Three deep thoughts...(ace-ace version)


UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
1. Anyone who spends more than 10 seconds of their lives concerning themselves with what VIG some internet forum poster uses to grade his own fantasy land forum plays, needs to get laid, and more importantly needs to get a life. You're looking at what side people are on: end of story. Does the fuckin guy like Washington or does he like Seattle? If he gets +6,000 God Bless Him. Dont you have anything better going on in your boring excuse of a life to concern yourself with?

2. Anyone who has created more than 50 posts devoted to bashing Ace-Ace needs psychological help, needs to get laid, and then needs to get a life. Especially the Mother Therasa's out there who claim to care so much about the Ace Followers' that they have their cock in one hand, the mouse pad in the other and the scoreboard open, beating off to his losses. Holy shit, has the world gone crazy? Is this what people do with their lives? Root endlessly against some guy over the internet - who you have never met and will never meet - to lose his sports betting plays so you can rag him to a bunch of people that dont know who you are and dont care who you are?

3. Anyone who follows Ace-Ace's College Football plays, needs to be shot. The guy has a system for the NFL that has worked, and has shown it can be nearly flawless like it was in the Playoffs. But he hasnt done anything remotely close to that ever in college. What the fuck are you doing? Then you turn around and bash him for it? The guy is posting plays, it's up to you how you use the information. Let me know when he asks you to follow his plays. To my knowledge he hasnt asked you to tail him. And he didnt go to your house and put a gun to your head. If he has done this, let me know and Ill take this post back. And why would you follow somebody in the middle of a devastating cold streak? Dont you have any savvy and feel for gambling at all?

It would be like walking up to a craps table that is ice cold and dumping money on the passline while the 3 people left at the table with any money give you that look....."what an idiot".

Wait till the guy breaks out a winning week or looks like he may get it turned around before you start dumping money on his plays blindly.

Common sense.

Rx. Poster
Dec 26, 2004
all the ace-ace college following came from that conn play two years ago! ever since then ace has bin just as bad as the his followers with his "the deal" plays, insinuating that he had inside info about fixed games. what happens a lot on these forums is people feed of others and start making posters out to be better than they are without really looking into the poster they are going to risk their money on. ace-ace is good in the nfl but i have seen him benefit from -105 juice and free 1/2 point plays from his local in the past.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
I love ace-ace in NFL. I think it takes a lot more than good luck to run into a streak he put on in the NFL. (I dont follow him...never did, especially when he was hot, always felt i missed the good part)

But he sucks at college.

But benefiting from reduced juice? Who cares?

Like I said, people just want to see what side he is on....end of story. The rest is just bullshit.

People want to rip him for juice and his poor english, and all sorts of stupid petty bullshit.

Bottom line.....which team does he like? Whether it's -5,000 or +5,000 thats all people want to know and the haters and jealous people that are recognized posters will always take their stab to knock down his Legend status because as long as it exists, they'll always be 2nd best.


Every person that makes any sort of crack on ace-ace, no matter how subtle, has made a mental note of in my head. Their true colors will show eventually...i promise.

Those who crack ace-ace now, will be proven to be attention whores and frauds later.

It helps my pocket to weed out the bullshitters and find the good ones.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
Boxslayer32 said:
1. Anyone who spends more than 10 seconds of their lives concerning themselves with what VIG some internet forum poster uses to grade his own fantasy land forum plays, needs to get laid, and more importantly needs to get a life. You're looking at what side people are on: end of story. Does the fuckin guy like Washington or does he like Seattle? If he gets +6,000 God Bless Him. Dont you have anything better going on in your boring excuse of a life to concern yourself with?

2. Anyone who has created more than 50 posts devoted to bashing Ace-Ace needs psychological help, needs to get laid, and then needs to get a life. Especially the Mother Therasa's out there who claim to care so much about the Ace Followers' that they have their cock in one hand, the mouse pad in the other and the scoreboard open, beating off to his losses. Holy shit, has the world gone crazy? Is this what people do with their lives? Root endlessly against some guy over the internet - who you have never met and will never meet - to lose his sports betting plays so you can rag him to a bunch of people that dont know who you are and dont care who you are?

