Don't take this the wrong way but you're just being silly. It's not going to happen.
All that's left for them to do is whine some more.
Naw, No Worries at all on me taking stuff the wrong way cuz I never paid attention to Politics until the insane threat of HildaBeast rose from That Swamp so I don't know alot about this stuff.
I wish I did know enough about The Electoral College Voting Dynamic to not be all stressed out by their False Flag Bitching about Russian Hackers
and especially the threat of "Briefing" (talking to Electoral College Voters, just prior to them Voting) to get those Voters all Fired Up & Freaked Out saying Donald Trump was elected Illegally so it is their Duty to not Vote for him.
Since Some Russians screwed up the Election, in order to give it to Trump.
"If You Cast Your Ballot for Trump you are casting a Ballot in Favor of The Russians stealing this election"
The fucking PINHEADs that comprise Our Electoral College would fall for that shit Easily.
Heck, give me 27 minutes with them and Unlimited Power to Lie I could convince these Idiots to climb a hill and sacrifice something dear to their dumb asses
to an invisible dude in the sky.