Things you didn’t know about the Bible

Nov 17, 2007
I know some of you live your life on a book written and copied by hand over a period of 1400 years, but did you even know about some of the weird shit in it (or that’s not in it)? I’m guessing you don’t.

Since it’s Christmas Eve and you nut jobs are all up in arms about the liberalz taking the Christ out of Christmas - did you even know that Christmas and all of its traditions are just appropriated from the Romans, the Druids, the Norse and the Celts who were living in the early part of the millenium. Yule logs, Christmas trees, holly, mistletoe Dec 25th, presents and even Christmas carols were all traditions practiced by pagans loooong before the baby Jesus made it into your minds and hearts.

Nowhere, of course, in the Bible does it mention anything about Jesus’ birthday, let alone its being Dec 25. The Roman emperor Constantine just picked Dec 25 because the Romans were already celebrating the birth of the Sun God on that day. So remember to say Happy Solstice and Merry Saturnalia and think of the Pagans of lore who gave you all of the traditions that you celebrate this time of year when you say Merry Christmas.

next: barbecuing with God

Sep 21, 2004
You're absolutely correct. It is remarkable how little people know about their belief system.

Jun 4, 2018
Merry Christmas guys ..... don't be a grinch cheersgif
Nov 17, 2007
Happy Saturnalia and Joyful Yule season to you - dong worry us pagans don’t mind your co-opting our celebrations and traditions, claiming them as your own and then getting mad at us for telling you about it and telling us the Yahweh trickster is going to throw another tantrum, and we won’t even tell you you’ll burn forever just because we disagree.

Sep 6, 2014
yes, but if you go into it more many Pagan holidays tried to mimic christian ones. in fact christians saw that and created there holidays to show up the all the Religions of the world,Christianity stands head and shoulders over the rest Historically, an the Bible has Never been refuted on archeological evidence. many nubs of the hammers have been worn down by its critics trying to disprove it!!

Sep 21, 2004
yes, but if you go into it more many Pagan holidays tried to mimic christian ones. in fact christians saw that and created there holidays to show up the all the Religions of the world,Christianity stands head and shoulders over the rest Historically, an the Bible has Never been refuted on archeological evidence. many nubs of the hammers have been worn down by its critics trying to disprove it!!
Of course there is historical and archaeological evidence regarding biblical books. It certainly doesn't prove or establish the religious claims though. And I really don't buy your claim that Christians "one upped" pagan rituals. I have never come across any such literature.
Nov 17, 2007
yes, but if you go into it more many Pagan holidays tried to mimic christian ones.
lol name one
in fact christians saw that and created there holidays to show up the all the Religions of the world,Christianity stands head and shoulders over the rean the Bible has Never been refuted on archeological evidence.
Well, of course the bible as a whole hasn’t been refuted by archaeology. As a matter of fact, archaeology has proven that many of its references to historical events that happened and places that existed are accurate - some still exist today. However, the idea that none of stories in the bible have been proven wrong by archaeology is just another lie of contemporary Christianity.

The story of Exodus is probably the easiest of all biblical stories to be refuted and that has been refuted by archaeology. It is probably the most researched story in all of the bible over the last 150 years and while it has not at all been a fruitless endeavor, absolutely no evidence at all has been uncovered that upwards of 2 million Jews wandered the dessert for 40 years. If you read anything about archaeology, if that many people were wandering around, they’d leave at least some evidence of it.

It’s overwhelmingly accepted by scholars that the character named Moses was not a real person, along with Noah, Abraham and of course Adam and Eve. Anyone who thinks that the human race descended from two individuals that god created some 7000 years ago - well, I’m not sure if there’s any rational person who could convince them but I can assure you that while archaeology might not have disproved the story of the Garden of Eden, genealogy and biology most certainly has.

As far as the birthday boy goes, again, this may be news to those of you who actually think the bible is a history book, there is no extra-biblical evidence for Jesus or anyone else mentioned in any of the four gospels besides Pilate that shows that any of the people even existed, or that any of the events that took place in the gospels ever happened. The number of people who met Jesus in his lifetime, and who wrote about him, is zero. We actually don’t have any idea who the authors of the Gospels are and the first account - Mark - was not written until 40 years after the supposed crucifixion and all four were only given the names that we know now many years after their discovery.

