Considering your daily OC amount, your withdrawal shouldn't be too bad. It will be bad but I was at 1,100 mgs./day at my worst and I almost died going through w/d. You'll feel it but if you starty taking Suboxone about 24-36 hours after your last OC you should be okay, relatively speaking.
Tapering is a good move and Suboxone is incredibly effective if you stick with it. If you can get a steady supply of Subs then it will be a lot easier sticking with it.
Good luck cuz, shit ain't easy but it is doable.
Only two ruptured discs? I have 3 and go in for the steroid shot this Thursaday. The percocet helps but I want to be 100% healthy.
1100 mg/day - holy shit, that's like the whole frickin month's supply for me. God damn how the hell did you stay awake?
Thanks for sharing this. The timing is ironic.
I have a rather modest pill habit myself and decided today to come off them.
I mostly take Tramadol which is a pretty tame pain killer. But I take 4 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon.
I also take 5-15 mg. of percoset or vicodin a day.
My doctor is most concerned with the Tramadol because, combined with my anti-depressants, it poses a significant seizure risk.
It all started with a severe back problem 10 weeks ago. I've been taking pills since then.
I'll taper but I'm not quite sure what to expect in terms of withdrawal.
Anyone have experience with tramadol?
Thanks for sharing this. The timing is ironic.
I have a rather modest pill habit myself and decided today to come off them.
I mostly take Tramadol which is a pretty tame pain killer. But I take 4 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon.
I also take 5-15 mg. of percoset or vicodin a day.
My doctor is most concerned with the Tramadol because, combined with my anti-depressants, it poses a significant seizure risk.
It all started with a severe back problem 10 weeks ago. I've been taking pills since then.
I'll taper but I'm not quite sure what to expect in terms of withdrawal.
Anyone have experience with tramadol?
I 1st ruptured the disks about 15 years ago and spent a week in the hospital, did rehab for 6 months, got steroid injections and the whole 9 yards. It helped to the point of being able to move around and function but there was a high level of pain daily. I just learned to live with it. The disks never healed properly but i refused to let them cut me.
Fast forward to about 2 years ago and i re-ruptured them again. I went to physical therapy, tried 3 rounds of steroid injections and got nowhere. I started onto lortabs at 5mgx4 and all that did was take the edge off the pain. I move to 7.5mgx4 and that helped a lot, but it still didn't completely take away the pain. I got a referral from my primary physician to see a pain specialist. He upped me to 10mgx4 and started doing Faucet blocks. Those nerve blocks are frickin awesome - but they only last about 30 days and he won't give them more than 4/year so I keep on the lortabs.
I feel for you if you've got 3 of them. I though 2 were bad enough.
seriousaddiction,first of all it takes a lot of balls to post this on the internet..i drank every day of my life from the time i was 15 til i turned 42...couldnt or wouldnt get off the booze by myself so joined aa and the rest is my experience, group therapy worked when nothin else would...after i'd been sober 3 years i used the patch and quit smokin using the basic principles of aa..... honestly never dreamed that i'd be clean and sober annnd a non smoker.. cant put into words the freedom that i feel.....if your way aint workin,try somethin else...aa,na,church,'ll be worth it......just remember that we're all in this togther and old hognuts is pullin for ye......'keep the continue'Trying to quit two very bad habits. Smoking and a small pill habit.
Tapering with the hard stuff and going to try cold turkey with the smoking. Has anyone ever tried quitting either of the above and used a method that has worked for them? Any input and all input is welcome
How much were people paying for Oxycontin on the street? I was curious as to the different regions.
I know quite a few, in fact several years ago, it was selling for a dollar a milligram. I haven't heard of prices like that in a while
How much were people paying for Oxycontin on the street? I was curious as to the different regions.
I know quite a few, in fact several years ago, it was selling for a dollar a milligram. I haven't heard of prices like that in a while
Has anyone tried buying prescriptions online? Not just painrelated but I was wondering about some of the Acid Reflux medicine. I remember reading you can get them in Thailand for very cheap
I have terrible allergies and the only thing I use is nasonex.. I refuse to take Allegra as I have heard it can actually make things worse
I know I have to wean...its gonna be a terrible weekend and even worse next week. Something Im mentally prepared for though. lets hope I have a good week gambling. That always helps with all my problems.