The only definition of an"APOLOGY" the leftys would accept would be to resign. i just heard him say today he thought they were there and is as surprised as anyone they havent found them.
a few other points you leftys cant understand.
we KNOW they were there because we sold them to him!
we KNOW he had them at one time because he has used them in the past, what did he gas the kurds with? burning pork rinds?
we know he had them because U.N. inspector teams were destroying them until sadaam threw them(the inspectors) out the country.
now if after he threw them out he destroyed them himself, which is what he had always claimed then he cut his own throat. there was noway he could ever prove that and nobody(except you leftys) would ever take his word on anything. the whole issue with sadaam was/is that nobody could tell him what to do, since he was dictator of a soverign country protected by allah he had to answer to noone..thats why he's gone today. had he cooperated with the rest of the world he would still be there. you leftys will never understand that you cant allow a dictator who holds 1/5th of the worlds most valuable resource located in the middle of the most unstable section of the world to not cooperate with the rest of the world. he wouldnt play by the rules, its that f'n simple!
iran, syria,and a host of others are as bad as sadaam ever was, but they cooperate with the rest of the world, therefore there is no reason to violently remove their leaders.
i could write a book on this subject but you leftys still couldnt understand because your just not capable of it. if you could you wouldnt be leftys....but it doesnt matter because most leftys do they same but dont vote. thats why your voice doesnt matter. its only when you can get the backing of the majority of voters on your side that you ever get anything done at all. and who are the majority of voters? the ignorant. single issue voters who will only turn out if they think something they value is being taken from them..thats the only thing that motivates them. you need only one example to prove this..tell them the president lied to them about raising taxes and they will go in mass to vote for???? A TAX RAISING LIAR!!
BY THE WAY....benedict arnold was also a former war hero.