I will respond to your tongue-in-cheek request Vitster.
Always remember when dealing with extremism regardless of its variety - They always yell the loudest. Repubs who are for gay rights, and support a women's right to govern her own body; Dems who are for a strong military and against Obamacare,etc. aren't arguing on the internet. It's always the angriest who yell the loudest.
I'm sure 99% of Repubs believe Obama was born here. I don't call them RINO.
Jews are even more diverse politically than Repubs. I used to argue with this POS at Major Wager. I think his parents worked in the UN. He was a dirty fighter, the lowest of the low. He would always bring up Jews who took his ridiculous position. And I would respond, "Jews cover the entire spectrum of political thought. That's why we differ from close-minded bigots like yourself."
Vit some people just can't get out of their own head space or shut down tunnel vision. That's the best I can explain it.
How can anyone dislike James Woolsey?