To Set The Record Straight


New member
Oct 16, 2005
Greetings to
Yes, I'm THAT Tony Cimo. Professional gambler, connected guy.....and for better or worse, you can find me at B.M.I.C., thats Brian Mac's website...and occasionally on his 900# 6 packs.

Now, first let me I may immediately be booted off here, that I enjoy the dialogue here, great site & you have some fine 'posters' on this site. I am not here to bash anyone, promote nor sell anything...merely here to set the record straight on a few things...or solve a mystery for you as it were.

Let me first say that I have been gambling for over 20 years, thats how I pay for all my habits, like having a roof over my head, running on the beach & driving nice cars. I'm no "mystery man", I'm not a "syndicate", but I've got connections & along with my own selections, I'm damn good at what I do

The first point I would like to address is a particular 'poster' here, who, for the past month or so has been posting a mix of my games as well as those of Brian Mac, and posting them as his own. The old saying about imitation & flattery only goes so far. Until yesterday I was unaware of exactly who, this 'poster' (impostor) is. As with most thieves, if you give them enough rope they usually hang themselves.

About a year ago I was posting some of my games on another site. As my record continued to impress, I was forced to miss a few days. When I returned and made a comment about the previous days games winning & why I wasn't able to post...the same guys who had replied to my posts with "thanks & congratulations" began to bash me for missing a day or two...needless to say I went away.

During my time there, one guy, down on his luck, emailed me...ironically the guy had the same name as one of my sources for NBA info, who coincidentally used to run a very good, honest service & got out because of all the crap in the industry. Anyway, this guy seemed ok, so I started emailing him some of my games. Once, the guy was in town & I actually met up with him and he gave me $1000 for, as he put it, "all the help I had been".

As I read alot, oftentimes I stop by here to see what some of you guys think, or just to see whats in some of the offshore posts. Anyway, about a month ago I see this guy posting games...not unusual if a guy posts the same games you have occasionally.After a few days I wasn't sure how, as some of the games were posted even before I sent them to Brian, but I knew something was up.

Long story short, today I check in here & sure enough, there were a few of my games posted. Only thing is, due to a technical problem this morning Brian did not get my email with my games & left me 'blank' for the 1:00 games on his site. I had thought it was just some geek who was a member of his service until today. Assuming the 'poster' was the guy I had been emailing & had met before, I sent him an email.....well "D", you were obviously in a big hurry because you replied using your 'posting' name.....which I will omit here, you guys can figure it out. I guess, as I have not asked Mac, but I guess this 'poster' was getting my emails & also Brians games or some of them either on the 900# or whatever.

Anyway, as to the imitation being flattery, it might would have been if the 'poster' got it right. Last Sunday for all the guys at Brians site my NFL plays were a perfect 4-0 and all were rated as top plays. If the 'poster' would've been diligent he could have given you guys a better record than he did, even though it was a nice run.

As to the "Brian Bashing" & why am I on his site.
I found out about Mac from a guy when I moved back here 3 years ago. My 'friend' had been a regular with Brian for years & had nothing but good things to say. Yes, he did say Brian can have a 'cold spell', who doesn't...I know alot of professionals & nobody wins ALL the time. The main guy here who 'bashed' Brian, was by his own admission NOT a regular long term client of Brians.

Now, for what its worth, I have never met Brian, I do not know him socially nor am I here at his behest, I just emailed him prior to coming on today & informed him as to him having a 'rat' on his "ship". I came here before my name eventually popped up here & was drug through the mud. Not by any of the great members here, but by this impostor, as he already started making small 'jabs' at Brian in a post last night.

What little I do know about Brian so far is this....whatever his sources are, he is very "picky" & does not just throw games out to his clients. My top plays, "DIAMONDS" have been very good, yet he has not yet given any of my bets to his late phone clients, even though he knows I am a very consistent professional gambler. Therefore the argument that Brian just cruises the internet & gives out games he picks up from who knows where is not a valid argument. Knowing who I am, if he hasn't given my games to his clients yet, I can't believe he would just be giving out 'consensus' picks or picks from guys he doesn't even know. I said, I'm not a "syndicate" but I have lots of connections. In the short two months I've been with the guy, I've seen him win a hell of alot for his clients. Yes he had a bad day yesterday, for that matter so did I. But I've also seen him go 5-0 & 5-1 respectively in his weekday football over 2 of the past 3 weeks. This week there was only 4 plays that he put out & he was 3-1 if I'm not mistaken. According to my friend, Brian had a hell of a baseball season, hitting totals like nobodys business...if he'd had my side plays you could've all retired from football betting & went south for the winter. So as to the guy that said Brian disappears during baseball, that argument too does not hold up.

Finally...the im-poster, said something about Mac having a late add on play one day last week. Yes he did but it wasn't posted after the game had started & in my opinion thats not the sign of a scam artist, but the sign of someone who was trying his best to get another winning play to his clients.

Lastly, as I said I came here because I wanted to, becuase I think you guys have a nice site & I don't like seeing people getting ripped nor making a name for themselves off somebody else' hardwork.

If anybody would like to, feel free to email me.

Thanks guys & best of Luck to you all today!!!

Aug 11, 2005
Brian Mac is the laughing stock of all touts.Last year I bet he blows 300-400 units minimum.He lost 80% of all open enders.If I were you I would be careful who I associate myself with.

New member
Oct 16, 2005
We shall see. All I know is what I see and besides yesterdays bloodbath that I think everyone was apart of, and 2 subpar Sundays, the guy has been lights out since I've been associated with him.

New member
Nov 8, 2004
Hey Big Tony C

Had a couple too many tonight big tony c, Why don't you read the 2 threads in the Rubber Room tonight. When I sober up tomorrow I will comment a little more. I am the one who exposed Brian for what he is,not Joelatti which is who you are inferring, though he was quite helpful in putting the word out. I didn't happen to have 80 dimes to spare to wait for that big run he may or may not have had to try and get the 40 dimes I was down thanks to Brian.All my posts in the Rubber Room are 100% ACCURATE. Maybe you should do a little research first before you start aligning yourself with someone.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Big Tony Cimo said:
Greetings to
Yes, I'm THAT Tony Cimo. Professional gambler, connected guy.....

oohh...a connected guy...what kindegarten playground monopoly money fantasyland are you connected to?

New member
Oct 21, 2002
AC said:
oohh...a connected guy...what kindegarten playground monopoly money fantasyland are you connected to?
See, someone new tries to come in and regale us with interesting wagering stories and tales of daring do, and you gotta piss on him. Lighten up dud.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002

New member
Oct 25, 2004
Big tony = brian mac. Only brian would take the time to answer this way and use the words "lights out". The jersey guy is exposed again.

New member
Nov 8, 2004
I would give consideration to believing what you say about his bases record IF.

You post his last 500 plays and where his record can be verified, otherwise you are a joke.

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