Jun 4, 2018
References to / about Jesus outside of the holy bible can be found in the writings of TACITUS , PLINY the YOUNGER , JOSEPHUS , the BABYLONIAN TALMUD & LUCIAN of SAMOSATA .

Oct 17, 2011
The basis of our faith has nothing to do with where our songs came from or that Dec 25 is the actual Birthday we celebrate. There many arguments against the existence of God, but nothing presented above qualifies.

Sep 6, 2014
I would also point you to Sir William Ramsay who was a Reknowned Archeologist,and non-believer who was challenged to investigate biblical history,and was to spend 3 months in Asia Minor - he spent almost 18 years there and investigated Luke who wrote one of the gospels n the Book of Acts- Here Luke names towns , cities, local
officials As well as Kings ,Roman leaders,And land topography ,rivers etc in the first century and said of Luke that He was an Historian of the highest order an is up there with the best- Ramsay became a believer and said if Luke is so accurate in all the detail then why should we not believe in him when he talks Anout Paul and Jesus! Ramsay became a Christian!
Nov 17, 2007
Barbecuing with God - God tries lamb and loves it!

How many of you knew that Abraham and Sarah cooked a nice afternoon meal for God and two angels one fine day? Abraham was sitting around one afternoon when God and two angles, appearing as three ordinary looking men, paid him a visit. Abraham got them some water to wash his feet (because apparently God and the angel’s feet were dirty!). His wife Sarah made him some bread, Abraham milked a cow and barbecued some lamb for him but God was so rude that he ate without inviting Abraham to join him; he just watched. (We have to assume that God and the Angels then shat, no?) (Gen 18:1-8)

Now the Lord appeared to him by the oaks of Mamre, while he was sitting at the tent door in the heat of the day.When he lifted up his eyes and looked, behold, three men were standing opposite him...Please let a little water be brought and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree...So Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah, and said, “Quickly, prepare three measures of fine flour, knead it and make bread cakes.” Abraham also ran to the herd, and took a tender and choice calf and gave it to the servant, and he hurried to prepare it.He took curds and milk and the calf which he had prepared, and placed it before them; and he was standing by them under the tree as they ate.

God liked it so much that promised that Sarah, who was already 90 years old, would get pregnant. Sarah was in the other room and laughed when she heard God say this so God asked Abraham why his wife was laughing (did she doubt the power of God?). You’d think that the omnipresent, omnipotent God who can hear the telepathic prayers of billions of people at once would know why the lady in the next room was laughing. Then Sarah was like, “I didn’t even laugh God”, I was scared and God was like, “oh, but you did laugh, I heard you.” And Sarah was like “nuh-uh”, and God was like “uh-huh”. (Gen 18:9-15”)

Then they said to him, “Where is Sarah your wife?” And he said, “There, in the tent.”He said, “I will surely return to you at this time next year; and behold, Sarah your wife will have a son.” And Sarah was listening at the tent door, which was behind him. Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in age; Sarah was past childbearing.Sarah laughed to herself, saying, “After I have become old, shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?”And the Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh?” Sarah denied it however, saying, “I did not laugh”; for she was afraid. And He said, “No, but you did laugh.”

Nov 17, 2007
References to / about Jesus outside of the holy bible can be found in the writings of TACITUS , PLINY the YOUNGER , JOSEPHUS , the BABYLONIAN TALMUD & LUCIAN of SAMOSATA .
There are references outside the holy bible to Zeus, Zoroaster, Thor, etc...the mere fact that someone wrote about them is not confirmation of its truth. As I have previously stated, NOT ONE person who met Jesus wrote about him either while Jesus was alive or after he died despite the biblical claim that he was known throughout the land.

Simply wrote down things that he heard from other Christians in the 2nd century, almost 100 years after Christ died. The only thing that this writing confirms is that the gospels were circulating at the time. There is no evidence that he conducted any research and he cites no one.

Did not reference Jesus, but Christians. Notice the lack of any writing attributed to Pliny using the name “Jesus”.

