to be up and wont lose or hit a losing streak?....Of course not....You MadCapper proved this theory...When you was up over 70 Units in the bases, only to Lose more than 80 Units and thus going into the negative in MLB YTD by DD's.....Whomever followed you in that time, over a month, when you lost over 70 Units GOT MURDERED!

At least, the majority of my plays can not be faded or followed so no harm no foul for most.....You on the other hand should be Locked Up for MASS MURDER....LOL..

MC go back to your Ghost Town Forum...
Sep 20, 2004
finally officially going tout....

an old tout give half your players one team, the other half the other team.

another great tout trick..posting some plays one place, some plays another place.

pretty sweet

you have finally proved all you care about is yourself, gee i had you figured out about my second reading of your junk mail.

may god help you.

what do you do for a living to be down all these units and not care. oh yea i forgot, you are a trust fund baby aren't you. living off someone elses hard work. and to top it off you call yourself a tout and living up to the rep of losing other peoples money.

I'm gonna be on your ass you true piece of work.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Cap-Nice call on the Phillies-just a heads up, your really burying yourself here. My people I emailed got my sweep, I think it would be better if they came on board and said that.
Your really getting caught up and giving people in this forum plenty of ammunition that your going tout. I respect your plays, not the props that your giving to your outside business.
I hope you do well and make a comeback but you can't bash the site because you had one problem getting on, it doesn't make your plays. Try not to take it negative-just an outsider looking in. It's getting old and I think your losing all the respect you built up from CBB, and the NFL. I seen this happen to Kodiak when he got hammered in Bases and he was fighting an uphill battle in every sport after! Never recouped! They'll find you!-Let your work speak for itself.
Good Luck I hope it helps.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by truelyhandicapping:
an old tout give half your players one team, the other half the other team.

another great tout trick..posting some plays one place, some plays another place.

pretty sweet


Ok....Whatever you say Truely or Gracie Lou or whatever else your Ghost/Alias are....

Like I stated to you, our time has come and gone....Your going to have to make it on your own this time....But I will set the record straight for you, as far as my plays being posted one here and the other at another forum....


ps, I know what your game is....Your plans are to go tout and you have even stated this in one of your post....But to gain your popularity by getting into arguments with me is NOT going to work this time, Silly Rabbit....Like I said your going to have to earn it all on your own this time....BTW, next time you want to question someone, get informed, educated, and some rest before you state something stupid like you did today and the other day.....Remember questioning me about my line on the Yankees RL which was -108.....Yet you stated that you got the Yankee RL at -130 with that Clown Contrades on the hill....Pleassse, only an idiot would drop -130 on the RL with Contrades on the hill.....Funny but everyone else got it at -108 to -112 at the highest, yet you questioned me as to where I got it at that price, because you said that you played it at -130.....That was a Classic Attempt and Classic Make Ass again by you.....Still LMFAO!...Nice Try!

[This message was edited by Co-Captain on June 15, 2004 at 08:14 AM.]

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kapusta:
Cap-Nice call on the Phillies-just a heads up, your really burying yourself here. My people I emailed got my sweep, I think it would be better if they came on board and said that.
Your really getting caught up and giving people in this forum plenty of ammunition that your going tout. I respect your plays, not the props that your giving to your outside business.
I hope you do well and make a comeback but you can't bash the site because you had one problem getting on, it doesn't make your plays. Try not to take it negative-just an outsider looking in. It's getting old and I think your losing all the respect you built up from CBB, and the NFL. I seen this happen to Kodiak when he got hammered in Bases and he was fighting an uphill battle in every sport after! Never recouped! They'll find you!-Let your work speak for itself.
Good Luck I hope it helps.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Kap, I respect and here what you are saying....If you remember, in FB and CBB all I did was provide this place with a lot of my hard work and many winners....Yet all I get is these Jealous Insecure Bashers questioning me and trying to cause controversy for me.....For what?.....Like what I was giving here wasnt enough and appreciated....Fvckin slap in my face, I think....

