Tom Brady and Suspicious NFL


Jan 5, 2008
Brady missing from camp is Fishy! Pun intended. Brady several several weeks before camp has a planned excused absence from camp. The guy who is all about reps and preparation and never misses nothing. Casually decided to just take time off during the ever so important camp days. Bucs approved it and quote it as non football injuries and it’s for personal reasons. New coach, new line new players and poof just schedules a leave of absence back in June for weeks 1-2 preseason. The guy who during covid lock downs was throwing balls at a park with teammates. Brady just don’t schedule personal family the reasons and pick weeks 1-2 of preseason.

He was scheduled on a specific date to return but that date is now being pushed back. Did the NFL do a behind closed doors suspension? With his involvement in Miami?

Rumors are all over the place. It’s his moms health to the wifey problems. Claims its to find balance in personal life with football life, with a guy after 20 years in the league who suddenly couldn’t find time in the off season that just ended?

Brady vs Fish involvement has more to it than league leads on. Just like the Haskins death, way more to that story. Robert Kraft finger holing Florida girls for years in Florida and arrested charges dropped. Watson not guilty but faces an 11 game suspension. Since when did random 11 become a number? Yet miraculously it just so happens his first game back is vs Texans. That will be great media talk week 12. And the Browns just happen to play the panthers week 1. Scheduled way before Baker trade. Flores screams racism for his firing and being asked to cheat yet was hired and fired by his black GM. Claims he would never chreat because of integrity of the game, yet coached for years with the cheating Pats, no integrity concerns there. Flores tried to recruit Brady from NE, couldn’t seal the deal. NFL bans Ross a year and fines him a laughingstock 1.5 million to that guy. But is he really banned for a year? And just how bad does the NFL want Ross gone? They need life in that stale Miami market of the past 30 years.

Did Brady Approach Miami? Was Flores in on it also and NFL called his shot? Was Flores not involved and a scapegoat deflection? Brady was adamantly in favor of removing Arians or he retired. Brady reaches out to Miami who is not happy with Tua and it’s well known inside.. Bucs removal of arenas is odd. Payton the religious warrior and Mr. advocate for more black hires yet never once hired a DC OC who was black, has lots of dirt and shady dealings well known inside NFL doors. Somehow supposedly just randomly had his hat in the Fish ring.

Now Brady and Peyton are close. And both have close ties to another Bruce, a big fish in dolphins organization. The NFL is a good ole boy league. There are other big pieces who were on board joining this Fish Shop in Miami. Pieces were literally in place. Owners became not so happy over some back door dealings. The NFL saw $ signs everywhere. They had already axed and moved on from their NE cash cow story dealings. Had big market Miami in its sight with Tom Brady and Peyton in coach ownership type places. A franchise to rise back from the 30 year grave and script more SB plots and drama with Golden Boy Tom Brady. A team with pieces in place and that big ole Miami market drama. $$$$$$ signs were in the eyes of too many. Till leaking and legality came a knocking. Just imagine the media coverage and NFL talk if Brady becomes Fish QB and part owner. NFL would win win. Especially if on a good team and playoffs or SB potential.

Anybody got a good reason on Brady missing and NFL? Let’s here it. Was the hoax and script almost let out the bag and the NFL scrambled to change course of ship and story time? Or Brady just really dealing with pre planned personal reasons set in place months in advance.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Interesting, a few possibilities I suppose

1) a deal made with Giselle to spend more time with the family, a condition to "unretire"

2) some other personal matter, it happens

3) a backdoor suspension, although missing preseason is rather weak. If he walks away for a few games, this becomes more likely

Apr 16, 2009
If Brady was negotiating with the Dolphins owner during the 2019 season while playing for the Patriots he should be suspended a minimum of 4-6 weeks. How isn't this just as big of a deal as the Dolphins owner getting suspended and losing a 1st and 3rd round pick makes zero sense.

Dec 15, 2017
I don’t understand the interest in this.

Guy is probably having some personal/family issues and is an likelihood going to go back in Week 1. Brady is probably the last one who needs to be with his team at this point anyway

Media has better things to cover

Sep 20, 2017
I don’t understand the interest in this.

Guy is probably having some personal/family issues and is an likelihood going to go back in Week 1. Brady is probably the last one who needs to be with his team at this point anyway

Media has better things to cover
Probably. But considering Brady retired and now this is a bit interesting

Jul 15, 2022
I mean eventually its gonna come out one way or another but the NFL has always been shady about Tom Brady for one reason or another

Sep 18, 2006
Dallas might be a favorite by kickoff.......will Brady be rusty for the SNF game, will be interesting to watch.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
True story...He is filming "the masked singer" on Fox...He signed contract with Fox before he un-retired...HaHa...His buddy was on there,so no reason to think he may have done it also?

Sep 5, 2005
I think he was secretly suspended by the NBA, I mean NFL for gambling and he is considering joining a major league baseball team for the stretch run.

Sep 21, 2004
The Brady story is one of the biggest stories in the history of sports, that is just a fact

Dec 15, 2017
Brady coming back tomorrow

Guys gone less than 2 weeks for personal reasons and it’s somehow a story lol

Jan 5, 2008
Brady coming back tomorrow

Guys gone less than 2 weeks for personal reasons and it’s somehow a story lol
2 weeks 2 games. Planned months in advance. Sure

Inside the hash (few former vets)
Inside the skybox (couple personnel guys locker room to trainers to scouts)

Sources tell me way more to this.

Aug 2nd NFL dropped Miami fine
Aug 3rd-10th Brady was not made available to media
Aug 3rd-6th Tom took 4 days off for personal reasons.
Aug 10th-12th Bucs had Joint practice with Fish
Aug 11th Tom yet once again took more personal time that had been planned cough cough two months in advance.

Ross fine suspension
Bruce suddenly retires 2 weeks after Brady unretires
Bruce miraculously compensated cushy office job
Brady comes back has 9 practices out of 23
The other Bruce, Fish big wig long time Brady Friend and big wig on TB12 board eats fines and suspension
Flores axed mid January
Payton retires shortly after mid late January
Payton turns down over 100 million mysteriously
Fish quickly scoop up McDaniel early February
Brady retires shortly after early February

Ross called shots on Tua, clueless Grier just accepts, Flores plays puppet no balls goes along with it. Beal and others wanted Herbert. NFL wants Ross out. Beal eagerly awaiting ownership. Tua broke the insiders back. Quickest way get Ross out is jump start marketing and value. Brady QB, minority owner and Payton GM/ Coach gives stock going up on team sale. Ross sells when market hottest its been. Payton coaches asst GM, Grier acceptance is be minority voice but look like big shot caller. Does so to keep job. Armstead was heading to Miami well before free agency. Payton’s former LT. Nobody values O line and Speedy slot guys like Sean and Tom. After the butchering draft capital investment by Grier at o line enter Armstead Williams Wilson Hill to bolster the speed and o line.

Brady is still dialed in. Plenty football left. His one joint practice he shredded the defense. With no vets. Just new faces and second teamers.

All in all Brady must feel he is good to go and just wants to avoid the sweat n heat off season. Nothing going on here probably. Just media trying stir a story up.

NFL is an elusive good ole boy club anyway

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