No Christian apologetics would be complete without mentioning this historian and with good reason. It is the most talked about and researched extra-biblical reference to Jesus though research over the last 10 years has cast serious doubt on its authenticity. Josephus first wrote The Jewish War in 75 A.D. and oddly there is not a single reference to Jesus. Then some 20 years later, in Jewish Antiquities we find two references to Jesus. One is known as Testimonium Flavium and another a reference tot he supposed brother of Jesus, James. The first is a brief fawning paragraph whose authenticity has been doubted for decades, including whether it was even in the original writings at all.

Here is the thing about Josephus. We do not have his original writings, we only know about them because of Eusebius and early Christian apologist who first noted the mention of Josephus mention of Jesus at the earliest 230 A.D. almost TWO HUNDRED YEARS AFTER the crucifixion. We have no idea what the text looked like untouched by Eusebius. The latest research firmly establishes that both references to Jesus in Antiquities were added to the original manuscripts by Eusebius, or even more likely his predecessor Pamphilus. More information about recent research (post 2014) into the modifications of Josephus text to advance the Christian Narrative in the 3rd century A.D. can be found here for any who are interested.


I have to admit, I had not heard of this one, but well sure, it’s extra biblical. So is this post that I’m writing about Jesus. This is taken from a writing in 170 AD and like Josephus, Tacitus and Pliny, it provides no sources and is most likely simply a recounting of what Christians at the time were saying.
Nov 17, 2007
I would also point you to Sir William Ramsay who was a Reknowned Archeologist,and non-believer who was challenged to investigate biblical history,and was to spend 3 months in Asia Minor - he spent almost 18 years there and investigated Luke who wrote one of the gospels n the Book of Acts- Here Luke names towns , cities, local
officials As well as Kings ,Roman leaders,And land topography ,rivers etc in the first century and said of Luke that He was an Historian of the highest order an is up there with the best- Ramsay became a believer and said if Luke is so accurate in all the detail then why should we not believe in him when he talks Anout Paul and Jesus! Ramsay became a Christian!
This is true. One archaeologist one time 100 years ago did some research and became a believer. How exactly is that evidence for Jesus being the son of god?

Jan 13, 2019
Happy Saturnalia and Joyful Yule season to you - dong worry us pagans don’t mind your co-opting our celebrations and traditions, claiming them as your own and then getting mad at us for telling you about it and telling us the Yahweh trickster is going to throw another tantrum, and we won’t even tell you you’ll burn forever just because we disagree.

So we have a phallus worshipping pagan lecturing followers of Christ about how stupid we are? I dont try to cram my beliefs down anyones throat while you want what you worship crammed down yours. How pathetic! :ohno:
Nov 17, 2007
So we have a phallus worshipping pagan lecturing followers of Christ about how stupid we are? I dont try to cram my beliefs down anyones throat while you want what you worship crammed down yours. How pathetic! :ohno:
I think I understand this post but it’s not exactly clearly worded.

In any event, how does your clicking on my thread which is just things that are literally in the bible equate to my cramming beliefs down your throat? Also, how does posting things that are objectively true equate to lecturing you? Easier to attack the poster than the arguments, of course.

Sep 21, 2004
I think I understand this post but it’s not exactly clearly worded.

In any event, how does your clicking on my thread which is just things that are literally in the bible equate to my cramming beliefs down your throat? Also, how does posting things that are objectively true equate to lecturing you? Easier to attack the poster than the arguments, of course.

They can't handle truth. Ignorance is bliss.

Jan 23, 2012
No sportsm60, It’s because darkness hates the Light and every time the Light is in the news or being discussed the gates of Hell are opened and Satan and all his worshipers come out against it, that’s right AlistairCookie or as you would prefer Aleister Crowley whom I’m sure was no coincidence when you picked out your name. So Satanist , especially have a vested interest in trying to discredit the Bible because there god commands them to and because their god hates the God of the Bible, well naturally he would command his followers to always lie and discredit the Light, better known as JESUS KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS! In whom every knee shall bow to and every tongue will confess! Praise The LORD! (Know how you Satanist hate to hear that, but the TRUTH hurts)
Nov 17, 2007
People killed in the bible by God: 2.5 million, of which approx 350,000 were under the age of 5
People killed by Satan: 8 and only cause God told him to.

AU FAN, I don’t believe in God so that also means I don’t believe in Satan silly. Also, war damn eagle

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