As far as these people who I emailed my plays to....Hey they came on board and stated they got my plays, and they did this for another person here as well when people questioned it, so it is a waste of time to do it again as these Bashers will only ignore it.....I dont have anything to prove to anyone....But you give me an opportunity to have to defend what I know I produced here, and I will every single time....

I really could care less about giving anyone ammunition...I have nothing to hide...and I am reposting all my Big Game Play Winners with the Write-Ups, which some companies want to have Exclusively, for everyone to see again and know that this is what they did and why I played them.....All these Big Game Plays I posted here for FREE in FB, CBB, and now in MLB for everyone to see and use how they see fit...I am showing it again as proof, against all this slanderous campaign against me, as proof to everyone of what I have produced with these Big Game Plays that others want to get from me....I have nothing to hide and that is why I am doing it...

Next Kap, dont get me wrong, I am not bashing this site because it was down....I am stating the truth, of the fact that this site was down and that is the reason why not all my plays were posted here....I was lucky to get the Philly play posted, but the Houston play I could not get it in here....Bashers are making it sound like I am posting some here and some there on purpose...Please, the Site was down and I couldnt get in my loser on Houston....Thats what happen, not bashing the RX....

I am not taking what you say in a negative way Kap, I am just looking at things in a different way....Especially because these people(bashers) who I provided all season long all my hard work and efforts, and all the writeups and information for them day in and day out all for them to benefit from, are acting like children and assholes to me because I stated that some of my plays will probably not be posted here anymore because people want to pay me to have them exclusively....Hey if people dont want to respect my decision or allow me to make up my own mind as to what I want and should do for me and not them, then I could really care less what they think of me.....I am not here to win a popularity contest......I came here to help others out with what I know, and I still do this day in and day out FREELY.....Many even Email personally because they dont want to post their questions or comments in the forum, for whatever their reasons, and I continuely, just like here, help all of them who ask me for it.....A lot of people forget all the help and efforts I gave to this place and many people....Another slap in my face...

As far as Kodiak or others are concerned, I cant and shouldnt, so I wont talk about another capper, unless he bashes me.....So with that said, I dont know what happened to him, but I can tell you that the difference with me is that I have learned how to separate myself from what others say and think about me on an internet forum....Before it use to annoy me, until my girl told me how meaningless these people are, because it is an internet forum....You cant see people, or even know their true nature or values....So because of it, treat it accordingly....and now I do......I know who I am, what I want, what I am capable of, and what I need to work on....Basically, I know whats up with me....I dont need to feed any ego or void in my life with anything or anyone from this place....I come here to share what I know, for others to use as they see fit....That is pretty much it...So, when I cap, I do it for me first to be successful, then I share it with others, to use as they see fit....Follow Em or Fade Em, it really doesnt bother me.....This is everyones choice to do...but I already did my hard work in order to win for me to be successful first and foremost....

This year MLB I am suffering a lot of Bad Beats and I think that you know this....But still, that is part of the game, and in bases a Bad Beat especailly if you lost with a heavy Chalk can set you back a lot, unlike the other sports where the vigs are usually set at 10%...But I am making adjustments and doing things to a little differently, not much, but some in order to find more success with my plays....I am glad though that my methods for capping those BIG GAME PLAY are still hitting and producing winners for all here to benefit from.....

Kap, I am not here to be hated, but I am not here to be bashed unfairly either.....If more people like me stood up for themselves and others, like I used to do for many in the FB forum, then maybe these worthless Bashers wont exist....But people just would rather let them run rampant in this forum.....Hey so be it, but like I stated I will not let them run rampant on me.....and everytime they want to cause controvesy or post bs and lies about me, I will use it as an opportunity to promote myself and set them I am speaking the truth and they are motivated by their own Jealousy, Insecurity, and Weakness.....They should worry about themselves, but they arent strong enough to do that....and it is much easier to try to find fault with someone else than it is to find fault with themselves....This is a Fact....