3. Anyone who follows Ace-Ace's College Football plays, needs to be shot. The guy has a system for the NFL that has worked, and has shown it can be nearly flawless like it was in the Playoffs. But he hasnt done anything remotely close to that ever in college. What the fuck are you doing? Then you turn around and bash him for it? The guy is posting plays, it's up to you how you use the information. Let me know when he asks you to follow his plays. To my knowledge he hasnt asked you to tail him. And he didnt go to your house and put a gun to your head. If he has done this, let me know and Ill take this post back. And why would you follow somebody in the middle of a devastating cold streak? Dont you have any savvy and feel for gambling at all?

It would be like walking up to a craps table that is ice cold and dumping money on the passline while the 3 people left at the table with any money give you that look....."what an idiot".

Wait till the guy breaks out a winning week or looks like he may get it turned around before you start dumping money on his plays blindly.

Common sense.

Excellent post.

Undercover Spelling and Grammar Police
Sep 2, 2005
I agree with 2 and 3, but I disagree with number 1. If someone is going to hype up their record and post that record in the title of their thread, they should at least have the integrity to post the juice that they paid. There were a couple of game in the NFL yesterday that were at or near the number. One poster, specifically, had a big play on Miami and posted it at +3 when that would not have been available unless you bought from -127 to -132.

In this case, he pushed anyway, but I wonder if he would have graded his record with the added juice. In any case, it's just my two cents. I post my plays on another board and my record keeping is impeccable, because it just isn't that difficult to do.

By the way, nice call on the Jets over. I liked it a little and when I saw you liked it, I hammered it. We had it all the way.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
He doesnt put his record in his thread title. He puts some "exbookie want to help player fri/day"

When you follow somebody's plays, do you go running around trying to match his vig, his line, his spread, everything when you deicde to make a play on it?

No you dont.

He says he likes the Arizona Cardinals -3 -105 and thats really all you care about..he likes the cardinals.....sweet....

If you find Arizona Cardinals -3 -112, have you ever said, "well im paying 7 more dollars, im not gonna follow this play now. oh well. maybe i can find -105 somewhere."

With VIG, it doesnt make a HUGE difference to the point where you cant tell how good or bad a guy is doing. Thats how the books make money, but you can tell how much a guy is winning or losing by looking at his record and units in general.

If it says

a. 30-1, +1 million units
b. 22-20, +5 units
c. 20-20, -5 units
d. 1-30, -1 million units

You have a basic idea how the guy is doing. Regardless of VIG. For as many "sharp" people that there are out there, if they cant use common sense and figure out roughly how well a guy is doing, they arent so sharp after all.

The guy is either kicking ass, doing just okay, losing a little, or getting slaughtered.

Regardless of what vig he gets, it's easy to see ace is getting slaughtered right now regardless if he got +105, -105 or -110.

Kodiak lost -447 units in basketball. He was complaining that the record keeping was inaccurate. I mean, how inaccurate could it have been? Is there really that big of a difference between -200 units and -447 units? I mean holy shit, the guy did terrible. As a tailer, by looking if Kodiak was losing 160, 200 or 447 units, you would know not to follow him, and thats all that matters.

But the jealous people will find a way to rip him for anything to break down his legend status. They dont like being 2nd best. ANd as long as he is around, they will never be the best. *sniff sniff*

"Oh he plagherized the gold sheet." LMAO. That fuckin thing was written in perfect english, it wasnt difficult to see ace-ace didnt write that and I dont know what the gold sheet is. The guy can barely spell the word "the", and then he copies and pastes a huge writeup in perfect english.....I'm 100% sure he is aware of this, and I'm 100% sure his intention was to give a reliable writeup because he sucks at it. I think he knew damn well he wasnt going to get away with that.

