I'm a software engineer that has 20+ years of experience. I work
in a research lab for a big name company.
I've been at the same place for 12 years, and am good for another
6-9 months.
I doubt I will be here for another 2 years.
The trend is to send jobs overseas, I've lost two projects in the last
9 months to overseas sites that will do the same work for 1/3 the
cost. I make too much money, so when times get really tough, they
will look to cut guys like me. So, I'm saving as much as I can while
the going is good.
I don't have much skills other than software development skills, so I
imagine I will eventually have to take a 30%+ pay cut to stay
employed in this field.
I've thought about eventually starting a small business with my brother
who lives nearby, but we haven't come up with a feasible plan yet.