truthteller said:
I think you need to go do some homework before you go spouting off all those names that the US supposedly supported. For one, there were reasons behind it, not all good and bad and secondly, you will need to take some of them off the list. I would name then since it will be good research for you instead of spreading propaganda.
The US has supported each and every one of those names on that list at one time or another. They have also taken each one of them out when they no longer served their interests. At present, they are backing guerilla groups in Haiti and Colombia. (To your credit, the Hitler reference has more to do with Bush's granddaddy than the US gov't, though he was a senator at the time.)
Yes, pre-emptive means that you faced a real threat and struck before that threat could strike you. That's exactly what Saddam posed. A real threat!
Obviously that isn't true. No WMD, the fight was over quickly, you found the guy in a hole. He was a real a-hole, but not a threat. You've got bigger concerns than Saddam. Besides, the doctrine for pre-emption, until Bush changed the meaning, meant that the threat was imminent. In other words, the enemy was lining up to fight, not having wet dreams about it in the night.
Why did he kick out the UN inspectors so many times if he didn't have any WMDs. Why did Clinton, France, Germany, Kerry etc.. all believed he had WMDs one time or another?
Well, we all know he had WMDs in 1988, cause he gassed the Kurds. That was the time to claim a humanitarian intervention, not fifteen years after the fact. The UN was satisfied, by 1995, that Saddam had disposed of 98% of his WMD and had the documentation to support it. What they were looking for, in the late '90s, was the plans to make more WMD, not WMD themselves.
Saddam kicked out the inspectors as he felt they were working in cahoots with the CIA to oust him. He felt that they were spying, and not legitimately looking for anything. He wasn't too far off, was he?
Further, and most importantly, the only reason Bush went to the UN was because Blair -- and Powell to a lesser extent -- insisted on it. The UN, and the UN resolutions, were not part of the real justification for war, just part of the public spectacle.
As for your statement that "he would not likely have ever developed the ability to harm the US directly" is based on what?
On a statement made by Colin Powell in February, 2001 to the Egyptian president Mubarak:
"We should constantly be reviewing our policies, constantly be looking at those sanctions to make sure that they are directed toward that purpose. That purpose is every bit as important now as it was ten years ago when we began it. And frankly they have worked. He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors. So in effect, our policies have strengthened the security of the neighbors of Iraq...May I just add a p.s. that if I was a Kuwaiti and I heard leaders in Baghdad claiming that Kuwait is still a part of Iraq and it's going to be included in the flag and the seal, if I knew they were continuing to try to find weapons of mass destruction,
I would have no doubt in my mind who those weapons were aimed at. They are being aimed at Arabs, not at the United States or at others. Yes, I think we should...he has to be contained until he realizes the errors of his ways."
Colin Powell - May 15, 2001:
"Saddam Hussein has not been able to build his military back up or to develop weapons of mass destruction for the last 10 years."
Condaleeza Rice - two months before 9/11:
"Saddam does not control the northern part of the country. We are able to keep his arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt." (quick note: the northern part of the country is where an AQ-affiliated group worked, the one that the Bush admin refers to when they talk of Iraq/AQ connections. They were working with Iran to help the Kurds, not Saddam.)
We see what he did before so we just sit back and hope this mad man doesn't hit us so just to appease the left wing nuts?
Not at all. But your policy of containment appears to have been working, based both on the statements I quote to you above, and on the fact that he had not attacked the US or been able to fight back when you invaded. His army at the time of invasion was obviously a joke.
I saw when he said Muhammed was a terrorist. Maybe he has proof on why he would make that statement. Does that mean all muslims are evil or created by Satan, NO!
Well, the way I see it: if the Muslim faith is based in large part on the prophet Mohammed, and if a view holds that he was a terrorist, and if the view also holds that terrorists are evildoers, then it follows that the religion itself is based on evildoing, thus the followers are of evil ilk. Since Bush's mandate is to crush all the evil in the ME, and he and Falwell are good buddies, well, connect the dots.
No matter how you slice it, if Prince Bandar (for example) made the claim that he thought Jesus was a terrorist, Christians of all denominations would have a fit. Whatever 'proof' Falwell might think he has cannot justify such inflammatory remarks in a day and age when Manichean 'good v. evil' talk is costing lives.