Well Harry, you know of 5, and believe me, I know of at least 60, and that number can go as high as 200, who knows how many we don't know too. I was the first to get noticed because I made a bad decision in my life of getting too close to someone. Big mistake, but I learned from my mistakes. It's sad, but this is happening as we speak right now regarding players with more than 1 acct, and players who don't give real addresses or phone numbers. People mostly do this to protect their anonymity because who wants people knowing their business. We are dealing with serious money here, and it's gambling money to boot. But remember, why do book owners and employees do it too? This is not a one way street. Forums are very dangerous for a lot of books. It's not quality action they get from here. Not everyone is a square like EGD and Sanza. These 2 are very big squares and are good for the books, and that is why these 2 clowns always bash me (like i care) It's just that they are blind to see what the real world is like, seeing they lose year in and year out. A lot of sharpies on these boards, who really know what they're doing..
Man you got me curious now as to where you work, but I can understand your point. But I think you might be mistaking me for another guy. Me lucky? I am one of the biggest losers of all time kid.. I am so unlucky, that I can't even afford to live alone, that I have to live with my mom, and I drive a piece of shit car, and I am broke as hell. I have NO cash at all.