To tyrone aka timmy


New member
Feb 26, 2006
This silly "fool" is more than likely a retarded kid, who's definitely not black, who's never really been to the "hood", doesn't have a shred of any idea of what it's really like to live in the "hood", and thinks it's insanely funny (why? I can't even fathom) to talk in such a rediculous way, that makes ebonics look like college level written literature.

It was probably just initially a quick laugh for the "black" tyrone, but, eventually, "he"....or maybe "she", or, "they", or, "it", lol, got too into the "joke" .....that by now it's too hard to let go. I refrained from saying anything, but, this "guy" is so f*cking retarded, and reading his stupidity just got to me right now. Don't know why. lol. Maybe the way he ridicules a specific culture and the "hood", which actually makes himself look like an idiot.......and, I'm sure no one actually believe this knucklehead is really black, and is really from the hood.

Atleast I hope not. "Niggaz" (as tyrone would call them) from the hood aren't f*cking retarded like he is.

It's sad though. That we get pathetic, uneducated, probably miserably raised (maybe fondled as a child?), sh*t heads like tyrone, that think it's funny to come on a webforum, and ridicule a specific culture, lifestyle, and way of living, that has, mind you, influenced roughly EVERYTHING that we know today, mostly in a positive way,'s sad.

But, unfortunately, untill the day people are not born with a very small penis, or an eggless, loose, and filthy hole they call a vagina, ....probably with an odor problem, bad skin, bad breathe, no friends, .....highest grade in highschool was a D-, ....and can't except an entire race of people, being born physically and most likely mentally, superior to themselves....better looking, better smelling, higher acheiving, ....being able to take a history of shit, and still walk around with a high head, and high pride? lol,...we will continuously get f*cks like tyrone. Sorry tyrone,'s real sad....but, I have, and no one on this forum, has control over your inferior self, and useless purpose on this planet. In all seriousness, your creation was a waste of sperm,.....and who knows, maybe you were supposed to end up on a napkin.........too bad that didn't happen. How many forums, and how many myspace users are you going to keep f*cking with tyrone aka timmy?

Too bad the library keeps letting your disgusting, digraceful, filthy, piece of sh*t of a person, inside, to use their computer. If only they knew you have some of the most adverse skin conditions in the world (maybe scabies and fleas too?), and that you go online pretending to be black, so you can make a mockery of the culture in itself.....24/7, because you can't get over the fact that YOU were born, ugly, disgusting, probably horribly scented, with a small penis,......maybe lacking the real ability to speak coherent english......probably had no love from either parent (except your father fondling you....while your mother played the audience). It's sad tyrone aka timmy. It's really sad.

But check this out, I don't care wether you are not really timmy, or type just like he does, so, I think you are timmy,...but regardless you, or him, or the both of you, need to cut the shit out. Seriously, stop sending me myspace messages, ....stop acting black online....on different forums.......other wise, ....if you really do live in the "hood",...I may have to come by you, or you two one day, and call you up on that "I'm a gangster, and I'm black and tough" card....and see how "hardcore" you really are. Because, I AM, from the hood, and we'll see if YOU really are. Alright? "Homie"?

F*cking stupid Ass

New member
Feb 26, 2006
Don't forget that I remember that you did call me a "dirty n*gg*r", and usually, when people say that to me (face to face, not online like a scared *****), I don't react automatically, I break them down....hurt them verbally, ....let them know what kind of person resorts to using that terminology....when that doesn't work....and they say it again....I physically disable them from saying it ever again.

New member
Sep 11, 2005
Tyrone is another one of the many posers here. I have to deal with them all the time because all these rich kids think they have it tough because their Xbox 360 arrived late or that there parents won't buy them a brand new car (after forking out 40k/year for tuition). We need to ship them out to the bad parts of brooklyn so they can get their ass beat.

New member
Feb 26, 2006
levistep said:
Tyrone is another one of the many posers here. I have to deal with them all the time because all these rich kids think they have it tough because their Xbox 360 arrived late or that there parents won't buy them a brand new car (after forking out 40k/year for tuition). We need to ship them out to the bad parts of brooklyn so they can get their ass beat.


That's funny as hell. I would love that. Show them what the "hood" is really like. And, it's either worse, or, not as bad as the movies show it. Problem is, most of the people that claim they are from the hood, or are "hood", probably have NEVER been anywhere that, where the worst thing that ever happened in their neighborhood wasn't....maybe, a thunderstorm? lol, or a car accident? lol. Either way, I think, from what I have experienced elsewhere, on myspace, tyrone aka timmy's, intention, is just to be racist, stereotype, and ridicule a specific culture and lifestyle.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The poster trying to entertain himself and others with the black and uneducated posting persona has only been done like 300 times on these boards. It's so old it's beyond dumb

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