As for the "bots", thats just the most stupid idiotic conspiracy theory i have ever heard. Plenty of people get 1,000's of views, and I have 5 friends of my own that I told them about ace-ace a long time ago and they dont have screen names to the site they would just come to the forum look at his plays for their own info and leave.

They make fun of people that post on forums, and rag me for it. I'm sure there are thousands of people who are the same way. Plenty of people who sign up just for ace-ace, make 1 or 2 lifetime posts, all in his thread..... and leave.
Oct 2, 2006
Boxslayer, you write books every week defending an internet forum poster. Seems like YOU are the one that needs to get laid, get a life, psychological help, shot, etc.


UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
president ghost

i work at home from my computer

and i type extremely fast

put two and two together

Aug 5, 2006
Boxslayer32 said:
1. Anyone who spends more than 10 seconds of their lives concerning themselves with what VIG some internet forum poster uses to grade his own fantasy land forum plays, needs to get laid, and more importantly needs to get a life. You're looking at what side people are on: end of story. Does the fuckin guy like Washington or does he like Seattle? If he gets +6,000 God Bless Him. Dont you have anything better going on in your boring excuse of a life to concern yourself with?

2. Anyone who has created more than 50 posts devoted to bashing Ace-Ace needs psychological help, needs to get laid, and then needs to get a life. Especially the Mother Therasa's out there who claim to care so much about the Ace Followers' that they have their cock in one hand, the mouse pad in the other and the scoreboard open, beating off to his losses. Holy shit, has the world gone crazy? Is this what people do with their lives? Root endlessly against some guy over the internet - who you have never met and will never meet - to lose his sports betting plays so you can rag him to a bunch of people that dont know who you are and dont care who you are?

3. Anyone who follows Ace-Ace's College Football plays, needs to be shot. The guy has a system for the NFL that has worked, and has shown it can be nearly flawless like it was in the Playoffs. But he hasnt done anything remotely close to that ever in college. What the fuck are you doing? Then you turn around and bash him for it? The guy is posting plays, it's up to you how you use the information. Let me know when he asks you to follow his plays. To my knowledge he hasnt asked you to tail him. And he didnt go to your house and put a gun to your head. If he has done this, let me know and Ill take this post back. And why would you follow somebody in the middle of a devastating cold streak? Dont you have any savvy and feel for gambling at all?

It would be like walking up to a craps table that is ice cold and dumping money on the passline while the 3 people left at the table with any money give you that look....."what an idiot".

Wait till the guy breaks out a winning week or looks like he may get it turned around before you start dumping money on his plays blindly.

Common sense.

4. Anybody who has Willie Mcgee on there Avatar, must be as ugly as him:puppy:

Undercover Spelling and Grammar Police
Sep 2, 2005
Boxslayer32 said:
He doesnt put his record in his thread title. He puts some "exbookie want to help player fri/day"

When you follow somebody's plays, do you go running around trying to match his vig, his line, his spread, everything when you deicde to make a play on it?

No you dont.

He says he likes the Arizona Cardinals -3 -105 and thats really all you care about..he likes the cardinals.....sweet....

If you find Arizona Cardinals -3 -112, have you ever said, "well im paying 7 more dollars, im not gonna follow this play now. oh well. maybe i can find -105 somewhere."

With VIG, it doesnt make a HUGE difference to the point where you cant tell how good or bad a guy is doing. Thats how the books make money, but you can tell how much a guy is winning or losing by looking at his record and units in general.

If it says

a. 30-1, +1 million units
b. 22-20, +5 units
c. 20-20, -5 units
d. 1-30, -1 million units

You have a basic idea how the guy is doing. Regardless of VIG. For as many "sharp" people that there are out there, if they cant use common sense and figure out roughly how well a guy is doing, they arent so sharp after all.

The guy is either kicking ass, doing just okay, losing a little, or getting slaughtered.

Regardless of what vig he gets, it's easy to see ace is getting slaughtered right now regardless if he got +105, -105 or -110.

