Iraq's invasion of Kuwait was neither unprovoked, nor a suprise to anyone. The US State Deaprtment gave Iraq tacit approval for the invasion -- they checked us out ahead of time, and our stance was that Iraqi-Kuwaiti border disputes were none of the US' affair.
Kuwait used to be part of Iraq. It no longer is. For decades there was not even an official border between the two nations, save for that drawn on maps -- no checkpoints or other such nonsense. It was only after the first Gulf War that this was done, and then it was done not by Iraqi-Kuwaiti cooperation but in fact by the British (the British were nominated for the task, I presume, given their long history of 'carving up' the world to suit it's mood.)
It was only when Saudi Arabia raised red flags on the issue that the US took an interest, and the ludicrous stories of babies being thrown from incubators etc. were made up, just like Powell's ludicrous show of "evidence" to the UN (some of which was plagiarised from an old masters' thesis written by a college student ... classic State Department!)
This war in Iraq is worse than unprovoked; it's imperialistic. Iraq is not merely a weaker nation; it is a crippled little girl in the ring against Mike Tyson.