Things that make you go Hmmmmmmm.....

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Jan 21, 2006

Hello my friends...

To start off with let me say that I first joined this great forum back in 1998, however, in 2006 I lost/forgot my password after my computer died and had to re-join a week later when my new computer arrived from Dell, henceforth, although my current avatar states that I have been a member since 2006, I have actually been a member of this forum for what amounts to 12 years.

I have also been a long standing member at four other forums that I won't mention out of respect to the RX, the reason that I mention the above is to illustrate the point that I have been around sports forums for quite awhile now.

Sports handicapping boards are essentially the same with regard to being a free and open forum to allow members to exchange ideas, thoughts, analysis and of course discussion...

Virtually every forum has basically the same posting rules with regard to allowing little to none in the way of profanity, no racism comments allowed, a restriction on bashing or flaming and of course a standard rule in place to keep content in the proper place...

..meaning that NFL football talk stays in the NFL forum, NCAA Basketball talk stays in that forum, political talk has its own forum, ect. ect.ect.

Now down to the reason for this posting:

I am basically a football guy that handicaps the pigskin and posts my plays and analysis on this great board, once the Super Bowl is played I turn my attention to NCAA basketball, but only for March Madness.

Today I decided to troll the service thread to see what the supposed sharps were saying about the Duke/Baylor matchup and I must say that I was SHOCKED at what I saw..

I saw the "Service plays" thread for games taking place on Sunday, I saw TWO threads dedicated to people that liked following someone named John Morrison, TWO threads dedicated to people following Brandon Lang, a thread dedicated to someone named Pittviper, and lastly, a thread dedicated to people following Steve Budin.

What I ALSO saw was a thread started by someone wanting to track someone named Mike Hook, I personally have never heard of the guy, but then I have also never heard of Pittviper or Steve Budin either.....anyway, the thread about Mike Hook was LOCKED!!!

Which brings up a very interesting question, why the censorship?

The guy making the post about Mike Hook wasn't vulgar in any way, didn't use profanity, wasn't flaming or bashing...yet HIS thread was LOCKED UP..

Why is it okay for others to have threads dedicated to Pittviper, Brandon Lang (x2), Steve Budin, and John Morrison (x2)...yet this guy can't have his own thread about Mike Hook??

I very well may be over stepping my bounds here, however, I don't believe that to be the case and I will probalby find this post deleted or locked up by the same heavy hand....

...but remember this my friends, this is SUPPOSED to be a free and open forum, NOT a forum where SOME of the people get to post what they want while others are NOT ALLOWED to post similar content.

A really stupid thread started by someone has a way of dying on its own from lack of interest and participation and that's the natural way to let things flow ...just sayin'.

Take care and be well


Jan 17, 2007

So You can Understand Why MY "Heavy Hand" Locked the Un-known Mike Hook Thread, Please Read Post #'s...1, 29, & 41 in this Thread and Maybe you will see Why.

Oh, and the Reason why the Others that you Stated are allowed. it's because of the HIGH interest in Those Touts.

The First Fade Lang Thread, started from Last year Received Over 1.2 Million Views.

I know I have seen "Other" Places let Every Tout have their Own thread. But That's Not How we do it here.

We have a Daily Pick Thread, that will have 98% of the Tout Picks that people are Looking for.

Hope this Clears some things up for you

Thank you


Jan 21, 2006

So You can Understand Why MY "Heavy Hand" Locked the Un-known Mike Hook Thread, Please Read Post #'s...1, 29, & 41 in this Thread and Maybe you will see Why.

Oh, and the Reason why the Others that you Stated are allowed. it's because of the HIGH interest in Those Touts.

The First Fade Lang Thread, started from Last year Received Over 1.2 Million Views.

I know I have seen "Other" Places let Every Tout have their Own thread. But That's Not How we do it here.

We have a Daily Pick Thread, that will have 98% of the Tout Picks that people are Looking for.

Hope this Clears some things up for you

Thank you



Hello and thank you for your reply...

As per your request I followed the link you posted and this is what essentially was posted in each of those postings:

"That does not mean open your own personal thread to post picks, it does not mean open threads about particular services to shil for them or to bash them. You want to talk about touts and services please use The Site Promotion Forum.

If you post a thread that does not fit within the rules criteria it will either be moved in that days Service Play thread or moved to Site Promotions. Do not post Tracker Threads in this Forum - Please use the Site Promoton Forum"


I am a little confused here, as I originally posted...

Why is it okay for others to have threads that are supposedly not allowed (according to the above statement)....yet they are allowed?

You make the point that the original Fade Lang thread was over a year old and had over a million views, thats fine and well...but doesn't that mean that THAT particular thread broke the rules and yet was allowed to be posted?

Look, I am NOT arguing the point for whomever this Mike Hook guy is, I could really care less, the point of the matter is that by allowing SOME threads to break the rules but not OTHER threads smacks of a double standard...

Take care and be well



New member
Jul 20, 2002

Try reading the entire short thread.

My post was made several hours ago when I also locked the thread at that time.

Here is a copy of the short post I made at 8:42PM EST:

Post #8.

This forum is not here for individual posters to use to post their own plays. Please use the appropriate Sport Forum if you are a regular poster and not a service or tout.

Services and touts must use The Site Promotion Forum.

Thank you, wilheim

I then locked the thread and only left it here in this forum as a reminder for other posters.

Also Posted and pinned to the top of this forum is this thread. See Post #1.

Rx members please read!!! Includes Mod Emails.

Thank you, wilheim

Jan 21, 2006
Try reading the entire short thread.

My post was made several hours ago when I also locked the thread at that time.

Here is a copy of the short post I made at 8:42PM EST:

Post #8.

This forum is not here for individual posters to use to post their own plays. Please use the appropriate Sport Forum if you are a regular poster and not a service or tout.

Services and touts must use The Site Promotion Forum.

Thank you, wilheim

I then locked the thread and only left it here in this forum as a reminder for other posters.

Also Posted and pinned to the top of this forum is this thread. See Post #1.

Rx members please read!!! Includes Mod Emails.

Thank you, wilheim


Hello and thank you for your reply...

Actually Betallsports locked up the thread in question at 5:42 pm and then you followed up with the above statement at 8:42 pm, to keeps things in perpective Wilheim your initial reply in the thread wasn't the point of the matter.

Betallsports in a reply asked me to review three other posts made by you (as head moderator) as a means of explaining WHY TheDopeman's thread about a certain tout was locked up while threads about OTHER touts were not, I did as he asked and saw what amounts to the very same statement as above...and I am STILL a little confused.

If I am reading between the lines correctly, you must be charging that TheDopeman is actually this character Mike Hook, is this correct?

That of course would explain why HIS thread was locked up while other threads initiated about Brandon Lang, Steve Budin, John Morrison and someone named Jack Burnett were allowed to be started and remain.

As already mentioned, I personally have never heard of Mike Hook, but then again I have also never heard of John Morrison or Jack Burnett either, out of curiosity I did a google search and sure enough there is indeed a guy named Mike Hook that is a tout over at Pregame just as TheDopeman said...

Please don't think I am trying to be difficult here as that is NOT my intent, my intent is to merely point out the unfairness of allowing SOME threads about SOME touts to be started by SOME people while OTHER threads about OTHER touts are not allowed and end up getting locked up...that is a double standard is my point.

As I stated in my original posting forums are supposed to be about the exchange of thoughts, ideas, analysis and discussion and should be free and open as long as the poster remains civil, is not vulgar, and stays on topic...

...A really stupid thread started by someone has a way of dying on its own from lack of interest and participation and that's the natural way to let things flow ...just sayin'.

Take care and be well my friend


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