Kodiak lost -447 units in basketball. He was complaining that the record keeping was inaccurate. I mean, how inaccurate could it have been? Is there really that big of a difference between -200 units and -447 units? I mean holy shit, the guy did terrible. As a tailer, by looking if Kodiak was losing 160, 200 or 447 units, you would know not to follow him, and thats all that matters.

But the jealous people will find a way to rip him for anything to break down his legend status. They dont like being 2nd best. ANd as long as he is around, they will never be the best. *sniff sniff*

"Oh he plagherized the gold sheet." LMAO. That fuckin thing was written in perfect english, it wasnt difficult to see ace-ace didnt write that and I dont know what the gold sheet is. The guy can barely spell the word "the", and then he copies and pastes a huge writeup in perfect english.....I'm 100% sure he is aware of this, and I'm 100% sure his intention was to give a reliable writeup because he sucks at it. I think he knew damn well he wasnt going to get away with that.

As for the "bots", thats just the most stupid idiotic conspiracy theory i have ever heard. Plenty of people get 1,000's of views, and I have 5 friends of my own that I told them about ace-ace a long time ago and they dont have screen names to the site they would just come to the forum look at his plays for their own info and leave.

They make fun of people that post on forums, and rag me for it. I'm sure there are thousands of people who are the same way. Plenty of people who sign up just for ace-ace, make 1 or 2 lifetime posts, all in his thread..... and leave.

I wasn't talking about Ace. I haven't made any negative posts in any of his threads.

So hot right now
May 6, 2006
who are you kidding boxslayer? you have over 5,000 posts and you are talking about people wasting their lives on the internet? what a joke. not ony that, a lot of them are are 500+ word posts like this one that take several minutes to write. and so you are posting about the drama you have followed about some internet poster and his followers and critiquing other for spending time bashing him. ok.

New member
Oct 22, 2005

President Nazarbayev said:
Boxslayer, you write books every week defending an internet forum poster. Seems like YOU are the one that needs to get laid, get a life, psychological help, shot, etc.


This ****** homo has ghost written all over it.

New member
Oct 22, 2005

Jewelz22 said:
4. Anybody who has Willie Mcgee on there Avatar, must be as ugly as him:puppy:

If you only knew what Boxslayer means, now go get on the short bus for school....

:puppy: :puppy:

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Jacobim Mugatu said:
who are you kidding boxslayer? you have over 5,000 posts and you are talking about people wasting their lives on the internet? what a joke. not ony that, a lot of them are are 500+ word posts like this one that take several minutes to write. and so you are posting about the drama you have followed about some internet poster and his followers and critiquing other for spending time bashing him. ok.

Jacobim -

this is now the 2nd time that you've tried to act better than others and fall into it yourself. The first time was classic by the way. "You guys spend too much time trying to knock each other down and act better than each other. Losers." LMAO - hypocrite anyone?

If i could stroll this internet site and find nothing but sports picks, i would be a happy man. I also enjoy some occasional rubber room shit talking. Forgive me for defending a guy who has a system in the NFL that has worked and people are trying to run him off. He's a valuable tool to use whether you want to fade or follow, he has big time value.

I have 5,000 posts in 2 years = 7 posts per day.

Not bad for someone who types very fast and works at home on the computer, IMO.

My posts take me 2 mins to write. Give me a fucking break douche bag.

Back to the subject at hand....

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
PyRo CaPPer said:
Box what do u do for a living?

Unfortunately some people in this world look down on gambling. I also dont act the same way in "real life" than I do on here. I unwind on here and mess around a lot and get a good laugh out of a lot of things in the middle of my day while I am working on things. So I'd rather not get into details.
Jan 19, 2006
Boxslayer you are damned if you do, damned if you don't..

Seems like every thread on therx nowadays has some bashing in it now. No matter what the damn subject is..

Alot of these bashers/morons are incapable of giving a solid opinion on a game or showcase an important statistic so to make up for their shortcomings they come on here and talk shit... They need to learn how to cap a game and contribute something other than meaningless bullshit..

New member
Oct 6, 2006
Great post. I have only been around therx since preseason this year. You make some great points and enjoy your rightups. Thanks

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