Have you ever seen me bash someone who didnt bash me first?....Have you always seen me support and encourage everyone here whether they won or lost?....Have you seen me provide a lot of work for everyone here for free?....Well, it fun and made me feel good at one time doing all of this, especially when I thought others appreciated what I provide and brought here....Now I am not sure anymore.....The ironic thing about now, is everyone wants to point the finger at me just because I chose to stand up for myself, which is something I always do in Life.....And not say anything to these worthless Bashers who are people who hasnt and wont provide anything to anyone here at all...This is a sports forum to help us beat the man, yet these guys dont help in anyway doing this, but are allowed to go on and cause shit and spread their negativity all over the forum....They provide this place nothing, but are allowed to take out so much.....Go Figure!

Well, my friend, and I use that term from my heart as I see you as a friend, ever since our battles in the trenches against the Man, times has diffinately changed and I am just adjusting to how it has seemed to have changed, in order for me to be successful and share with whoever wants what I share with others....I mean a person can only take so much unfair BS, you know what I mean....And a person has to do what he has to do in order to be happy and find happiness for himself.....I hope and wish you are happy and have found happiness in your life Kap....Best of Luck to you and Thanks....Aloha CC.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Cap-Agree with many points that you've stated, and know that many people want to bring you down. I agree Bases is pretty tough cause of the Vig. Chalk kills and I know you know that, you can be 3-1 and make 50 bucks. Many people have pointed that out to you, but you still lay it. In any other sport your making a nice profit. The thing that worries Cap is that you get that very young naive College kid who follows your plays, and gets hammered by the chalk and loses his shirt. It is just an internet forum but peoples lives to get affected from losing money they probably don't have. I know you or I don't have any control over that, but it probably happens.
I hope you do well, and know it's not your strong sport which you stated. I hope you don't lose a Big Play or 3 Units play for the rest of the year. I was just getting a little nervous with some of the statements you were making, it start sounding like you were promoting a business instead of helping people out.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
bottom line: you are down the world since a legitimate tracking system was applied.

go ahead and deny that and type your 5 paragraphs about how we're all haters etc

type how you won your big game play (big deal)

either way, thanks for posting plays before they start

Sep 20, 2004
Kap, I hear what your saying with the naive kid and all....and trust me, I am not hoping that anyone loses more than what they can afford to lose...and I dont like losing either...But the truth to the matter is I dont control what others do.....Still, I can contrl what I do and maybe help others out somehow....One of my reasons for posting my plays at gametime is mainly so that others dont get hurt during this down time that I am in right now, believe it or not...

But you see all these Bashers come into my thread telling me to "PLEASE POST EARLIER SO WE CAN FOLLOW YOUR PLAYS"....Pleassse, like I stated these guys are fueled by their own jealousy/insecurity and hatred for their own lives and DO NOT CARE ABOUT ANYONE ELSE BUT THEMSELVES, and will do anything and say anything to try to bring me down......This is why they want for me to post my plays earlier, so the many people who follow me would possibly get caught in my down time and thus more people they feel will now hate the Co-Captain....Their little tricks and request wont sway me, and their arrogant attitudes in thinking it will is hilarious...

But you see, even though I am confident in my capping abilities and have proven my successes in the past many times,.....I know when I am in a funk and I also know that no matter what I say, others will follow me because of my past success and that is why I post most of my plays at Gametime...

I sincerely dont want people to get hurt, because of this funk I am in....I want everyone to win....But who's to really know what will definately happen, no one....After we cap em , we can only hope for the best, as now it is out of my hands....Another way that I try to help others out and help them in making the best choice for them, is by me providing a Write-Up of why I am backing a particular play.....Many others dont do this and that I feel is more dangerous for the unsuspecting follower....At least with my providing some sort of reasoning behind my plays they will be able to make a better decision as to whether or not to follow them....This I do for others and not myself.....

This I do especially when I release a Big Game Play....Good thing is that these Big plays I posted hours before it went off, which are my best, seem to be immune to this current funk I am in, for the most part....Then lastly, to help others out, I state to everyone that I am cold so thread lightly if following me....I also will edify how well others are doing and that they should check out their plays as well....Many times I have promoted you to others, that they should follow you because I am in a rut at the moment....But, no matter what I say, my past success it seems has spoken and are still speaking very loudly to others as they remain confident in me and my abilities....Hence all the overwhelming views as compared to others who are way more successful at this time in the bases than I am.....Go Figure!....

