No offense but all these side show threads hurt the accountability. Are these plays all included in your records? Why dont you just use one thread?
The results of the plays in this thread are not recorded in his "main" thread.
Why he doesn't keep all his selections in the "main" thread has been suggested numerous times with absolutely no response from the OP.
In his main thread, he's made variable unit changes before. From 3 units ($300) to 5 units ($500) to 3 units ($300) and back to the 5 units ($500). Since I've dutifully maintained
his daily record entries, this is FACT.
I suggested he just reduce his 5 unit ($500) plays down to 1 unit ($100) plays. Many gamblers reduce their unit amounts when they hit a cold streak. Nothing out
of the ordinary.
I was told the reason for these "side show" threads is because there's a different "format" being used for the selection process for the main thread vs. threads like this one.
For the main thread, the OP merely "reads off the top selections fro a computer printout."
For threads like this, the OP "flips a coin" to determine what side to play.