we have the large gdp, and that is with only 60% of the available labor force participating.
the united states has 40% of it's labor market idle. either because they cannot or will not work.
with that many people waiting for a job why should the government or any employer offer any incentive to keep its current employees?
the only answer is an economic one, where current employees are more valuable to the employer or that new employees would need too much investment (training/education) to match the output of current employees.
companies give incentives to valuable employees to make money, the government gives incentives to any employee to gain votes.
with ms clinton preparing for a run at the white house, and 50% of the voting block female you'll see a lot more 'questions' about why the US is not doing the 'moral' thing when it comes to employees, business, families and so on... when actually the moral thing to do when 40% of the work force is sitting on it's ass is to only give incentives to valuable employees instead of across the board gifts for everyone for just showing up.