First of all, I didn't ask you, you brain dead, old-as-black-pepper scumbag, but, just so I'm clear, your premises are 1) a Black man, no, not just a black man, but a foreign black man, in the early 1960s, put a phony birth announcement in the paper so that his son could sneak around that pesky citizenship requirement almost 50 years later and 2)"...plenty of time to hide everything that was hidden-that's a dumb friggin' statement right there, you semi-illiterate prick-from the US government(the in-power and desperate-to-stay-that-way Republicans)? Every time I think you couldn't POSSIBLY get any dumber, you scream "WRONG AGAIN!" from the roof tops.
F'ing moron...:fckmad:Slapping-silly90)):madassholcockingasnook():trx-smly0:kissingbbLoser!@#0:finger::laughingb:Countdown:bigfinger