Anyways Kap, if you werent aware of this, I will let you know, I have several companies and individuals who want me to either join their capping team, provide them my plays exclusively, be on their websites, or have one made for me and become an affiliate of theirs....These are all options and offers that I have received right after FB and CBB had concluded....This is what I am at this time considering.....I havent yet made up my mind as to what I will definately do.....But like I stated, if someone wants to pay me for doing what I am already doing....Makes no sense not to consider it or take advantage of it....

Still, all these jealous Bashers who are now bashing and slandering me are doing it because they just cant stand to see another person get ahead.....Just like crabs in a bucket....Or, these people are trying to bring me down, because they feel that I owe them something.....Well, I dont owe anyone anything....But to expect that I do is very ignorant of them....

I have been reposting all of my past Big Game Plays with their Write-Ups as a way for others, if I do decide to join someone or sell my Big Game Plays to them exclusively, that they will know that my Big Game Plays are worth a lot and have produced many many winners.....Furthermore, everyone can get a chance to read and view exactly why I played this particular play so Big....THERE IS NO ONE PAST OR PRESENT WHO IS WILLING TO DO THIS.....I do, because I have nothing to hide, and by me showing them exactly these Big Game Plays, which others want from me, they will be able to see this and see why they are so valuable and wanted.....

I dont want to tout them plays, I just want to let them speak for themselves and that is why I am reposting all my Big Game Plays released by me in FB, CBB, and MLB....People can see it, read it, and decide for themselves if they want it.....Very Simple and something I feel is the best way for them to make up their own minds.....Still, these Bashers and their slanderous campaigns against me, are all their attempts to make up and sway others minds and decisions about me....I dont think that it will work, because others are not that dumb as to believe these Bashers.....So I know its not going to work as the plays, records, and Write-Ups are all documented here at the RX....And to many people have benefitted from them and can atest to their quality, value, and successes.

Like I mentioned, I like to help others out as best that I can...But, I also need to remember to take care of me as well.....This game of handicapping, answering questions, and comments from others can be very draining and takes up a lot of my time, as I am sure you are aware yourself.....Still, I have been doing it ever since I came here day in and day out, and I am rather burnt out with it, and I think that is another reason for me not doing so well in the bases....Anyways, I am making adjustments to my capping in the bases and hopefully I can get this train back on track and continually run the Man over just like in the Hoops.....Now that was SWEET!...Best of luck to you today and Aloha CC.

Aug 20, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Anyways Kap, if you werent aware of this, I will let you know, I have several companies and individuals who want me to either join their capping team, provide them my plays exclusively, be on their websites, or have one made for me and become an affiliate of theirs....These are all options and offers that I have received right after FB and CBB had concluded....This is what I am at this time considering.....I havent yet made up my mind as to what I will definately do.....But like I stated, if someone wants to pay me for doing what I am already doing....Makes no sense not to consider it or take advantage of it.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Sep 20, 2004
No Chance in Hell,

This is the Only Bottom Line I care about....If you think that you can do better and have the guts, skills, knowledge, and balls to show us all what you can do, then I suggest that you either put up or shut the fvck up....

You and the other bashers are worthless to this sports forum, and whether or not I lose or win a least I brought something here in some form to help with the battle against the Man.....You, on the other hand, bring nothing but your arrogance and negativity....So stop trying to expect to get something in return....You dont deserve shit, because you didnt do shit!...Plain and Simple!

Post your plays and get in the game, or shut the hell up and stick to the sidelines!....Like it or Not, but thats the BOTTOM LINE....HELL YEAH!

Sep 20, 2004
MC...your one funny dude....Bro did you forget that in the past Month you lost over 80 Units in the BASES!.....Bro, dont talk shit or make trouble...

Anyways Ladies, I need to get back to my my plays will be up, when I decide to post

I am out for now... Go ahead and carry on without me..

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